No, I’m not writing about myself but a friend of mine.
About 5 months ago, an old schoolmate who has never really messaged me before all of a sudden gave me a message asking of a favour. She wanted to borrow quite a sum of money. She said that her parents had just married off her older brother and spent a lot of money. She had no money to pay her house rent as she had not received her loan yet. I sympathized her situation and agreed to help. After all she is my friend. I figured that she was in need of the money more than me. I took the liberty of going to 2 different banks and withdrawing then transferring the money into her account. I was glad when she confirmed that she received the money. I didn’t tell my parents about it. Only kakyung.
She didn’t contact me after that. I didn’t try to contact her until 2 months later and her handphone number was unlisted. That worried me a bit. Ok, her HP might have been stolen. I thot I’d go back home and find her house number. By the 3rd month, I still could not contact her and I confessed what I had done to mak and ayah on the way to the bus terminal in larkin. I was on my way back to kuantan at that time. Habis I kene marah there and then. But I stand firm to my action. I admit that I was naïve in giving her the whole lot of the sum she requested. I should have only given half. But still, for her to ask money form me, someone so far away, should be verry embarrassing thus I knew she was desperate. How could I turn my back on her in her moment of desperation? I would be ashamed of myself if I did that.
I tried again and again to contact her. I wasn’t really worried about the money as much as the disappearing act of hers. I could not accept the fact that she was avoiding me and did not contact me at all. If she would just say something, I’d be relieved but nada. Not a word or a ring from her.
I heard that this friend was close to another girl I knew so I called her up. She said that this ‘friend’ of mine borrowed money from many other people who are also searching for her. Sian dia. I dunno how she’s gonna pay back all the money to everyone. another old classmate contacted me to ask whether i had this girl's number. i had to break the bad news to him. we were both duped.
i guess i am naive. i couldn't bring myself to just leave her like that without helping her. sometimes i do wonder whether i was just plain stupid or too nice. i'm hoping that i'm the latter but prolly people wud think i'm more of the former. whatever it is, Allah knows best regarding my intentions.
I pray that Allah helps her repay all her debt.
Ya Allah, cukupkanlah keperluanku dan jauhkan aku dari berhutang dgn orang lain yang aku tidak mampu membayarnya balik.
it was quite foolish of you..
insyaAllah, u will rewarded for it kalau diniatkan sedeqah
the poor girl!
still, doesnt justify menipu orang camtuh
there are other ways to get money.. pinjam orang should be the last resort! tak best betul berhutang
yeah sumtimes i can be a little daft. shoulda gave it mor thot. takpela. wats done is done.
memang tak best if klu byk hutang. then u hav to hutang some more to pay another person's hutang. its like digging ur own grave deeper and deeper.
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