
Showing posts with label Rothschilds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rothschilds. Show all posts

Friday, June 04, 2010

Bilderberger George Osbourne to Hand Over Supervision of 'The City' to Rothschild Controlled Bank of England

George Osborne will risk a schism with the Liberal Democrats when he strips the Financial Services Authority of the majority of its powers in a shakeup of City regulation to be announced later this month.

The chancellor will use his Mansion House speech on 16 June to give the Bank of England the pivotal role in preventing a rerun of the financial crisis of the last three years.

Government sources said Osborne would use his speech, one of the big set piece events of the financial calendar, to "put flesh on the bones" of the coalition agreement on financial regulation. This called for the Bank of England to be given the control of macroprudential regulation supervision, a "big picture" assessment of prevailing conditions in the City, together with an important say in the supervision of individual banks.'


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mandelson, an Oligarch and a £500m Deal Over Dinner That Cost 300 British Jobs

Damning questions about Lord Mandelson's role in a controversial Russian oligarch's £500million deal which undermined British manufacturing jobs are raised today. The former Business Secretary was a 'valuable extra' as a dinner guest as billionaire Oleg Deripaska entertained American aluminium executives in Moscow. The meeting, also attended by British-born financier Nat Rothschild, resulted in a deal to sell two of Deripaska's giant Russian-based RUSAL factories to a U.S. firm, Alcoa

But the 2005 agreement had grave consequences for hundreds of British jobs. Mandelson - who was the EU Trade Commissioner - was in a position to allay 'concerns' over tariffs on imports from Eastern Europe. Indeed, over the following three years, they were slashed. This prompted the dumping of cheap aluminium on the European market, forcing at least four British factories to the wall. Within a year of the Russian deal, Alcoa closed its South Wales aluminium rolling plant with the loss of 300 jobs.'


Saturday, May 01, 2010

'The Strange Death of Adolph Hitler'

This is the title of a curious book published in 1939 that claims Hitler was poisoned and died shortly before the Munich Conference in March 1938. The book is written by the "double" who replaced him, a lookalike translator named Max Bauer.

The premise is absurd! Hitler's double writes a book: "Help! I'm being held hostage playing a dead dictator." They would have killed him at once.'


Monday, April 19, 2010

Democrat 'Progressivism' Is Prime Rothschild Domination Tool

The Rothschilds are promoting class warfare between the growing bottom and the diminishing middle levels of the population. Their goal is to destroy the middle forever, to create a state conditioned proletarian slave class to serve the elites.

The bottom needs to know that a revolution that merely kills off the middle and plunders their small holdings is not going to set them free.

Only if the middle and the bottom realize that they are in fact one people -- the doctrine of populism -- and that their enemy is the Money Power that has been behind every war and depression for hundreds of years and has robbed the efforts of every working man -- entrepreneur, engineer and skilled laborer -- then we will realize that we were intended by our creator to be one people, brothers and sisters in a common enterprise for the common good based on non-exploitative association and cooperation with individuality, independence, freedom and the common desire to build a better world for all -- where the state serves the common good and prevents any economic elite from emerging and ruling through monopoly and organized crime.'


Sunday, April 18, 2010

10 Facts All Americans Must Know Now

1. The United States individual (personal) income taxes go directly to the Bank of England, City of London, which is wholly owned and controlled by the family Rothschild.

2. The United States Federal Reserve Bank is NOT a U.S. government institution.

3. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank, which is wholly owned and controlled by the family Rothschild.

4. The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 illegally, when the Rothschild’s lieutenant, U.S. Senator Nelson Aldrich, forced through a Congressional bill that mandated it.

5. The family Rothschild is directly responsible for starting all major, and many minor, wars over the past 230 years.

6. The family Rothschild is directly responsible for every recession and depression in the United States over the past 210 years.

7. The family Rothschild (The First Sphere of Influence) controls all major banking throughout the entire world, and has the power to bankrupt entire countries.

8. Thomas Jefferson fought vehemently against Alexander Hamilton to ensure that the newly created United States would NOT fall under the control of the Rothschilds. Jefferson said that the Rothschilds were a greater threat to our country than any standing army.

9. Andrew Jackson also fought to thwart all the efforts of the Rothschilds, and was able to do so during his term. When his term was up, the Rothschilds installed their own U.S. president and then, in a retaliatory measure, plunged America into its first depression.

10. The Rothschilds have assassinated four U.S. presidents, who refused to toe the Rothschild line, and are thought to have murdered others, although the evidence for the latter is as yet inconclusive.

11. The Internal Revenue Service is a private corporation, licensed by the Fed as a collection agency.

12. BONUS FACT #1: the Rothschilds are wholly responsible for the deaths and murders and assassinations of tens of millions of human beings worldwide.

13. BONUS FACT #2: The Rothschild henchmen are Zbigniew Brzezinski and his sons. Forget Kissinger; he’s an idiot


Saturday, April 03, 2010

There Were 88 Media Companies...Now There are Six

These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters.

The following information is in circulation on the net. The originating source is not known, nor have all the statements below been fully verified. However, the general overview provided appears to be accurate.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Rothschild's Secret 'Solution' to Greek 'Problem'

A friend of mine who is a now a disilusioned high ranking member of the Jewish Freemasonry in Budapest has told me what is coming regarding the Greek crisis.

Greece was chosen to play the role of the European Union bankrupt member state in order to "create" the big problem to which the European Union is going to "find" the "solution" soon. Greece was chosen because it symbolizes Europe (nobody in Europe cares about countries like Hungary or Estonia) and because its economy was relatively easy to devastate after it renounced its own currency.

The European "elites" are using Greece to persuade the sheeple that if the Greek problem is not fixed, Southern Europe will go bankrupt which will trigger the collapse of the whole European financial system and thus the bankruptcy of the whole European economy.'


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rothschild/Warburg Mouthpiece ADL Mouths Off

As more and more Americans are awakening to the truth about what is going on in this country as far as our corrupt monetary system (central banking/fractional reserve banking/fiat currency) is concerned, the Banksters who implemented this system and make the most money from it are starting to get more and more annoyed. Their official mouthpiece, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has just published another major broadside on its website in order to “pooh-pooh” all of the information and protests that have exponentially risen in the last few years against the Banksters’ monetary machinations that are finally destroying the middle class in this country after almost 100 years in operation.'


Friday, September 11, 2009

Sarkozy Imposes Carbon Tax to 'Save Human Race'

Nikolas Sarkozy yesterday vowed to lead the fight to “save the human race” from global warming, launching a carbon tax to encourage French families and industry to cut their use of fossil fuels.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Bernanke The Rothschild Puppet

Ben Shalom Bernanke is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. His co-chairman and co-religionist (of course) is the Zionist Jew and Fed careerist, Donald L Kohn. With the Zionist takeover of the Federal Reserve from 1913 to 1920 and its current preponderance of international Jewish control, the stiff, dull, and wooden manner of the Fed’s chairman speaks for itself: Ben Shalom Bernanke is indeed a Rothschild puppet.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Rothschild Stooge Mandelson Basked In Bilderbergs Lavish Hospitality

It was, arguably, one of the most memorable incidents of last year, and certainly one the key players would rather forget: involving Peter Mandelson, George Osborne, a couple of yachts, some of the planet's richest and most influential people – all set against the glistening backdrop of the Aegean.

Obviously unconcerned about the risk of tempting history to repeat itself, the two politicians again came together in 2009, again in Greece – and again surrounded by lavish floating gin palaces to mix with millionaires, billionaires and the world's elite.

Yet, while Mr Osborne noted his attendance at the Bilderberg conference in the MPs' register of interests, his co-player in this Greek drama's second act has been a little coy.

Lord Mandelson, like the shadow Chancellor, spent two nights at the five-star Astir Palace resort on an exclusive pine-covered peninsula outside Athens as a guest of the Bilderberg Foundation – the secretive organisation that has spawned a thousand conspiracy theories.


Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Rothschilds and Ecocide- Trashing the Planet

"The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, and are the hidden hand behind all the social cataclysms in history.”

The French and American Revolution, the Civil War, World Wars, the Industrial Revolution, the Federal Reserve and our consumer society. Rothschild policies include “total ruthlessness” and as Frederic Morton writes in the Preface to “The Rothschild’s,” “For the last one hundred and fifty years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe.... The overwhelming success of the Rothschild’s lay in their willingness to do what had to be done.”

What follows is the history that has been intentionally left out of our textbooks. The historical research by Toqueville, Chartier and Hitchcock if examined without prejudice supports a prima facie case that the House of Rothschild orchestrated the French and American Revolutions to create the middle class (consumers) for the purpose of trashing the planet.


Monday, July 13, 2009

US Presidents Murdered By The Rothschild Banking Cartel

Lincoln's Birthday gives us an appropriate opportunity to examine some deep American traditions which may also give us some unusual insights into the "principalities and powers" of Ephesians Chapter 6.

Abraham Lincoln worked valiantly to prevent the Rothschild's attempts to involve themselves in financing the Civil War.

Interestingly, it was the Czar of Russia who provided the needed assistance against the British and French, who were among the driving forces behind the secession of the South and her subsequent financing. Russia intervened by providing naval forces for the Union blockade of the South in European waters, and by letting both countries know that if they attempted to join the
Confederacy with military forces, they would also have to go to war with Russia.


Saturday, July 04, 2009

Exposing’ Slave Practices of Rothschild Deflects Real Crime

Acting ‘greatly surprised’, British investment bank Rothschild ‘regrets that the firm is linked in any way to the inhumane institution of slavery.’ Supposedly big news to them, the ancient Rothschild establishment quickly mutters sounds of indignation after the report appeared in the new world order’s main media outlet, the Financial Times.

According to the FT, the chief archivist of the Rothschild family papers ‘reacted with disbelief when first told of the content of the records, saying she had never seen such links before.’ The archivist must either suffer from long-term memory loss, or her master has employed her because of her lying skills. Although called a ‘scoop’ by Lionel Barber in his ‘pick of the week’, the Rothschild links to slave trade have been thoroughly documented throughout the last decades by numerous independent researchers. But never mind that.

Carola Hoyas of the Financial Times nevertheless claims to have broken the story on June 27th that Nathan Mayer Rothschild benefited financially from slavery. According to Hoyas, records at the National Archives in Britain contain evidence that the family patriarch ‘made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with a slave owner.’ Well yeah. It should come as no surprise for anyone who has even superficially glanced over the annals of Rothschild history, that the family has engaged in slavery, not just ‘with links’ to slave-owners. They, like all other black nobility, are the slave-owners.

Should we be genuinely surprised about links to slavery from the man who told us ‘I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, (…). The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.’?


Thursday, July 02, 2009

Rothschild's Federal Reserve Must be Abolished

The history of the Federal Reserve is an ongoing battle between the Banking elite and the people and anyone who gets in the way is usually crushed. Bush and Obama's top down Wall Street bank bailout, at the expense of Main Street, is a good example of why Rothschild's Federal Reserve must be audited and eventually abolished


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Great Bank Robbery: How the Federal Reserve is Destroying America

It usually comes as a shock to people – especially diehard Americans who place infinite trust in their sacred Constitution – when they discover that the US dollar is not a product of the American government. That’s right, fellow consumers, that crumpled wad of dollars in your pocket is the product of the U.S. Federal Reserve, and despite the very official title, is about as “federal” as Federal Express. The reality is that the U.S. Federal Reserve is a profit-making venture just like Wal-Mart, General Motors or McDonald’s.


Ron Paul's 'Audit the Fed' Bill on Fast Track

The legislation introduced by Texas Republican Ron Paul to audit the Federal Reserve is gaining momentum as more US lawmakers are rallying to support for the bill.

The Libertarian Republican cited the current financial downturn in the US as the main reason behind his bill.

"In the past, I never got much support, but I think it's the financial crisis obviously that's drawing so much attention to it, and people want to know more about the Federal Reserve," Paul told on Tuesday.

Paul has gained the backing of 245 co-sponsors for a bill popularly known as the “Audit the Fed” bill.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rothschild and Freshfields Founders Had Links to Slavery, Papers Reveal

Two of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies, documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery.


And they are involved in enslaving the populations right up to the current day!