
Showing posts with label Parliament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parliament. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time to Shed Light on the Murky World of Lobbying

It seems an unhappy mixture of braggadocio and stupidity led Stephen Byers to liken himself to a "cab for hire" and claim he had used his influence with Lord Adonis, the Transport Secretary, to help National Express extricate itself from a loss-making rail franchise. That is the only conclusion we can draw from this episode, given Lord Adonis's vehement and persuasive denial yesterday that he had been influenced in any way by his predecessor.

The boastful Mr Byers last graced the Cabinet table eight years ago; yet the image of him touting for cash is a disagreeable one that exposes another seamy aspect of life at Westminster. It is not only their expenses that MPs are adept at exploiting; they are also rather good at trading for hard cash the information and contacts they have made while in office. More disturbing than the Byers case is the eagerness with which Patricia Hewitt and Geoff Hoon, both of whom were members of the Cabinet just nine months ago, were happy to sell their services. In defending Gordon Brown's refusal to hold an inquiry into these disclosures, Harriet Harman, the Leader of the Commons, yesterday insisted existing regulations are adequate. She is wrong.'


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Canadian House of Commons Shut Down Until March.

Furious opposition MPs accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of muzzling the House of Commons after he moved for the second time in a little more than a year to suspend Parliament.

Mired in controversy over an alleged cover-up on the torture of Afghan prisoners and eager to increase the Conservatives' power in the Senate, the government is closing down Parliament until March 3, the Prime Minister's Office said Wednesday.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Guardian Gagged From Reporting Parliament

The Guardian has been prevented from reporting parliamentary proceedings on legal grounds which appear to call into question privileges guaranteeing free speech established under the 1688 Bill of Rights.

Today's published Commons order papers contain a question to be answered by a minister later this week. The Guardian is prevented from identifying the MP who has asked the question, what the question is, which minister might answer it, or where the question is to be found.

The Guardian is also forbidden from telling its readers why the paper is prevented – for the first time in memory – from reporting parliament. Legal obstacles, which cannot be identified, involve proceedings, which cannot be mentioned, on behalf of a client who must remain secret.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Article 61: Lawful Rebellion ‘To Stop The Final Evolution of Slavery’. Part 1: The Truth About MP's and Parliament

Please look at these words and take in the meanings for these are the words of slavery.
Constitution: The fundamental law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character of a government by defining the basic principles to which a society must conform.

Statute; A legislative rule of society given the force of law by the consent of the governed, an established law or rule, as of a corporation.

From neuter of Latin Status: Law the; legal character or condition of a person or thing:
Enforced by: Statutory instruments and using statutory penalties.

Society; In the civil law, by society is meant a partnership, a society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some ‘common purpose’.

Law; A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.

Legislative; Of or relating to the enactment of laws.

Statutory: Created, defined, or relating to a statute; required by statute; conforming to a statute.

Instrument; a written legal document such as a contract, lease, deed, will or bond

Penalty; Something, especially a sum of money, required as a forfeit for an offense.

Forfeit; Something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a breach of contract.

A statutory penalty, for example, is punishment in the form of a fine, prison sentence, or both, that is imposed against an offender for committing some statutory violation.
People of certain persuasion say that we must always live in a ‘society’ with a constitution written or un-written; persons united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some ‘common purpose’, a partnership that requires consent from all parties.

A partnership with a ‘common purpose’ for a ‘society’; the socially dominant members of a ‘community’.

The constitutional (statute) law of this country and the society that we have been forced to live in, has been created over hundreds of years with the manipulation of statute law. Simply to fool the people into giving their consent to law that is, specifically designed, to extract money from them to maintain the 'rule makers' social dominance. Their legal fictitious standing in a society they have created, that is only beneficial to that fictitious dominant element. A false partnership that only works one way built on a foundation of complete corruption, manipulation and deceit, and most importantly ‘slavery’.

Lets take council tax as an example; council tax is a statutory instrument that came into force on 1st April 93. The statute that created this was the Local Government Finance Act 1992. This is a created legal document; a contract, a monetary contract that needs your consent!

Have you consented to this and if you did where did you sign?

When you do not pay you suffer a penalty, a forfeit by way of money, your goods or your liberty, surrendered as punishment for breach of contract.

How can this apply if you did not consent? Or did you without realising it? (More on this later)

Historians and constitutional experts will tell you that parliament was devised to give the people a voice, the house’s of representation, where the members are the representatives of the people, enacting laws on behalf of the people, under the mandate of the people, asserted by a general election, to the overall majority party winning the election.

Please look at the word: Mandate

1. An act by which one individual empowers another individual to conduct transactions for an individual in that person's name.

2. From the very term of the definition, that the parties, should voluntarily intend to enter into the contract.

This is what the historians have been employed to do, to hide the real truth.

The members of parliament are a corporation registered on Dunn and Bradstreet: as a ‘for profit’ organisation. When you vote in an election all you do is elect new directors to head up this corporation. Please do not take my word for this check it out for yourselves. MP’s are basically salesmen working for the corporation and the one simple golden rule of salesmanship is to make the person you are selling too, believe, they need what you have for sale. This is over seen by the corporation advocates (lawyers, Barristers) to make sure the contracts are fulfilled on behalf of the corporation using the judiciary. One of these advocates was Tony Blair who became prime minister. Mr Blair studied law at ‘oxford’ before becoming a lawyer. Some of the directors are employed purposely as opposition to maintain the illusion of representation to make you 'think' the government work for you.

Political parties were designed to achieve this offering the MP’s everything they required to allow them to maintain, they will be in the socially dominant part of society. This is done with great ease relying on a simple weaknesses of human kind; greed. By using the egotistic, materialistic world, with their illusion of betterment within this world.


Jack Straw Is Challenged Over Energy Firm’s Cash Gift

Jack Straw, the justice secretary, is facing two official inquiries over a £3,000 donation from an international energy company that was not disclosed to the Electoral Commission or to parliament.

The company, Canatxx Energy Ventures, an offshoot of a Texas-based firm, helped to fund a party to celebrate Straw’s 25th anniversary as an MP. The company was involved at the time in a controversial plan to build a £300m underground gas storage facility in Lancashire, close to Straw’s constituency.

The company’s donation for the function at the Blackburn Rovers football stadium, Ewood Park, is under scrutiny because it plans to resubmit its application for the facility in the next few weeks.

Opponents of the scheme say Straw should never have accepted the money.


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blair Lied Over His Knowledge of Abu Ghraib Atrocities

'But for the collapse of the financial markets, last week's devastating revelation that Tony Blair lied to Parliament at the height of the Ecclestone affair would have had a far more deadly impact.
While prime minister, Mr Blair shamefully misled MPs by claiming the decision to exempt Bernie Ecclestone's Formula One motor sport from the Government ban on tobacco advertising was made through normal Whitehall processes - when the truth was that the decision was made by Blair personally within hours of a meeting with the millionaire tycoon in Downing Street.
Now I can provide compelling evidence that the former prime minister lied to Parliament over an infinitely more serious matter - the extent of British government knowledge of what was happening in the Iraqi prison, Abu Ghraib.