Showing posts with label The Heart of Motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Heart of Motherhood. Show all posts

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Mom's Group in Texas studying "The Heart of Motherhood!"

Pictured below is the "Archangel Mothers Ministry" at Good Shepherd Catholic Church in Colleyville, Texas.

God bless you all on this journey! I pray that you will be deeply inspired and blessed with grace as you share your faith and Catholic Camaraderie!

God bless and hugs,


Monday, January 12, 2009

Radio show with Dina Marie at KBVM

Hello Everyone,

Here's a link to a radio segment of show on which I was a guest. This is from a while ago, but I am just getting a chance to post it now. In this segment, we talk about all of my books, some background on my home-life and stories about me, as well as lots of good Catholic stuff! Get yourself a cup of coffee or tea and pull up a chair and stay a while. I hope you enjoy our chat.

Here's the link to click on to listen.

God bless!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My interview with Doug Keck on EWTN's Bookmark is here

If you didn't get a chance to watch the recent EWTN's Bookmark segment in which Doug Keck interviewed me about four of my books: Prayerfully Expecting, The Heart of Motherhood, Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers and Catholic Saints Prayer Book, you can listen by clicking here. Then go to page 8 and go to audio # 212.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

As long as we have those prayers going out...

Please also pray for two other new Catholic mother's groups who will be doing a study using my book, The Heart of Motherhood. Two women from different areas of the country - Domini will be leading one and Jane will be leading the other. Inspiration must be in the air for Catholic mothers at this time of year! Please say a prayer for their groups as they get started and as they embark on their mother's study. May God bless them all!


God bless!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Review of The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home

Sarah over at Sarah's Musings graciously sent me her review of my book, The Heart of Motherhood. Her review is below and after you've finished reading it, go on over to her beautiful blog and read the history behind her review and how this book almost got "lost in the shuffle!"

Here is her review:

The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is both encouraging and inspirational. A mother of five, Donna has weathered the storms and inspires me (as a new mom) with her experience and wisdom.

Peppered with inspirational quotes from Mother Teresa, among others, Bible passages and heartfelt prayers, The Heart of Motherhood, inspires from within. Donna-Marie begins the book with the statement that motherhood is, indeed, a truly ordinary and yet extraordinary vocation. By being mothers and by welcoming, loving and teaching our children, we are truly doing the Lord's work. She explains,

"A mother's day is filled to capacity with many ordinary tasks, not unimportant, but rather works of love that may be overlooked or unnoticed. Changing diapers, doing laundry, schedule keeping, house cleaning, planning and cooking nutritious meals and helping with homework are just some of the ordinary tasks in a mom's repertoire. Her own family family may take these loving acts for granted. Although these tasks may seem mundane, or even monotonous, they are the nitty-gritty details that keep the family going and together. . . . A mother's deep inner faith affirms that a day's sacrifices and seemingly ordinary tasks please our Lord because they are done with extraordinary love."

And later reminds us that "love is not merely a feeling or emotion. Love is also a decision [emphasis mine] . . . at times, this decision may be an enormous sacrifice."

Donna-Marie notes that today's society, unfortunately, rarely respects the woman's role as mother and wife nor the mother's domestic role in the home. I appreciated a quote that she included from Pope John Paul II who stated

"There is no doubt that the equal dignity and responsibility of men and women fully justifies women's access to public functions. On the other hand the true advancement of women requires that clear recognition be given to the value of their maternal and family role, by comparison with all other public roles and all other professions. Furthermore, these roles and professions should be harmoniously combined, if we wish the evolution of society and culture to be truly and fully human.

While it must be recognized that women have the same right as men to perform various public functions, society must be structured in such a way that wives and mothers are not in practice compelled to work outside the home and that their families can live and prosper in a dignified way even when they themselves devote their full time to their own family.

Furthermore, the mentality which honors women more for their work outside the home than for their work within the family must be overcome. This requires that men should esteem and love women with total respect for their personal dignity, and that society should create and develop conditions favoring work in the home."

Donna-Marie then encourages her readers to bring back the dignity and respect motherhood deserves by being an example of holy mothering to our family and, ultimately, to society. She continues by explaining how one can focus on holy mothering, the importance of a mother's prayer life, shares inspiration for those times when you feel anything but holy in your mothering, gives inspirational examples of holy mothers (including the most holy mother, Mary) in history and ends each chapter with beautiful prayer.

It is a blessing to me to have read this book. This is a book that will be an inspiration for years to come. It does not tell you how to run a household, how to clean a sink or how to get your family pulled together each Sunday morning to make it to church on time. Instead, it delves deeper into the holy vocation of motherhood and encourages mothers young and old to keep the faith and to recognize the immeasurable importance of the job to not only their children and families, but to society, the Christian family and God.

I'll be keeping this book handy, by my bedside, on my kitchen counter, in the bathroom (yes, you read that right. You know it might be the only quiet time you get all day!) . . . maybe for a few minutes of refreshing, or even for 30-seconds of inspiration and prayer.

The essence of The Heart of Motherhood is love. God is love. And the greatest of these is love. We do difficult, easy, ordinary and extraordinary things for our family and children because we are mothers (and wives) and we do them out of love.

God is love and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

1 John 4:16

And now, a smattering of my underlined and starred quotes and prayers that I gleaned inspiration from; I hope that it does to you as well (and encourages you to go buy the book! We need to continue to encourage good Christian authors!). These quotes are just a small amount of the beauty found within this book.

On Our Duties as Christian Homemakers and Mothers

St. Frances of Rome, a wife and mother, said, "It is most laudable in a married woman to be devout, but she must never forget that she is a housewife and sometimes must leave God at the altar to find him in housekeeping."

"Since we are generally our children's first teacher as well as their most important teacher, we must hold tight to our values and teachings of the truth about God."

"Christian mothers need to be a contradiction to the world" - being Christian and being a mother is counter-cultural (we are a creative minority!) after all!

She reminds us of St. Thérèse of Lisieux' words, "Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love," and backs them up with Blessed Teresa of Calcutta's statement that "Small thing done with great love bring peace and love."

Dear Lord, help me to see the extraordinary graces that abound in a role that is sometimes thought of as ordinary. Please reinforce the dedication in my heart to raise my children with extreme love - love that knows no limits, love that is priceless. Help me to remember that there is immeasurable power in a mother's love and a mother's prayer for her children. Thank you, dear Lord, for this awesome gift! Amen

On the Importance of Prayer in a Mother's Life, both formal and in action

"prayer is a way of life. . . . so we learn to make our life a prayer."

"Mothers have to find a proper balance for prayer on their knees and prayer in action."

St. Catherine of Siena said, "You must pray the prayer of action, which is the fragrant flower of the soul. A good man [woman] is a prayer."

"So from our hearts as we go about our motherly duties, we pray to touch the heart of God, by lifting up to him our actions of love and service to our families. He knows we are busy! He made us the moms! He knows that we can't stop everything and drop to our knees to pray. He wants us to pray throughout our daily actions.

Pray to remember to lift your heart to God often. He is there to listen. He is waiting. He wants us to satiate his thirst on the Cross, by opening our hearts and lifting them to him. He is very pleased when a mother offers her heart to him in the midst of her hurried day. Strive to find the opportunities to do just that."

"Prayer is joy, prayer is love and prayer is peace. You cannot explain it; you must experience prayer. It is not impossible. God gives it for the asking."

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

On Holy Motherhood

"Holiness is not reserved for a few, but is a duty for everyone. Holiness is really living our lives to our fullest potential within God's will. it is striving to reach our eternal destiny while living in God's providence. It is surrendering our wills to God and praying for the graces to fulfill our duties faithfully.

We are not perfect creatures. We fall many times, even throughout the course of one day. But the difference between a person striving for holiness and one who is indifferent to God's promptings in her soul is that the former will pick herself up, examine her conscience, ask forgiveness for her shortcomings, and strive to improve with prayer.

It is a daily effort; it is an hourly effort. We have to want holiness. God will not force it upon us."

"The best and surest way to learn the love of Jesus is through the family. Whatever you do in your family for your children, for your husband, for your wife - you do for Jesus."

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta

And to close, a final prayer


Dear Jesus, please help me to become united to you as I prayerfully journey through my life. Please increase the desire in my heart to bring others closer to you. As I mother my children, helping them to light their lamps, please radiate my own lamp so brilliantly that others who come to know me will see your heart burning within me, lighting the way for others. Amen.

Now go on over to Sarah's blog!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Heart of Motherhood Review

Here is Lisa Hendey's review of my book The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home at Catholic Exhange's new totally REVAMPED website!!

"During May, Mary's month and the month in which we celebrate the vocation of motherhood, it seems fitting to write about what is undoubtedly one of my favorite mothering books in recent years. The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home by noted author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle offers and encouraging and inspirational look at the vocation of motherhood.

In her introductory remarks, Donna-Marie shares that today's mothers need encouragement and recognition. Her mission statement for the book comes in these early pages:

"My hope is that I can help more mothers realize and embrace the sublimity of their missions as mothers, responsible for the souls entrusted to our care."

Having savored the pages of this book through several readings, I would say that Cooper O'Boyle manages to hit that mark head on. Among the highlights of this book, along with Donna-Marie's warm and engaging writing style, are the many quotations she shares from two luminaries of our Church: Pope John Paul II and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, with whom the author shared a personal correspondence. The Heart of Motherhood is the type of parenting book I favor most. Concise enough to be read in a few short settings, yet thought provoking enough to invite its reader back repeatedly for in depth illumination. Each chapter ends with dual prayers, inspiring pause and reflection upon the content discussed.

In her chapter on the need for saints in our world today, Cooper O'Boyle shares the life story of Mother Teresa, reminding readers that each of us is called to be a saint in our own walk of life. It is fitting that the author reminds mothers that any task, done with love, becomes an act of faith, love and prayer. In this manner, she commends and affirms the role of any mother who may feel that the mendacity of her day to day lives is not "good enough" or sufficiently holy. Remarks by Pope John Paul II reinforce the dignity of the role of every mother. Cooper O'Boyle also underscores the vital necessity for mothers to take breaks for prayer and refreshment throughout the course of their daily familial service.

As Catholics, we have in the Blessed Virgin Mary the greatest role model for parenting with faith and love. Cooper O'Boyle reminds mothers to strive to imitate Mary and her virtues in their lives and to turn to Mary, mother of Jesus and our mother, when in need of help or consolation. Additionally, she reminds mothers of their duty to pray on a regular basis, to teach their children to lead lives of constant prayer, and to seek out opportunities for evangelization in our everyday relationships. The age old conundrum of taking small children to Mass is lovingly and patiently discussed as the author shares her own experience as a mother of five. Donna-Marie encourages mothers to pray throughout their day and to model this prayer to their families. Families should emphasize family dinner as a time of spiritual and physical nourishment and each day should end in quiet prayer with our children.

In subsequent chapters, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle shares the story of female saints whose lives of quiet service to their families shine as a true lesson for today's mothers. Additionally, and with great charm, Donna-Marie addresses the topic of suffering as a form of prayer and encourages mothers to look for life's "everyday miracles", those moments of grace and opportunity that are sprinkled throughout family life.

I have loved and followed the progression of Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle's writing from her previous book and at her "Daily Donna-Marie" blog, so it is indeed a pleasure to have another of her books to read and recommend. With The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home it is certain that Donna-Marie continues to encourage and support the vocation of motherhood with gentle and loving care.

For more information on The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home, click here."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's day to all of you!

I am offering a few excerpts from my Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers here for pondering...

Prayer to Jesus Asking for Help to LIVE My Prayers

Dear Lord Jesus, please help me stay focused in the mothering of my children, knowing the importance of my actions as well as my words in raising them. Help me to see that because I can not easily break away from the task at hand to seek the silence needed to formulate prayers and lift my heart to You, You will help me transform my life into a prayer. Help me to be patient as my children grow, not trying to rush them, enjoying the time we have together. Please help me to remember that You know how busy I am with my family, and that although I want to devote more time to prayer, I have to be patient with this season of my life, knowing my acts of loving service to my family are very pleasing to You. Please help me to live my prayers, uniting my heart to Yours. Amen.


Forever a Mother

A mother is always a mother, no matter how old her children are. When they are young, she is ever attentive to their care and their well being. As they grow, her care for them continues as they learn to navigate life a little on their own. But, even when her children are adults, a mother's love and concern and even her guidance will be ever ready, always available. Her love never stops, only increases.

Dear Lord,Jesus, Thank you for the love You have put in my heart for my children. Please help me to help me to have a never-ending influence on my children, even as they are older and on their own. Remind me, please, that my prayers for them are an integral part of the means to their salvation.

Dear Blessed Mother Mary, create in me a vessel of joy to be given to all around me. Amen.


Always a Mother

Once a mother, always a mother.
A mother to her beloved children
And a motherly influence to many more,
A shining example to others,
Her love is a shelter.
Dedicated love,

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Review in Irish newspaper, "Irish Family Press" on "The Heart of Motherhood"

The Heart of Motherhood Review for the Irish Family Press, Ireland

By Ann-Marie Madden

I got hold of a book two weeks ago, written by our new columnist, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, and sat down to review and see what I could learn from Donna’s experience. I thought I’d try and hit two birds with one stone and share my impressions with you- a sort of review if you will. I was delighted with this opportunity because I never give myself the chance to read – and now I had the perfect reason! The book is entitled ‘The Heart of Motherhood’ and as I devoured the book I found it to be not only a beautiful read but I was also able to apply much of its content to my everyday life.

The chapters of the book were wonderfully written to more or less reach a mother’s heart. Important lessons were written so that a mother can try and receive as many blessings and grace possible for her to endure all that the role of being a mother can entail. But just as important as the lessons are the opportunities for a mother to achieve grace and blessing for her family as well. At first some of the ideals that the author proposes seem a little quaint, but by the time Donna-Marie explains her reasons and backs them with quotes from Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, various heavy hitting saints and the Catechism of the Catholic Church one kind of has to step up to the plate and see the beautiful insight given for all of us readers. For instance, love in a family is obviously necessary but part of the love that Donna-Marie is focusing on is love in sacrifice. She writes, ‘Suffering and pain are assured realities of our lives on earth. We cannot run or hide from them. As mothers, we are sometimes asked by God to suffer quietly for Him. Little sacrifices, heartaches, or pain patiently carried can become redemptive. When offered up to God, these sufferings ultimately will be used as a means to our salvation and our family’s salvation.’ What I truly appreciate in this example from the book is that there is a true lesson for me on what to do with real day situations. Sometimes difficult moments and hardships that I bear as a mother can actually be used for my betterment and can have a redemptive quality if I bear it accordingly with patience and love.

Donna-Marie was fortunate enough to meet Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and was able to keep in contact with her for ten years. And in this time they had “heart-to-hearts” conversations which the author shares with us through out the book. Regarding that quote on suffering above, she adds: ‘We can recall Blessed Teresa’s words saying that if we “really love one another properly there must be sacrifice”. All of the graces we need to carry on will be provided just for the asking. Let’s not forget to ask.’

I believe this book has much to offer mothers for Donna-Marie herself has five children and it can be seen that much of her writing are from her own spiritual journey of mothering, raising a family, and ensuring that her home is a safe haven for her family unit to be nurtured and rejuvenated. But most importantly, I love the way Donna-Marie holds, proves, and assures, that despite the pressures and values of a modern materialistic world motherhood is God given and should be restored to its proper dignity.

More information about Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle can be found on

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Announcing the winner in newest book contest!

The winner in my book contest is Susan. Susan will receive a signed copy of my book, The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home

I received so many great entries and it was difficult to pick the winner, but this one tugged on my heart...

I am nominating my dear friend and sister-in-law Susan, who has embraced motherhood, with all its trials and tribulations, and has been an example and an inspiration to me as I have set off along the journey myself. Watching Susan bury her last baby, and knowing that it was the second son she buried, and then witnessing her strength and renewed faith after the experience, has been a source of strength and faith for me.

This entry came from Sarah Reinhard from Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering. Please dear Sarah, send me the address to send the book to.

Thanks everyone for your entries. Please try again at another book contest!

God bless!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Special Offer and Book Give Away!

Just wanted you to know that I am having a special offer on my books that you can check out here.

I am also going to run another book give away contest! This time it will be for my book, The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home! To enter the contest, simply enter a deserving mother (yourself included) by giving me a reason why she (or you) should win this book! It should be between twenty five and fifty words. No points taken off for spelling or grammar mistakes! :) The winning entry will be published here at "Embracing Motherhood." So what are you waiting for? Don't be shy. Send your emails to DMCooperOboyle(at)aol(dot)com. Please put the words, "Book Contest" in the subject line. You may enter up to three times and it can be the same person all three times. But you must be creative and give three different reasons if you choose to enter the same person three times.

I'll look forward to reading your entries which are due by Wednesday, August 15 (by midnight EASTERN time), The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The winner will be announced on the following Wednesday, The Queenship of Mary. Good luck!

God bless!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Review of The Heart of Motherhood

The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home
WRITTEN BY Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Review by Lorraine Williams that appeared in "Catholic Insight" a Canadian magazine

The search for a meaningful present for a daughter, granddaughter, relative or friend can be daunting. However, the good news is the search is ended with this delightful and deceptively simple book. How often does a reviewer get to read a book by an author whose writings have been endorsed both by our late Pope John Paul II and blessed Mother Teresa? Yet Cooper O’Boyle, a Lay Missionary of Charity, was able to obtain their blessing on her works when she submitted portions of her manuscript for their comments. Her devotion both to the Holy Father and to Mother Teresa shines through the pages of her book.

Just what is it that Cooper O’Boyle is trying to tell us? Her reflections on mothering are really applications of St. Theresa’s (The Little Flower) Little Way---the offering to God of every single moment of the chaos, rewards, sufferings, satisfactions, joys and disappointments experienced in the average home where parents are raising children. And it is evident from the narration that Cooper O’ Boyle knows all about it. This is a young wife and mother raising five children and having to content with the influence of the outside world on what she describes as her personal “domestic church.”

She first of all challenges modern parenting myths. “Remember that we are parents, not the best friends” of our children. This means that one is always ready to be open and listen to them, but must always “hold tight to our values and teachings of the truth about God … We have the immediate duty to instill the proper teachings into our children.” She adds a cautionary note---we are not to water those truths down!

Throughout this book, the author reminds mothers to turn to Mary when days are difficult. She quotes from the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity---”Indeed, while leading a life common to us, one filled with family concerns and labours, Mary was always intimately united in Christ, furthering the work of the Saviour.” She quotes from saints such as Bernadine of Siena and Louis de Montfort who remind us that “Mary’s holy feet crushed the head of the Serpent.” Thus Satan can never have power over us if we pray. By inculcating our children with a love for the recitation of the Rosary, we can be assured of Mary’s help in times of temptation. She is the best role model a mother can have.

Cooper O’Boyle warns that prayer with children should never be forced to the point where they turn against it. This delicate balance requires judiciousness and patience on the part of the parents.

The text is sprinkled with quotes from Bless Mother Teresa. One that informs the author---and the reader---about how Mary models to us the concept of selfless love is the episode when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth: “Our Lady, the most beautiful of all women, the greatest, the humblest, the most holy, the moment she felt she was full of grace, full of Jesus, went in haste---and here she is a model to all women---by sharing immediately what she had received.” Thus, the author points out, is how God has fashioned a woman’s heart---to be nurturing and giving.

Cooper O’Boyle stresses the need for personal and family prayer. It is in this way that the family can become a “holy family” unto its own. Again she quotes Blessed Teresa as to how to turn action into prayer. “Love cannot remain by itself---it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service. How do we put the love for God into action? By being faithful to our family, to the duties that God has entrusted to us.” Was there ever sounder advice? Establishing the routine of making a Morning Offering every day transforms our actions into prayer. As Cooper O’Boyle puts it, “our life becomes a prayer.”

Helping our children individually realize the enormity of God’s love for us is accomplished one person at a time. Blessed Teresa is again an example for mothers, as she extended loving hands and a selfless heart to each person she met. Very seldom did she address mass crowds.

The chapter dealing with Family Prayer is very beautiful. It talks about the importance of children seeing their mother and father at prayer. “By praying with and in front of our children, from an early age we will lay down a very important foundation that ill remain with them throughout life.” This complements Cooper O’Boyle’s belief that establishing Family Nights once a week will lead to the fulfillment of Pope John Paul’s sentiment that “if the family is the place where children first encounter the world, the family must be for children the first school of peace.”

This little book is sprinkled with concrete suggestions as to how to foster all the above virtues that build one’s personal “domestic church.” There is also realistic attention paid to the fact that we all can experience the “splinters of the Cross” in our role as parents. Again, faith and love will carry us through these moments of trial and suffering.

At the conclusion of the book, the author reminds mothers (and all parents) that “When we draw our dying breath in this earthly life, we will not be judged by how many projects we completed, how far up the ladder we managed to climb, or how many careers we succeeded at; rather we will be judged only and explicitly by how we loved.”

Though this book in parts seems repetitious, it is never tedious or condescending. It reiterates truths that need to be heard over and over, because mothering can be so all-consuming at times, that one can lose touch with its spiritual side. Another helpful component of the book’s structure is that each of its ten chapters ends with prayers echoing the theme of that chapter. As a mother of five, I’m grateful for this book, because even though my children are grown and out of the house, I can still apply the principles so clearly delineated here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New review on The Heart of Motherhood

The Heart of Motherhood

Excellent & Beautiful book for all Catholic Mothers, July 11, 2007

By M. Mccormack (Sandown, NH United States)

I’ve read MANY books about being Catholic, being a Mom & being a Catholic Mom…but none of them have touched my heart & mind the way this one did. It was SO common sense about how to weave our Catholicity into our daily lives when there are children at our feet before 5 AM (when it’s near impossible to get up before them to pray…even if we really, really want to) and at night, we just pass out, not fall asleep. I read this book twice, have MUCH highlighting throughout & even bought a 2nd copy to give to my sil for her birthday this past Feb. Being a Mom can seem to be a thankless job, being a stay-at-home mom is less than respected in today’s society and being a Catholic Mom in the truest sense of the word, can be rougher than anything else I could imagine. Using the practical wisdom in this book helped me to see that even though I can’t physically be on my knees in prayer, my heart can be bowed down & focused on Our Lord all day, everyday, keeping my focus on the true Heart of (Catholic) Motherhood.


Thank you, Mary!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Mom's "To Do" List

How often has a Mom stopped to pause at the end of the day, lamenting that she hasn't really completed all that she has set out to do? Her "to do" list is left unchecked and she feels a bit frustrated or disappointed because she feels unaccomplished. I like to remind mothers that their true "to do" list is in the care of their children, family and household. While a mother may want to spend more time in prayer or get more projects completed, she is positioned there in the heart of the home where our good Lord has put her to care for her family. It is actually wrong to leave the family to go off alone to pray, while the family is in need of her care. Of course, a Mom should strive to seek those quiet moments with our Lord, but never while neglecting her little ones.

A mother need only reflect for a few moments about what has actually transpired during her day and perhaps she won't feel so unaccomplished. I offer you an excerpt from my book, The Heart of Motherhood: Finding Holiness in the Catholic Home.

"Each morning we open our eyes to a brand-new day full of hope, promise, challenge, and opportunities. 'How will we use this day?' we ask ourselves.

Even our best-laid plans and intentions may not see their way to fruition. The care of our family and household can mean that all of the items on what we thought should be our 'to do list' just might not get checked off. Attempting to keep up with the never-ending care of our family--including housework, mounds of laundry, and a kitchen sink that seems to automatically refill with dirty dishes--can cause us to feel tired, disappointed, or inadequate.

On the days when we do not see the fruits of our work--errands completed, phone calls made, clean laundry nicely folded, kitchen counters sparkling, and floors dust-free--we need to reevaluate what is most important in life.

When we are feeling particularly unaccomplished, it's wise to reflect for a few moments on the events that have, in fact, filled our days. We need to remember those smiles that we brought to our children's faces. after drying their tears and cheering them up. How about all the sibling squabbles we refereed? What about our role of peacekeeper and treaty maker?

Then there was the walk out in the fresh air that we took with our young ones. It was not only healthy and a welcome change, but educational as well, since we talked about nature and about God, who fills the earth with beauty.

Maybe that trip to the grocery store with the crew provided us with more than just the essentials for this week's meals. Perhaps it also served as an opportunity for a short discussion about what foods are healthy and body-building and which ones are junk foods. (I say 'short discussion' because there is not a whole lot of time for in-depth articulation as we try to put the sugar-coated, pink-and purple-dyed snacks back on the shelves and quickly zoom down the aisle before the kids grab some more attention-grabbing stuff!)

We guide our children through the course of their day, reminding them to do their homework, pick up after themselves, take their showers and baths, and then reward their good behavior with lots of praise. We can teach them about cleanliness and responsibility when we recruit them to help with household chores.

Bringing them together in prayer around the dinner table, keeping them focused on what's really important, and encouraging them to think of others are not easy tasks in today's world. Yet these lessons are invaluable in helping to build our children's characters and mold their consciences.

Let's start every day with prayer. Each time we open our eyes to a new day, we have a wonderful opportunity to start with a new resolve to serve God even more lovingly. It is a practice that takes only a few minutes but can help transform an insignificant day into something quite beautiful and even holy."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Mothers, children and prayer...

"We know that it is our duty to teach our children to pray. Pope John Paul II reminded us of this when he said, 'By reason of their dignity and mission, Christian parents have the specific responsibility of educating their children in prayer, introducing them to a gradual discovery of the mystery of God and to personal dialogue with Him.'

Therefore, for eternal happiness for the family, a mother needs to develop her own personal prayer life, a family prayer life, and also encourage her children to have their own individual prayer lives.

Each morning as our children are leaving for school or work or play, we can send them off with a Morning Offering and a prayer to their guardian angel, asking for protection and guidance throughout the day.

We should get then in the habit of looking to God when they first wake up to face a new day, a fresh start, more blessings, and more chances to spread his love to others. It takes only a moment to drop down to our knees in humility before our Lord. Our children should be taught to take a minute out, no matter how much of a hurry they are in, to greet the Lord at the beginning of a new day. And when they forget, they will know they are welcome to speak to him as soon as they remember."--excerpt from my book, The Heart of Motherhood.