Showing posts with label Catholic mothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic mothers. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Soon to be released!

From the publisher's website:

"How many mothers actually embrace their vocation? I wonder. How many revel in it all and recognize their role as an actual vocation?"—from the introduction

Celebrating her great love for the family as a "domestic church," Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle leads the reader to a deeper appreciation of the role that motherhood plays in the sanctuary of vibrant family life. Her observations and advice are grounded in personal experience and informed by a profound understanding of the Church's teachings on the feminine genius and the importance of the Christian family in the modern world

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Excited to unveil my new upcoming book!

My new book will be released in January 2012! As well, an audio version of the book will be available too--at the same time!

God bless your vocation of motherhood! Embrace it with all your heart!

hugs and prayers,


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our Blessed Mother and Mothers

Here's an article: "Nearer to Our Blessed Mother" over at Catholic Mom.Com. It was originally written for the month of October but is really fitting for any time. You can see it here.

God bless!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Speaking at the Abbey

If you click here you'll see a lovely brochure of where I'll be speaking in October. It's at a beautiful abbey!

My talks are: 1) "If only I could Touch His cloak" and
2) "Guiding Others to Christ's Cloak."

Go on over to View From the Domestic Church to see another brochure about an upcoming retreat day I will be giving next week end in PA.

God bless your Saturday!



Monday, May 11, 2009

Exciting announcement!

I announced this morning on my "Mom's Corner" segment on Teresa Tomeo's show at Catholic Connection that I am working along with EWTN programming to be able to present Catholic mothering segments to you on EWTN TV! I don't know when they will air, but I will be sure to let you know when I do. I will also announce it on my upcoming "Mom's Corner" segments. So, stay tuned! In the mean time, may God bless your faithful mothering in GREAT abundance!

God bless and hugs,


PS As soon as I get an MP3 for this morning's show, I'll post a link for you to listen in case you weren't able to tune in this morning.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Review of Grace Cafe

"It arrived at just the perfect time. On a bright Friday afternoon, coming home from the hospital with our newest baby, we stopped by the mailbox, and there it was, all wrapped in white: Grace Cafe by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, my newest review book from The Catholic Company. I was looking forward to it because I hadn't liked either of my other two review books and, well, I figured something had to give. I was delighted from the start. I loved this book for its conversational style, its short, easy to read chapters, its encouraging tone, and its very practical advice. In fact, I'll likely read it again before fall, just to make sure all that encouragement and good advice sinks in. :-) I loved it best of all for its clear portrayal faithful Catholic mothers as dignified, beautiful, and, yes, even heroic. Now when was the last time you thought of yourself as heroic?

Weaving into her own experiences advice from Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle encourages us toward holiness with warmth and wisdom. She covers everything from finding time for prayer to self sacrifice to raising our children to be saints to keeping the Sabbath to living in the present moment. There is a lot to think on and glean here. Just to keep it real, though, I'll air my only complaint about this book. (Of course I have a complaint. I'm a picky reader.) There are way too many exclamation points. Those things should be used sparingly, in my opinion, and never twice in a row. Still, that's pretty minor, don't you think? You'll like this book. I think it would make lovely Lenten reading, if you haven't settled already on something else. As for me, I already have another of her books in my shopping cart. Even over-used exclamations can't keep me away."

Visit Jennie's blog here.


Thank you very much, Jennie, for your lovely review. I'm glad that you enjoyed my book. Congratulations on your new baby!

God bless!


PS The exclamation points hopefully convey a much needed expression of joy in our lives. :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Domestic Church: Room by Room - A Review

Review by Katie:

When I ordered The Domestic Church: Room By Room, A Study Guide for Mothers by noted Catholic author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, I was expecting something of a hands on guide to whipping my physical "domestic church" into shape. What I got was something much more meaningful!

Much more than simply a Bible study, Cooper O'Boyle weaves together Scripture, the Catechism, papal encyclicals, as well as quotes from the apostolic letters and various saints, inviting mothers ponder and live out their vocation with the fullness of our Catholic faith.

Starting with the foyer and ending at the patio, each chapter's theme is a different room (for example, Chapter Two: The Garage focuses on the husband wife relationship, while Chapter Three: The Nusery looks at children and openness to life). The chapters are broken into two parts, each ending with questions and space to write out thoughts, as well as a summary. This layout works fantastically for busy mothers, allowing you to stop easily without becoming lost. Instructions for group usage are included at the beginning, but the book also works perfectly for independent study.

Cooper O'Boyle treats the vocation of motherhood realistically and respectfully, and with a warm and gentle tone that compliments and rounds out the myriad references through out the book. Mothers of all stripes, of many or few children, adoptive mothers, some-day mothers, and those whose children have all grown and gone; all will find The Domestic Church an affirming and inviting exploration of the beauty of our faith and the joy of our vocation.

This review was written as a part of the Catholic Book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company.


Thank you very much, Katie for your kind words! Thanks also to the Catholic Company!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Send in your group photos!

Hi Ladies!

Send in your photos of your Mom's groups who are studying my books. I have featured two groups so far on this blog and they are featured on my website I will also put the names of the groups into a drawing at some point in the near future for a contest to win a cool prize for your group! So, what are you waiting for? Bring you camera to your next meeting and smile! I'll look forward to your photos. You can send them to me a

God bless you all on your journeys!


PS These are the books that the women choose to study:

I have a study guide book that can accompany The Heart of Motherhood.

This is one they generally use for prayers for their meetings:

as well as this one:

They are all available (and autographed and inscribed) at I offer discounts for groups!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

As long as we have those prayers going out...

Please also pray for two other new Catholic mother's groups who will be doing a study using my book, The Heart of Motherhood. Two women from different areas of the country - Domini will be leading one and Jane will be leading the other. Inspiration must be in the air for Catholic mothers at this time of year! Please say a prayer for their groups as they get started and as they embark on their mother's study. May God bless them all!


God bless!
