Showing posts with label Catholic Saints Prayer Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic Saints Prayer Book. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Small Opportunities to be saintly surround us...

Small Opportunities to Be Saintly Surround Us

No, we don’t need to take a course in sanctity to become a saint one day– it’s all mapped out for us and right under our noses...

Check out my latest installment about the saints for youth at the Goodness Reigns website here.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wonderful St. Joseph!

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O thou Saint Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intercession, and obtain for me from thy divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee, and Jesus asleep in thy arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for me. Amen!

Monday, March 15, 2010

My new saints' blog

The Stuff of Saints

“God knows just what each of us needs to become a saint. It’s when we decide to respond in love to all of the little details of life we are immersed in that we are heading in the right direction.” Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

Take a look at my brand new saints' blog on the Goodness Reigns website for youth by clicking here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Reflection on the Saints

Although this refection is from last month, it may still serve us today...

Saints Surround Us
By Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

My third grade student raised her hand and seemed bursting to share something with our religious education class recently when we were discussing the saints. I called on her and she quickly blurted out, “I know who the next saint will be!”

“Who?” I asked.

“I don’t know her name,” she answered, “but she’s a teacher at my sister’s school and someone said she only needs to complete one more course before she becomes a saint!”

I smiled and mused about what might have been expressed and overheard at school to cause this misunderstanding. It was very cute, no question about it.

I answered my student, “We don’t have to take any courses to become a saint. There could be a very poor person living on the other side of the world who has never gone to school ever. This person has no education, no courses, yet he can love God with all his heart and love others too. That person can become a saint, same as someone who learns more about the faith,” I told the class.

During the month of November we have the saints on our minds. We celebrate the saints and pray for all of the deceased on All Saints Day and All Souls day and throughout the month. As part of the Communion of Saints, we are formally called the Church Militant because we are busy working out our salvation. We most likely are not involved in any wars, but we encounter spiritual warfare on a daily basis as we tread through each day. The Communion of Saints supports one another in prayer. The souls in Purgatory, called the Church Suffering needs our prayers. The Church Triumphant consisting of the saints in Heaven will pray for us and also wait for our requests for their intercession. We are all linked together in the family of the Communion of Saints in the beautiful Body of the Church.

Pope Urban VIII put the formal process of canonization in place in 1634. When the Church formally canonizes saints she solemnly proclaims that they lived lives in fidelity to God’s grace and have practiced heroic virtues. We can invoke the saints for the most pressing or the most trivial of needs. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us, “We can and should ask [the saints] to intercede for us and the whole world” (CCC # 2683).

What makes a Saint a Saint?

We can think of the saints as people to emulate. But what makes a saint a saint? What’s the stuff that saints are made of? We know that saints are people just like you and me – from differing walks of life, races, eras and temperaments. What sets them apart? They all had in common a shared communal faith in God and His promises. The saints are people who all choose to become holy. They are united in the love of God and the love for their neighbor. They were all challenged in many ways and became saints despite of, and actually more accurately, because of the struggles. They rose above the trials and persecutions with their eyes set on the goal – eternal life! Their example speaks volumes to us.

I find it amusing when in talking with people about striving for holiness, I have been told, “Oh, I know I can be holy if I wasn’t sick” or “If I had more time” or “If I had a different boss” or even “If I had a different spouse!” I smile and say, “My husband tells me with a twinkle in his eyes that God put him on this earth to make me a saint!”

God knows just what each of us needs to become a saint. It’s when we decide to respond in love to all of the little details of life we are immersed in that we are heading in the right direction. A trying child, a grumpy spouse, an angry co-worker; all can contribute to our sanctity and theirs – imagine that! This gives us a better perspective and also a whole lot of hope for the future when we recognize that we are where we are for a reason. God is calling us to holiness in the here and now of our lives.

How to Become a Saint

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta said time and time again, “Holiness is not a luxury of a few, but a duty for us all.” Jesus tells how to become a saint—how to inherit eternal life. He asks us, rather, He instructs us implicitly to live the Gospel of Matthew:

“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory.

"All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate people from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will put the sheep at His right hand and the goats on the left.

"Then the King will say to those at His right hand, 'Come, you that are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world;

'For I was hungry, and you gave Me food, I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed Me,

I was naked, and you gave me clothing, I was sick, and you took care of Me; I was in prison, and you visited Me.'

"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when was it when we saw You hungry and gave You food, or thirsty and gave You something to drink? And when was it that we saw You a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave You clothing?

“And when was it that we saw You sick or in prison and visited You?

"And the King will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least who are members of my family, you did it to Me.”

"Then He will say to those at His left, 'You that are accursed, depart from me into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;

I was a stranger, and you did not welcome Me, naked, and you did not give Me clothing, sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.'

"Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when was it that we saw You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of You?'

"Then He will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.'

"And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life" (Matthew 25: 31-46).

Opportunities Surround Us

We live this Gospel every time we bring a glass of water to our child in the night or clothe our family, and when we visit the lonely and take care of the lonely in our own families. Do we have a lonely relative in need of a visit? We can put aside some time on Sundays for practicing the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Friday is another good day to give to others. Fridays are days meant for exercising penance and offering service to others. Amazing things will happen when we give of our time and love. Hearts are transformed!

Our Lord is asking us to see Him in others and serve Him in them. We have umpteen opportunities in our daily lives to live out the call to holiness; we just need to be attentive to the call. Perhaps we need to unplug from some of the technology and spend some time in quiet contemplation to hear Our Lord’s voice. And when there’s no time to be quiet and we are busy with the care of the family, right in the midst of changing diapers, keeping up with overflowing hampers of dirty laundry and all of the constant demands that call for our immediate attention - God speaks to us there too – even more clearly sometimes because we know we are serving Him as we tend to the needs of our families.

Blessed Teresa has told us: “The Church of God needs saints today. This imposes a great responsibility on us. We must become holy, not because we want to feel holy, but because Christ must be able to live his life fully in us.” We certainly live in an era when we are in need of saints to light the way to Heaven. God in His goodness has given us many holy people in our time—some have gone before us and are now in Heaven—some are here in our midst, humbling living out their lives of love and holiness.

No, we don’t need to take a course in sanctity to become a saint one day– it’s all mapped out for us and right under our noses. We only need to live out our lives faithfully, paying close attention to all of the tiny details while living in all of the present moments of our lives – surrendering everything over to God with great love. He’ll take care of it all if we allow Him to so that one day we will be rejoicing in Heaven – not just because we made it there, but because we lived out our lives with great love and service to others, and along with God’s abundant graces, we will have paved the road to Heaven for countless other souls!

Thank you dear Lord for Your love! Please teach me how to love with YOUR love and draw others to You so that we may all enjoy the eternal happiness of Heaven with You! Blessed Mother Mary, be a Mother to me and watch over and protect my family. All of you Angels and Saints, pray for us and guide us, please. Amen.

[This article originally appeared on the TORCH website ( Traditions of Roman Catholic Homes (TORCH) is an association of lay faithful established to promote homeschooling among Catholic families and to support those families who are engaged in providing their children’s primary education at home.]

Monday, March 9, 2009

Feast of Saint Frances of Rome

Merciful Father,
in Frances of Rome
You have given us a unique example of love in marriage
as well as in religious life.
Keep us faithful in Your service,
and help us to see and follow You
in all the aspects of life.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
From the Collect of the Mass on the Feast of St. Frances of Rome

Monday, January 12, 2009

Radio show with Dina Marie at KBVM

Hello Everyone,

Here's a link to a radio segment of show on which I was a guest. This is from a while ago, but I am just getting a chance to post it now. In this segment, we talk about all of my books, some background on my home-life and stories about me, as well as lots of good Catholic stuff! Get yourself a cup of coffee or tea and pull up a chair and stay a while. I hope you enjoy our chat.

Here's the link to click on to listen.

God bless!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Free Books and TWO wonderful shows on Monday morning!

I think you'd better get a steaming cup of coffee or tea ready and give yourself a treat to listen in to some good Catholic stuff to get your Monday morning going!

Tune in on Monday morning TWICE! I will be interviewed by the inspiring Dina Marie at 8:00 Central time and for me it's 11:00 Eastern time.

I will also be doing my "Mom's Corner" radio segment with Teresa Tomeo on her show on "Catholic Connection" Ave Maria Radio at 9:15 AM Eastern time. It should be informational, inspiring, and lots of fun! It always is! Teresa and I are really like Lucy and Ethel and recount the story every once in a while about our trip to the Vatican congress earlier this year and all of the bloopers and blunders we experienced together - all good stuff! It was at that point that we nicknamed ourselves Lucy and Ethel. She's Lucy and I am Ethel.

As a matter of fact, one time Teresa surprised me when I was about to come on her show with the theme song to the "I Love Lucy" show. She's a riot! You can hear the segment by checking the archives I have posted on my blogs and website.

I hope that you will tune in to both shows! Did I mention that we are giving away books?? I will be giving away a lot of my saints' books, Catholic Saints Prayer Book on Dina Marie's show since November is a great month for the saints. We may be giving out some of my other titles as well. You'll have to tune in to find out. I hope you may be one of the fortunate callers who wins! :)

Who knows, I may give out some more books on Teresa's show, our "Mom's Corner" too! Tune in to find out!

So here are the details for the shows:

November 10, 2008, 8:00 AM (Pacific Time)
Catholic Radio
click here at “KBVM Live” (88.3 FM)
with Dina Marie Hale
Portland, Oregon

Also November 10, 2008 9:15 AM Eastern time
"Mom's Corner" on "Catholic Connection"
with Teresa Tomeo
click here at

You can tune in LIVE to each of these shows by clicking on the links and then hit the "listen live" button on the websites.

Talk to you soon!

God bless!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Feast of all Saints!

Feast of All Saints

"Let us rejoice in the Lord and keep festival in honor of all the saints. Let us join with the angels in joyful praise to the Son of God."~Entrance Antiphon

Dear Saints, please watch over us, protect us, and intercede for us. Amen

Friday, October 24, 2008

Heaven Isn't Too Far Away

The National Catholic Register

Heaven Isn’t Too Far Away

All Saints Day Reminds Us What’s at Stake — and Within Reach


October 26-November 1, 2008 Issue | Posted 10/21/08 at 9:48 AM

All Saints Day, a solemn feast of the Church, is practically as old as the saints themselves. Its roots reach to the fourth century, when the Church began celebrating a common day for all martyrs. In the eighth and ninth centuries, Popes Gregory III and Gregory IV set the celebration for Nov. 1 and extended it to commemorate not just the martyred, but also all persons, known and unknown, whose sanctity in this life assured them a place in heaven for all eternity.

Members of the “Church Militant” — that would be us — can thus be assured that the “Church Triumphant” is praying for our salvation with the power of the full beatific vision before them.

Maybe even more important, their feast reminds us of the Church’s unmistakable nudge to our consciences: If those everyday folks could do it, so can we. “‘All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity,’ the Catechism reminds us (No. 2013). “All are called to holiness …”

“When we think of saints, we tend to think of the greatest ones — martyrs, mystics, founders of religious orders,” says author Thomas Craughwell. “Few of us are going to do what they did. But heaven is crowded with saints we do not know, ordinary people who became saints.” Craughwell’s books include Saints Behaving Badly: The Cutthroats, Crooks, Trollops, Con Men, and Devil-Worshippers Who Became Saints (Doubleday, 2006) and This Saint’s for You!: 300 Heavenly Allies Who Will Change Your Life (Quirk Books, 2007); he’s also online at He points to the heroic holiness of unknowns such as St. Zita, a 13th-century housekeeper — and to the often-overlooked humanity of the most celebrated.

St. Joseph, for example, is one of the most important figures in salvation history. Yet, Craughwell points out, “He’s not a martyr or a mystic. He doesn’t say a single word in the Gospels, and he performs no miracles. He’s a family man, a working man — but he’s completely faithful in obeying the will of God.”

Easier said than done? Sure. But absolutely doable, as Blessed Teresa of Calcutta daily reminded us by her words and her actions. Catholic writer and speaker Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, who knew Mother Teresa as a friend, says she often quotes a slice of simple wisdom that the saintly nun frequently repeated: “Holiness is not the luxury of a few. It is everyone’s duty: yours and mine.”

Cooper O’Boyle, author of two new books on Catholic mothering and homemaking (both published by the Register’s sister company Circle Press; see and, stresses that she strives to live Blessed Teresa’s message not only in her work, but also in her vocation as a wife and mother... (Continued here)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My interview with Doug Keck on EWTN's Bookmark is here

If you didn't get a chance to watch the recent EWTN's Bookmark segment in which Doug Keck interviewed me about four of my books: Prayerfully Expecting, The Heart of Motherhood, Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers and Catholic Saints Prayer Book, you can listen by clicking here. Then go to page 8 and go to audio # 212.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Review of Catholic Saints Prayer Book

By Hugh J.McNichol

The Catholic Church's arsenal of saints is truly a resource that is sadly overlooked by contemporary Catholics. Donna's synopsis of the lives of popular saints is a welcome addition to my spiritual reading library. The heroic lifestyles of the holy men and women that are portrayed in such a clearly spiritual manner by the author are refreshing reminders that all of us as Catholics are called to the ultimate vocation of sainthood. A great book for catechesis and religious education for all levels of faithful Catholics and those interested in learning about the "pillars" of Catholicism. Well done, this book is inspiration to Catholics seeking to identify more closely with the spiritual "heavy-hitters" that have achieved the ultimate title...Saint! Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle has done a great job bringing the great Catholic saints into our unique 21st century perspective.

You can see this review here and there's a place to post a comment.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Review for "Catholic Saints Prayer Book"

Catholic Saints Prayer Book. Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle. Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 2008. 80 pp.

“[W]e hope not just to make it to heaven one day, but rather to bring countless souls with us because of our life and how we have loved,” says Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle in her new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book. And there is no better way to do just that than by learning from those that did it best – the saints.

This handy compilation is packed with far more than its compact design would suggest. I was pleased with how much quality information it contained about the lives of over 30 of the Catholic Church’s great saints.

For each saint featured in the book, Donna-Marie provides a glimpse of the wisdom of each of these historic individuals along with a brief synopsis of their life. It even contains an insightfully crafted intercessory prayer for each saint.

If you are looking to learn more about these heroic examples of our faith, this book is for you. It’s to the point, packed with facts, and inspiring at every page turn - making it great for all ages. It’s useful whether reading it all at once, or even just a few pages at a time. It makes a great reference book, too.

The author proclaims, as the Church does, that “we should indeed seek out the saints, who will surely help lead us to God, assisting us all along the way.” This book is a great place to let your seeking begin.

Matt Warner

Owner/Operator of Catholic Outpost


Thank you very much, Matt!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Interview with Teresa Tomeo about my new book!

Check here for my interview with Teresa Tomeo about my Catholic Saints Prayer Book . You can listen right from your computer!

Okay, running to Chicago now and then down to EWTN!!

Thank you for your prayers!

God bless and hugs,


Thursday, April 3, 2008

"Catholic Saints Prayer Book" is out!

My book signing at the Borders store in Danbury, CT went very well. The event was called, "Tea and Fellowship" which combined the news of my recent Vatican trip (as you can see boards around me with photos and articles) and the release of my new book, Catholic Saints Prayer Book!

You may order a signed copy of this book through my website or this blog (look at the right hand column) or from The Catholic Company, Amazon.Com, and many other places.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Reviews are coming in...

Catholic Saints Prayer Book
by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Our Sunday Visitor, 80 pages

The Church’s hagiography has inspired whole libraries of books, the best of which paint a distinctive portrait of one or more of our beloved spiritual mothers and fathers. We love to hear and tell these stories over and over, for these stories provide our only real connection in this life with our spiritual forebears, our only opportunity to know them as we would like.

The Catholic Saints Prayer Book reminds us of another important reason to ruminate on the lives of the saints. This reason is perhaps best summed up in the words of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the spiritual mother of the author of this charming little book: “The Church of God needs saints today. This imposes a great responsibility on us. We must become holy not because we want to feel holy, but because Christ must be able to live His life fully in us” (p.10).

Each of the thirty-two saints contained in this book remind us that the pathway to holiness is not easily traversed. It is a way of suffering. Of grief. Of struggle against our basest impulses. In the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola, “There is no better wood to kindle the fire of holy love than the wood of the cross.”

Above all, it is a way of prayer. And for this, the Catholic Saints Prayer Book provides a simple yet eloquent resource for those who want to grow closer to our heavenly family. Each chapter includes a list of patronages, brief biography, and closing prayer to lead you gently yet deeply into that “blessed communion, fellowship divine.” Delicate illustrations are scattered throughout, making this a wonderful gift for birthdays, Mother’s Day … or simply for your own prayer corner.

Heidi Hess Saxton
Editor, “Canticle” Magazine
Author, Behold Your Mother: Mary Stories and Reflections from a Catholic Convert


In a time of profound confusion and chaos, the books of Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle provide meaning, inspiration and direction for all those who are seeking the truth in these troubled times. The Second Vatican Council reminded the Church that we are all called to holiness. This book will help us attain our goal.

Fr. James Farfaglia, Pastor
St. Helena of the True Cross of Jesus Catholic Church
Corpus Christi, Texas

Friday, January 18, 2008

Book Contest!

Get ready for my newest book giveaway contest! I'll be posting the directions for this contest very soon. It has to do with my new book published by Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Company coming out in March, Catholic Saints Prayer Book! Stay tuned!