Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Sea Scale’s Escape


The Draconian Inquisitor Tâmtu arrived before dawn, his men walking among the perfectly constructed rows of Commiphora trees, branding each tree with the Mother Dragon’s symbol.  The freely traded produce that brought Boran Ziya’s family their wealth and prestige was now a holy crop claimed by the newly arrived deity’s forces.  Tâmtu branded the Ziya’s as heretics, their export of Myrrh to other countries a clear violation of unknown or understood religious doctrine.  Boran was put to death but his quick capitulation to the Inquisitor’s accusations spared his family torture and death, placing all but one of them into slavery.  That one, Boran’s youngest male heir, Sami Ziya, was spared the fate of his family simply by not being home during the Inquisitor’s arrival.  The Ziya family had for generations been friendly with a clan of dwarves from deep within Mount Yamanlar. Young Sami was there in the mountain, learning the language of dwarves from his family’s friends. 

Captain Sam

Sami Ziya returned to Smyrna from his mountain sojourn a month after his family met their respective fates, finding Draconians guarding his family lands.  Families friendly to the young Ziya warned him away, sparing him a similar fate but the hate in his heart of Tiamat was born.  Returning to the dwarves of Mount Yamanlar he found many sympathetic to his plight and a few who would join him as he sought revenge.  During his dwarven language training Sami had become close to his student tutor, a dwarf of unusual linguist skill named Oendu.  Oendu informed his dwarven father of the surface dragon’s treachery and over a period of months several of the old passages from the Mountain that passed beneath Sami Ziya’s home were reopened.  The plan was formed, with young Sami only venturing above ground once more before enacting his revenge.  Sami Ziya surfaced to contact Cihangir Tuncay the shipping merchant who prior to the Draconian’s seizure of Ziya lands, filled his ships with Myrrh and Frankincense to trade among the northern Mediterranean.  Cihangir Tuncay received young Sami, overjoyed that his friends youngest had escaped the clutches of the Mother Dragon.  Upon hearing the young Ziya’s plan he agreed to have his ship in port ready to receive the cargo Sami and the dwarves would deliver. 

For weeks Sami Ziya and the dwarves prepared, positioning themselves underneath the tree groves, collecting roots an harvesting gum in areas the Draconians left unattended. Their final preparation was the weakening of the ground around trees closest to the old family home which was also the closest location to the harbor.  With all preparations made and the ship, newly christened the Sea Scale in harbor, the dwarves unleashed their surprise attack, slaying the Draconians and delivering several trees to the ship ready to depart Smyrna forever. Sami Ziya recovered much of his family’s possessions from their home and loaded the Sea Scale with trees, roots, and treasure.  Afterwards the dwarves, save Oendu, returned to Mount Yamanlar, preparing their defenses against the assured response from the Mother Dragon’s forces.  Sami Ziya, now Captain Sam to the former crew of Cihangir Tuncay, named his friend Oendu his first mate, stealing the Sea Scale to travel to Malta were dragons were said to be unable to follow.
The Sea Scale

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Malta Session 29: 03/21/2018 The Mediterranean Rose, Hunting the Bardic Mind, and The Sea Scale

We wake up seventeen days later after a whirlwind of training, making contacts and having new ship placards made for the Bonded Mind; there was however one task left uncompleted... the Gator. A few more pieces of information on the half-orc was that Naxxar felt a certain level of compassion for Gator; that the former Egyptian-employed brute was never given a fair shake; therefore Naxxar relegated Gator to the other side of the island and was left largely alone. A former opponent of Gator told Lete, during the course of the week leading up to the confrontation, that he a lost an irreplaceable pet to the Gator whom ate the animal without thought. Lete's informant unfortunately got terribly injured for the encounter. Nevertheless the half orc is fast and strong; basically a barbarian with an interesting club of stone lined with veins of metal. Gator lives in the remnants of an abandoned project well on the far end of Ghallis Rock. Interest in Lete's battle augers in the days leading up to the Lete’s battle with Gator creating an atmosphere of anticipation and gambling.

The Half-Elf Lermang
The battle was short but intense, the momentum at times swinging from Lete to Gator; but in the end it was Lete that stood with a foot on the chest of the half-orc barbarian who was knocked out cold. 

Retrieved from the defeated Gator was a magical pearl from the half-orc's ear, a small satchel with potions, an amulet and the pearl; potions of bears endurance, bulls strength, CSW, lesser restoration, 3 alchemist fire, tanglefoot bag, amulet of natural armor +1. Lete insisted the gold retrieved will go towards the upkeep of the former gifted children of the Hunter. 

Our characters deliver the coveted pearl (of power?) to Endar who expresses to Lete the island’s gratitude for defeating the island bully. It is as we are leaving, making our way to the docks, many of our characters have a feeling of being watched; in fact Lex sees a heat shimmer in the crowed. It was coming from the croud who were waving us and cheering us on; it was Walker with an uncharacteristic sinister look coming from the sea ranger.

We sail out to the Bonded Mind that is close to the Sea Whiskey and see folks waving including WALKER (presumably the real halfing sea ranger). Our characters immediately rely to Captain Vargin and Walker what we saw (what we assume to be someone in the guise of Walker) to which Loshe immediately blames tengu and agrees to return to Ghallis Rock with the Sea Whiskey to investigate this troubling turn of events...

Our character’s now sail The Mediterranean Rose to Bugibba a journey that takes 18+ hours nonstop to the Malta port but with high spirits shared amongst the crew. Two hours into our journey and a lookout warns the Captains of several small boats ahead. We look and see six yacht sized boats bereft of colors and some distance beyond these were are similar vessels. Our characters see a few ships have spotted us and have diverted their coarse to possibly flank us or go around (depending on one’s opinion). We turn west at full sail; in response three of the unknown ships sail to parallel our ship and about fifteen minutes later they fire flares into the air. A short time later the perusing ships seem to be gaining position. Jabari gives the command to full sail south of Barbganni Rock. It was not much longer when our characters see that our perusing sailors are not gnomes from the nearby rock, our perusing crew look Egyptian.

Not long we see a winged creature take flight to take stock of our ship followed by a flurry of activity on the deck of the ship the creature took off from. Our characters see ships ahead of us, but they are struggling against the waves; we will eventually pass close to one of them. Ahumm believes the flying demon is a chaaor.

Over the course of the combat Carlo is able to lift the ship up out of the sea waters and out of the range of the submerged pirate attackers who were riding orca whales. This turned the tide of battle. In the end Lex scored the killing blow to the chaaor and when he does we all have a sinister feeling of being scried upon. The ships ahead and around showed no further interest in the Mediterranean Rose.

From the pirate bodies we get 12 masterwork daggers (to the crew), 6 potions of CMW, +1 rapier, +1 chain shirt, ring of protection +2 also a paper that has a rough description in common and Egyptian of our ship and each of our characters including ship aliases. We discover our bounty is set to 10k gold alive.

We continue to sail on and in this time Jabari congratulates his sailors on fighting the lower demons. Four hours later we come across a large shipping galleon called the Sea Scale heading to Malta flying a Tiamat flag- we catch up around the 8 hour mark when we are able to hail them and inquire of news. They put together a boarding party to come to us to exchange information. Arriving are all humans with a middle aged singular dwarf named Oendu, the first mate. They came to warn that since they pass Selmunett  island there are inquiries of our ship type and the 'Bardic Mind'. Apparently there is some kind of embargo around Malta and they are sailing to Bugibba since is seems free from Egyptian entanglement. It seems the eastern cost is embargoed with search and seizure. They offer a Tiamat flag in exchange for the flag. Their home port was Smyrna in Turkey.

Jabari proposes to Oendu that we travel together to Bugibba. Oendu expresses that there is a lack of common tongue among his crew and if we could help teach the language it would help their trade ventures. Carlo gets the feeling these individuals are fleeing something; likely something lawful.

Oendu asks about the rumors of the absence of dragons in Malta, we say the church of Tiamat is present but we maintain dragons are forbidden on the island and that we should take down Tiamat’s flag once we are within sight of Bugbba’s port. Oendu feels it is fair for us to know they flee the forces of Tiamat before he returns to his ship to report to Captain Sam. They have 120 individuals on board half are passengers and families.

We sail on in the shadow of the Sea Scale adding about 5 hours to our journey. We pick up next game session 23 hours after Ghallis Rock sailing into Bugibba.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Malta Session 28: 03/14/2018 Lermang's Reincarnation, A Tall Drink of Water, and Training On The Beach

Ghallis Rock
We begin this week’s session the next morning on Ghallis Rock after a long evening of networking with Naxxar and the tiefling- waking in rooms tended to by magical unseen servants. We enter a noisy dining hall chamber filled with food of a much wider variety than that of Malta, spices and coffees from around the world. Surrounded by individuals from around the Mediterranean we learn of the value of spices including the most sought after spices: mustard seed and cinnamon that trade for high value. We have our fill of food and drink and after over two hours as we are led around for the most part by Loshe before our characters make our way to the Marketplace.

Jabari opens the session as he intends to spend the day with Loshe talking magic and the like. In their conversation she points out her personal interest in the Architect
and explains the organizational focus is on t
he ancient building blocks of magic from the recovery of ancient items to tracking powerful magical people and entities. She is aware of Truename as a binding magic of the planes and is connected to the magic of earth but is out of this particular focus of this world. Naxxar believes he can solve mysteries of today by chaining events of the past to understand events now and tomorrow. Their studies indicate the magic of this world operate under rules of this world and not others.

Jabari tells her of how our characters intend to aid Naxxar when we return to Malta in regards to the Seven Churches. What would she have Jabari do? The talk focuses on the Egyptians and two areas of interest for them on Malta are Hagar Qim and Paola, and again Selmunett island. As far as what the two of them could offer Naxxar she speaks of any possible relics the Church of Otherware could hold… especially items taken from the Egyptians. She does not plan on returning to Paola with us on Malta however, instead she will be returning to Hagar Qim. They talk organizational details about masters and apprentices; there are a number of pairs who operate towards the group’s goals and can be involved with certain other groups; the individuals in Hagar Qim do not know how Jabari and Loshe are connected. Naxxar and Loshe fear what the agents of the dragon may have planned to be able to pierce the powerful protections Malta possesses. She heard from a number of people that outside of the Mediterranean- divine followers of other gods find their power greatly reduced in lands controlled by Tiamat.

After a question she mentions an individual named Brudiphan; a former member of their order who betrayed us. She believes he betrayed us to Tiamat and a number of his followers and connection are Egyptian. Brudiphan is close in power to Naxxar but lacks Naxxar’s knowledge. Brudiphan is believed to be all over Malta- his penchant for disguise rivals the tengu, nevertheless Brudiphan has agents around the island and is considered a rival guild. Called the Orphans because he fond of assimilating members from other organizations.

One of Endar's Wenches
Eventually Naxxar arrives with Lermang in tow and is keen to discuss the ogre/man’s condition. Naxxar begins by easing our minds about the children and informs us there are elders looking out for them and let them be kids for a year or so before formal education begins. He also explains Esterhat, Sven, and Meeka as well as some of the others boarded a ship and have continued on to Malta to make contact to Garamaldi.

Naxxar explains that Lermang was removed from his body and placed into an ogre and not just changed form; his original body was ‘stolen’ and thus is stuck in form unless Lermang agrees to a reincarnation. Naxxar can make preparations to ensure a favorable outcome including involving Jabari and anyone else who would participate in the casting of the spell. Naxxar eventually leads everyone to the Sea Whiskey where the ship is taken an hour out to open seas where the ceremony will take place. This ceremony is when Ahumm finally becomes a cleric and when the triumphant reincarnation is completed, under turbulent skies, Lermang is reborn overjoyed as a half-(sea) elf and rises purified (retaining his two rogue heroic levels as well as a ranger level).

Once we return Lex inquiries about training opportunities and is directed to an individual named Whikel; for armor talk to Cheyt; and for random wonders of the magical variety look for Endar in the Marketplace. Lermang accompanies our characters as we make our way to the Marketplace.

At the Marketplace our characters find that Endar has one of the largest tents in the Marketplace, one of the few permanent establishments at the Marketplace. Inside, private booths are provided to view merchandise and managing the kiosks is a tall drink of water (Endar) as well as a bevy of beautiful sales wenches who make first contact with us. 

First Lex inquiries about his magical trade with one of the beautiful women and she mentions Kaitom an individual who does appraisals. Before long Lex is brought to a kiosk and is introduced to tall and thin Endar. He informs Lex that indeed he knows of the magical spectacles Lex was looking for; unfortunately these once belonged to an Egyptian, it bears a crafters mark and runs the danger of being onerously claimed in the future. Endar asks about our destination and if we know IL-Kataniz; Endar has a sword that needs delivered to the man. Delivery of that sword would pay IL-Kataniz off from a previous deal. Endar offers a potion of CSW or remove disease for the service and a promise to contact the Bonded Mind for further possible shipping business.
The Gator
Lete steps up and presents a trade that would include the armor and business with an individual named Noum who works for Endar to improve Lete's amulet. Endar inquires about Lete’s martial skills and speaks of an individual called the Gator that needs an ass-whooping and wants the pearl from the man's ear. We may keep anything else of value. 

Next Jabari inquiries about a trade; a magical ring of spell knowledge for metamagic worthy gemstones. Next Marco makes a deal for gloves of dueling and is told of a man named Atdar who is a dishonorable duelist with a penchant for dirty fighting; if Marco defeats the man who took advantage of a friend and retrieves a stolen treasure map form a woman named Selt they, Endar included, would be grateful.

Carlo was next in the Marketplace and was looking for a monks robe for trade and coin. Endar speaks of a rock that holds a lost monastery “the Broken Moon” and where a man named Armrad resides and is said to have knowledge and training in psychic arts.

From here our characters make our way to Cheyt the armorer. As we do Jabari gives Lermang magical chainmail and a shield. All told the work to improve Lete and Lex's armor will take Cheyt 16 days total. He expresses interest in rare ore and are told of an old warship called the Monger, a roman merchants prized possess and is beached on Ta’fraben Island (A6 on the Malta gird map) and because of the monsters on the island he is certain the ore is intact. If we pursue this he agrees to improve Lete’s armor by one more and will personally pay to have fire resistance on his armor as a down payment. Additional trade will be at 40% value and be able to keep whatever else if found on the Monger.

Next our characters visit the dwarf Whikel regarding training services and to offer our expertise to offset the cost.

A short time later Carlo catches up with Stewart and share information on what they know about Aboleths. He warns of an exotic sea cyclopes that attacked the ship he was on and before they were repelled it was discovered they wanted only one person on the ship and that was Stewart.  Furthermore he knows of at least four others like Carlo and himself but doesn’t believe them to be free and believes they traveled to the Dingl Cliffs on Malta for an unknown purpose. They briefly shared a mental moment and Stewart got a mental image of where they were going and the ship they were on was called the Theater. Carlo in turn tells Stewart about the individuals at Borg House. After a time the conversation wanes as Carlo realizes the man’s mortality and how fast Stewart is aging.

Meanwhile Jabari’s next two weeks are consumed with understanding magical traps with Loshe in his downtime as well as individual study towards Scribe Scroll; Ring of Spell Knowledge I and ascribing scrolls. As well as selling off 8 cannons and black gunpowder (keeping 4 each) for scrolls and masterwork fire resistant sails.

Lete’s next two weeks are consumed with training other characters and retraining some hit points.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Malta Session 27: 03/06/2018 Rum For Healing, Ice Water Liquor, and Ghallis Rock

We begin this week’s session as our characters circumvent Selmunett island while seeing several ships pulling anchor. Behind us the ships we put to the torch began to attract much attention, nevertheless our ship is not suspect because several ships pull anchor while others call out inquiring about the smoke and flames and where our ship is going (including if we are taking on passengers). Jabari’s reply to most is a warning of the undead hordes under the ocean surface. A short time later, about a mile out from Selmunett a sailor spots a lot of activity on the first docking island we came to; including some smaller craft being lowered into the water.

Later, along our way to Ghallis Rock a sailor calls out and has spotted a ship flying Greek colors seemingly a drift along our present course. Carlo uses his cloak of the Manta ray to investigate. Getting closer Carlo sees that around the ship are four smaller ships that are casting nets into the water salvaging a ship wreck. The Vague Depravity

We decide to sail on keeping present course until we are hailed with “News? Rum (for) Healing.” We decide to drop anchor while our characters take a small boat to meet a small party of theirs halfway between our two ships. We are greeted and invited on the ship by First Mate Alix (misspelled intentionally) who is busy recovering a lost merchant ship. He is eager to trade rum for healing. They identify themselves as the Gladfish Merchant Company.

Alix takes Jabari and Carlo to the six wounded, which includes the captain. Along the way Alix explains a sudden rise in heat in the water temperatures is the nature of most of the injures. Furthermore a shifting in the sea wreck caused a change in pressure, expelling recovery teams causing many of the other injuries during the recovery.

Jabari begins with healing Captain Linos before moving on to the other wounded.

Once the all clear is given by Jabari, Lex and Lete call for the Black Rose to anchor closer to better facilitate trade.

In exchange for healing and services rendered the Gladfish Merchant Company make good on their offer of rum as well as docking papers for Gladfish ports in Greece as well as two bottles of rare Ice Water liquor (100 gp each). We linger for approximately three hours when the Gladfish Captain Linos wakes and will eventually present Jabari with a ship flag that may accompany our own when in Greece. In this exchange Jabari warns Linos of the recent happenings at Selmunett island. He explains that religious upheavals have increase trade between Greece and Selmunett.

Our characters return to the Black Rose and we learn that yes, sails can be seen at our backs. We set sail and enter into the known map gird when early evening arrives and before long it is full dark. We pull sails and decide to drift with the currents through the majority of the night. Lete receives a keep watch spell and guards the night along with regular sailor shifts.

While this occurs Carlo learns that, for the children, this is just another ship talking them to somewhere unknown. Lermang and Addelmy have ingratiated themselves accordingly however the children have a natural distrust for one another. Carlo attempts to win the children’s trust with telekinetic tricks. This has mixed reactions from the children earning the greatest attention from Kallistrate. Marco tells several homeland stories to tantalize the children while they are fed and provided comforts.

Lete practices using the cloak of the bat when around midnight when Lete sees a shape that resembles a winged minotaurs or winged apes. Lete immediately alerts everyone and it is not long after Jabari orders raised the sails as Lete and Lex changes the ship’s name from the Black Rose to the Bonded Mind. Lex has the idea and helps Lete change the name of the Black Rose back tot the Bonded Mind. Almost immediately when our characters raise sails, the mysterious flyers turn and fly in the direction they came.

About an hour later we encounter a large subtly moving shape 75’ under the water, we decide to go around the unknown object and sail on into the night. Two hours later: “ships ahoy!”: four odd shaped ships are ahead in the water. We light lanterns and a short time later they signal to us that the lead ship, the Sea Whiskey will accept visitors.

A short time later we can see how exotic the ships are and remind us of curvaceous seashells and are ‘manned’ by elves who declare these border waters of Ghallis Rock. This pleases us greatly and we thus declare our intentions of visiting and mention King Naxxar with great honor.

They express awareness of our ship and tell us how we can approach and traverse their security. This is our first encounter with elven society. We are introduced to Captain Vargin and Walker who is very interested in hearing about flying minotaurs after hearing some of our story.

The next morning we find that the ogre had risen some alarm until the kids who were present quenched any misunderstandings. Also in the daylight the elven ships seem to lose their exotic quality. We disembark from the Bonded Mind with a large group that includes the children, the tiefling, Evagara, Addelmy and Lermang. With knowledge of the children Vargin expresses concern and maintaining the integrity of their soft quarantine of Ghallis rock. Therefore the children along with Lermang and Addelmy will stay behind.

The rest of us are taken via the Sea Whiskey to the rock passing along a complex route that takes over an hour and after a time we pierce an illusionary veil obscuring a tropical island rock upon which rests a crystal palace. All around the rock in the waters are a variety of craft however only one side hosts foreign craft- of these there are one large merchant vessel (flying an Egyptian flag), three ships are the same size as the bonded mind. In the air, elves fly about the foreign craft surveying the ships. Along the way we see one of the ships have taken damage.

We eventually come to a docking pool where we notice movement in the trees and have the feeling of being watched. In several seal creatures aid in docking when Walker indicates to elves who come from nearby trees to facilitate the remaining docking procedures.

Eventually Captain Vargin introduces us to other elves to begin searching us for disease in which they find that Marco is so stricken and immediately cures him but makes no mention of it. We are eventually cleared and officially welcomed.

Looking about we see an ecosystem of elves of all kinds living harmoniously, it was a community heavily laced in magic. We see trees of various species possessing unique personality, small farms, as well as a prison for the captured and an exotic marketplace filled with magical songs. This will be the first place we encounter non-elves.

All this leads us to the path to the crystal palace and the sudden appearance of a forty foot programmed illusion of Naxxar what says a few brief words. Along the way Loshe comes out of know where, quite proud and happy to see Jabari. She indicates to Captain Vargin that she will take us the rest of our characters, including the tiefling, the rest of the way to the crystal palace.

Inside the palace we see the converted structure the elves here used to create the crystal palace. We are taken to a large table complete with food and drink and are told to make ourselves comfortable. Loshe will pose Jabari with questions; Jabari presents his first magical item- a horn of fog. Jabari foretells our story up to and including the slave children. This will trigger the presence of Naxxar who expresses pleasure in our news of disrupting the Egyptian slave trade. We have proved ourselves and Jabari as Loshe’s apprentice. Naxxar is curious about Lermang when the tiefling speaks to the valor of the ogre and returns a gemstone ‘vessel’ on the ogre’s behalf paying for the removal of the ogre’s cures. An intriguing exchange between the two. It is then Jabari offers a bottle of Ice Water to the tiefling and one to the meal.

We relay our story again and indicate the Hunter is dead. He says The Hunter was an agent of Balor, an individual of note that sails the river Styx. The Servants of Decay are an ancient organization that originates from the deep continent. At one time the original organizer was once an elf who sought lichdom. Today aside from power, the SOD seeks relics from their lost origins. Selmunett is strategic to their goals.

Our enemies seem to align between Naxxar and our characters and we offer our help. His offer to Jabari is magical training, for the remaining of us he offers access to the marketplace.

Naxxar speaks of our church dilemma in Paola and of the corruption of the divine sources of the Seven Churches. His concern is with the carrion-like tengu, the Church of Otherwhere and further, the followers of Tiamat have developed a way to undermine other faiths. He believes the seven churches are being infiltrated by the followers of Tiamat and hopes we will help him since we are already in trouble with the seven churches.

Malta concerns him, dragons cannot make it on Malta and the presence of the cult of Tiamat concerns him and it’s also a place where Egypt doesn’t have a solid presence. That in a place dragons cannot go these organizations are diminishing whatever magical talent who could stand against them in the future, that is why people of talent are being collected or being rid of.

Naxxar says Tiamat is real and believes the Architect is alive and if Naxxar reveals himself outside of Ghallis (a place that is protected from dragons) it will draw unwanted attention. The architect is an assimilator and allows Egypt into his plans.

Our meal draws to a close he indicates the children will be taken care of as will our ship. He invites us to enjoy the marketplace and ponder our next direction of action.

Eventually Carlo finds Stewart and after calming down expresses gladness Carlo is still alive and after a mind flash Carlo finds kinship in the man; Carlo realizes the man is dying but could learn a thing or two from him.

We begin next week on Ghallis Rock. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Hunter's Trade

Cyrus Sorcerer  child of Addelmy 

Eirenaios child 2 Oracle, parents stoned to death by forces loyal to worshippers of Uranus   

Hesiod child 3 musical prodigy, voice produces magical effects, born into slavery

Kallistrate child 4 female, summoner, has an invisible not so pretend friend

Sophia child 5 female, born with the birthmark of Cronus (Scythe)
Myrin Wynpeiros
Elf child 6 male, Myrin Wynpeiros, claims to have been apprenticed to a Greek scholar before being sold for weapons                                                         

Elf Child 7 female, Omawarin, acrobat

Aasimar Child 8 male, Halavar, recently branded with the mark of Tiamat

Aasimar Child 9 female, Ersalor, recently branded with the mark of Tiamat


Friday, March 2, 2018

Malta Session 26: 02/28/2018 Escape from Selmunett

We begin this week’s session on the Deep Falcon after defeating the Hunter, some select Grey Warriors, and a group of mercenaries as well as an unknown necromancer/Red Priest; while below the rest of the group was freeing captured children back to Bonded Mind/The Black Rose.
As the ogre Lermang swims two boats full of children the rest of our characters fight off Merrow and Ghoul Creepers while setting all three hostile ships on fire with summoned elementals, alchemist fire, and heated words, assuring no ships can easily follow us. Addelmy is reunited with her son in saving several children including two elf children.

After dropping one of the giant merrow we fly back to the Black Rose, sail away, and take inventory: 
Ghouls we dropped: 3 potions of magic fang +1 (Carlo), masterwork light crossbows. 

Grey Warriors: 6 Composite longbows +3 str,

Of the mercenaries (4) the each masterwork bastard swords, masterwork light crossbow, masterwork heavy steel shields.

The Hunter: two third level potions of our choice; two oils of magic weapon +1 (Jabari/ship), two potions of aid (Marco/Lete), 6 potions of bull strength (split), 12 potions CMW CL5 (split Eva included), +1 cold iron dwarven war axe (Sell), masterwork light crossbow, cloak of resistance +2 (Eva), 460 gp in gems, 8 +1 frost bolts, a handy haversack (Marco) containing: 6 potions of haste (Split), 6 potions of shield of faith (Split), 10 potions of fly (split), 5 potions of invisibility (Split), 2 screaming bots (ship), 2 sunrods (Jabari), +2 mithril breastplate (Lex).

Random Rolls: +1 weapon of choice (rapier/Marco), full 3rd level wand CL5 (Jabari), full 0 level spell CL1, meta magic rod +1 level (Jabari Fuck Yea!), ring of rat fangs (Carlo), full 3rd level wand CL5 (Eva), ring of spell knowledge 2 (Lex), +1 weapon with 2 +1 special abilities (Lex), ring of climbing (Carlo), meta magic +2 level (minor) Jabari, Boots of the mastadon (Lete), bracers of armor +5 (Carlo), pliant gloves (Marco), robe of scintillating colors (Lete), cloak of the bat (Lete).

The Red priest: bag of gems 16,000 gp worthy of being crafted into metamagic components. Wand of lesser restoration 38 charges, 4 doses of black adder venom, 2 doses of black fingers paste, 1 dose of cocatrice spittle, 3 doses of drow sleep poison, 3 fiddleback venom, 2 hag spittle, +2 chain shirt,
Divine Scrolls (minimum CL): delay poison x2, neutralize poison, restoration, confusion x5, poison x5, bestow curse x3, CSW x10, non detection x3, CMW x10, invisibility x3, lesser restoration x3, silence x10, protection from good x10, CLW x10.
2,700 gems each. 160 gp in coin each.

We attain 6th character level.

Next week, on to Ghallis Rock.