Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Old Man from the Sea

Stewart had taken to tending to the old man whose wounds appeared to be both physical and mental, his sleep assaulted by nightmares.  For several weeks the Old Man hardly moved.  Stewart spent most of his time convincing the ship captain that they were not inviting death and disease aboard The Waterhawk by saving the old man.   The truth was the Halfling wanted to know all he could about this old man that somehow lived through the jailer’s prison and felt he owed it to a fellow survivor to give his best.  Somewhere around the sixth week The Captain informed Stewart that if the old man wasn’t at least conscious by the time of their first ship moot they would place him in a small boat and leave him to the Sea’s fate.

First the weather began to work in the old man’s favor, turning so bad that their arrival at the moot was delayed, giving the old man even longer to recover.  When the Waterhawk finally arrived at the moot Stewart thought he had failed the old man, whose only communication had been mad ravings during his nightmares.  The Captain and his crew were quick to begin their introductions to the other ships, the old man briefly forgotten but Stewart knew he was down to his last hours.  Looking down at the old man Stewart wondered why he couldn’t just think him awake.  The Halfling fell over backwards in shock when the old man opened his eyes  staring at Stewart a moment before croaking out, “Water…who..where are we? MY Amulet! Where is it!?”

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