Showing posts with label Two Hour Wargames. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two Hour Wargames. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Two Hour Arrival

I have been jumping for joy the last couple of days as the first batch of games that I'm interested in trying out this year arrived at the beginning of this week. Yippee! Here's what showed up at my front door from Two Hour Wargames, along with descriptions of each game from the company's website as well as from the books' back covers:

5150 Star Army

JOIN THE STAR ARMY! It's not a job. It's an adventure!

Yeah right, whatever. Okay, listen up kid. I'm not going to sugar-coat it for you. The Star Army is hell. You're the first to arrive and the last to leave. What do you really do? Well let me tell you son...

In 5150 Star Army you're a Platoon Leader trying to keep your men alive while completing your missions. Make that you're trying to complete your mission and if your men stay alive that's even better. You're the tip of the Gaea Prime spear and your enemies are many. The Empire is hungry and growing and that means you're always at war. As a Star Army Platoon Leader you'll be fighting other humanoids, alien races and things that don't fit into either class. Their faces may change but the enemy is still the enemy and you have a job to do.

So go do it soldier!

5150 Star Army is a man to man skirmish game where one figure equals one man, alien, or vehicle. Start off with a squad and soon you'll be playing platoons and companies. 5150 Star Army can be played solo, same-side with everyone against the game mechanics, and of course head to head against your friends. Includes a player friendly campaign system. Rules cover infantry, vehicles, Bugs, and much more. Playable with any figures, any scale, this easy to learn yet tough to master game is perfect for the casual or battle hardened gamer.

You don't even feel the bumps anymore, too many jumps for that. Damn, the soldiers are getting younger and younger or maybe you're just getting older? The green light flashes and you run your final check. All's good and you brace for touchdown. Bam! The door drops and your squad piles out immediately coming under fire. The last thing you remember is...

STAR ARMY. It's not a job. It's an adventure!

Larger Than Life: The Game of Pulp Adventures


It's spaceships, jungle lords, and Nazis, Lost cities, underwater adventure, and maybe even a hard-boiled detective or two.

It's about heroes moving from scene to scene at breakneck speed. Hot on the trail or maybe a step in front of the bad guys. It's clever cliffhangers that leave you wanting more.

But mostly it's about the story.

And that's what drives Larger Than Life. In LTL you step into the story and become a Larger Than Life Hero. LTL moves you from scene to scene each with a different challenge. Complete your challenge and move to the next scene. Fail and you're whisked down another road that leads to who knows where. But if you stick to it and if you're lucky you'll complete all the challenges and that'll get you what you wanted from the beginning, a shot at the "Big Bad." The Big Bad, the Evil Genius, or the Villain... we prefer to call him the Yin to your Yang because without the "Big Bad" there's no story.

And it's all about the story. Welcome to the world of... Larger than Life!

Adventures in the Lost Lands


You hear the whispers. Giant creatures from the dawn of time alive and walking the earth. Dinosaurs! How can it be? As a hunter you have to find out the truth so you follow the rumors to this God-forsaken corner of the world, Lemuria!

You've spent days and large sums of money in tracking the Beast and now it's come to this. Your bearer trembles as he pulls back the branch giving you a clear view of the Beast in all its splendor. As you steady your aim it turns, looks you in the eye and at that moment you wonder... who's hunting who?

Adventures in the Lost Lands introduces you to a world like no other. A world of giant creatures and prehistoric men where you can:

Be a Pulp Era hero exploring Lost Lands and searching for valuable treasure. Lead your tribe of primitive cavemen in a fight against other primitive tribes. Be a modern day big game hunter who travels to a prehistoric land that time forgot. Command a Victorian Era expedition bent on discovery and conquest. Be a dinosaur, not only a dinosaur, but THE dinosaur, as you take on all others for supremacy. Or command a squad of WW 2 GIs blasted into a strange prehistoric world while on maneuvers in Louisiana.*

In Adventures in the Lost Lands you can do all this and more. We've included a number of linked scenarios forming a campaign which can be played solo, cooperatively with all players on the same side, or head to head against your friends. It's all up to you!

So have a seat, give the rules a read and prepare to enter a world like no other, the world of dinosaurs. But just remember one thing... who's hunting who?

*Really? Louisiana? Yep, it's a long story.


Phew! When I started typing all of that out I didn't realize how long the description for those games would turn out to be. I'm therefore going to refrain from sharing my first impressions about each of the games until my next post. For now I'll just say that although I did not know what to expect from these games beyond what I've learned reading 5150 battle reports and suchover at Mik's Minis, I definitely did not anticipate just how different these games really are from the type that I normally play. This is my first encounter with the rules mechanisms found in Two Hours Wargames products and it looks like they could take quite some getting used to, though I have heard positive things about them once they become familiar to you. I'm really excited to try these games out even if it means stepping somewhat out of my usual gaming comfort zone. Hmm, that actually sounds like it could potentially be a lot of fun and a good way to shake up my hobby routines.

Okay, that's it for tonight. I hope everyone is doing well on this whackiest of days, Leap Day. So until next time, happy painting and gaming!