Earlier today I was able to recover a large amount of data from my old computer and so I'm in the mood to celebrate this bit of good fortune. Among the recovered goodies were all of my photographs from this year's trip to Adepticon, and therefore tonight I'd like to share a few of my favorites. First up are a couple of crazy count-as Flamers of Tzeentch followed by a count-as unit of Flesh Hounds. These are from the gorgeous Daemons of Chaos army painted by Jeff Schiltgen for Adepticon's 1000 point "It's How You Use It" tournament. I could be mistaken but I think he won a Player's Choice award for his well painted army and display board.
There were of course many other fantastic armies to drool over at Adepticon. However my schedule was primarily filled with gaming this year and so I did not have as much time as before to wander around and take pictures of all the cool miniatures. Although I had a blast playing in the events, in the future I think I would prefer to leave more time unscheduled so that I can take advantage of having so many lovely armies gathered in one place. It's a great opportunity to be inspired and see some amazing works of art.
Happy painting and gaming!