Showing posts with label warhammer fantasy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warhammer fantasy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Warhammer - New Tournament Format?

I'm in the final stages of preparing for this years Orktoberfest and it just dawned on me that I really ought to change the format.  Not so much in the actual rules of the game, but in how people select their army lists.

Currently (and in previous years) I opted for a fairly large points value for the area (2500 points for Warhammer Fantasy and 2000 points for Warhammer 40k prior to the double FOC rule).  That might have limited the number of people who wanted to participate as a lot of them thought it was a bad thing to have so many points.n

One of the chief arguments was that making army lists was a no-brainer as you could take anything you wanted.  I never saw this as a bad thing because it meant that you had an answer to whatever anyone brought and it was up to you to deploy that answer in the proper way.  Most people in the area prefer smaller points values (around 1500) so they have to think carefully what they put in their list.  Most arguments against this points value (and I agree with these people) is that the smaller points values tend to favor certain armies/lists and if you aren't prepared for it, those lists just steam roller you.

A good example of this was the dual-lash chaos list from a few years back.  At 1500 points it was nigh-impossible to beat if someone wasn't prepared for it.  Similarly triple raider lists at that points values were hard to deal with unless you specifically tailored your list to fight it.  Now if you aren't prepared for that kind of game, those lists would just steam roller everyone at a tournament.

So to solve this problem, for next year's event I might opt for a smaller points value with 2 flexible detachments.  For example in Warhammer 40k I would play 1500 point games with a 1000 point core detachment and a 500 point flexible detachment.  The core detachment would contain the required 1 HQ and 2 Troops and then the player would have 2 flexible detachments of 500 points.  The idea being that you would have the option to switch your flexible detachment based on your opponent.  So maybe one flexible detachment would contain lots of melta/plasma to combat monstrous creature spam while the other contained massed templates to fight hordes.

I'd have to figure out away of how the players choose which detachment to use against each other without giving either player a huge advantage.  Like using an anti-monstrous creature detachment against a Tyranid player only to have them switch all their monstrous creatures out for hordes.  Might have to tie it in to the deployment roll (i.e. player who deploys first chooses his detachment first) or the player's placement in the tournament (i.e. player who has a higher ranking in the competition chooses his detachment first).  Alternatively it could just be blind pick and both players reveal their choice prior to deployment.  Could create a Sicilian argument which could be fun.

Doing it this way is similar to how Warmahordes tournament players have two lists or how Magic: The Gathering tournament decks have sideboards.  This would allow people to fight against cheese lists with their own list and will make list building more involved as opposed to just cramming as many monstrous creatures into 1500 points as possible (or in my case Terminators).  I haven't read of any other Warhammer tournament that does this but I've been out of the loop as far as checking on the big events goes.

One of the sponsors to Orktoberfest is wanting to put on some smaller in-store events so I might try to convince him to let me run this style of tournament for one or more of those events as a test run for next year.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sometimes I HATE Games Workshop

The Dark Angels up for advance order on the Games Workshop page and with it the realization that I will probably no longer support the company that produces them with the same gusto as I have before.  Now I won't go out and say that I won't buy any of their overpriced goods (those Deathwing models are too awesome looking to not buy at least one box, just not sure when) but their prices have really driven me to consider where I spend my hobby money a lot more carefully.

When I was in high school my mom always said that my money was spent long before I actually earn it (and back in those days any money I made was hobby money) and even now after being married for almost a decade my wife says the same thing (and even though I make more money now than in high school, my disposable hobby money is about the same if not slightly higher due to other expenses).  One of the worst parts of being older is that my hobby time is a lot more valuable and as such my hobby money too.  I can't just spend it willy-nilly on a $70 box set of 5 figures when I could put that money to good use elsewhere for a lot more value.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Samurai Cavalry! (in plastic!)

Super excited about seeing these guys from Wargames Factory

Samurai Cavalry

Totally messes up my plan for purchasing a fantasy army though.  I was going to use my Bretonnian knights as Dogs of War heavy cavalry but with these figures out I might try and build a straight samurai army.  Kind of a shame as I really liked the viking huscarl figures but I can't figure a way to include them and samurai in the same army.
Even using dogs of war I would most likely end up using a majority of the Rising Sun line (the ashigaru spearmen look like great pikemen) and having one or two units of bearded viking marauders would look out of place I think.

So my revised plan would be the following
Samurai cavalry to represent Dogs of War heavy cavalry or Empire knightly orders
Ashigaru spearmen to represent Dogs of War pikemen or Empire spearmen
Ashigaru muskets/archers to represent Dogs of War crossbowmen or Empire handgunners/archers
Samurai Warriors to represent Dogs of War paymaster bodyguard/Empire swordsmen or greatswords
I could add artillery if I can get my hands on some 28mm cannons for cheap and crew them with any extra ashigaru.

Thought about using the figures to proxy a high elf army but the high elf rules seems only appropriate for samurai and not ashigaru.  The empire or dogs of war books seem more appropriate, maybe warriors of chaos but the warriors lack ranged weaponry.

Anyways, need to toss around some 2000-2500 point lists with a few books and see which one results in the cheapest competitive army using the Rising Sun line.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Price of Gaming (Games Workshop Style)

It's probably common knowledge to anyone who plays wargames that Games Workshop is increasing prices again.  I kind of understand the business side of things and totally understand that this is a hobby so it's not like raising the price on food, but still it is kind of depressing to see a hobby get more and more expensive.  Especially so when extra funds are limited and when I want to get back into Warhammer Fantasy gaming.

One fortunate thing about Fantasy games though is that there are a lot of companies out there that produce fantasy figures at a much reduced price compared to GWs.  GW (in my view) kind of has the futuristic grimdark setting monopoly (no other company could produce space marine like figures without getting a lot of legal flak) but in the fantasy realm they don't (a dwarf is a dwarf whether it is a GW dwarf or a non-GW dwarf).  So I've decided to build a Dogs of War/Empire army using figures from other companies.

It's going to be much cheaper and hopefully after a coat of paint look just as good.  I decided not to do a dwarf army (see previous post about Mantic Dwarves) as I really don't like their playstyle and besides, I can always fit dwarves into a Dogs of War army if I decide to buy some Mantic Dwarves in the future.

I already have a bunch of knights, heroes and wizards from Bretonnia that could easily fit in with any DoW/Empire army so part of the army is already made.  I just need infantry and I think I'll take those from Wargames Factory.

I could use their Samurai Warriors to represent swordsmen/greatswords/paymaster bodyguard (armed with katana), the Ashigaru Yari Troops as pikemen/spearmen, the Ashigaru Missile Troops as crossbowmen/handgunners and their Viking Huscarls to represent norse marauders/flagellants.

As an Empire army using the vastly different styles of models might be awkward but for a Dogs of War army not so much I think.  After all the Dogs of War are mercenaries from all over the world.  I just hope the local gamer folk don't mind me using alternate figures to play Warhammer Fantasy.  Admittedly I could just try and get ancients/historical gaming going but that I think is going to be harder as it requires investment from more people.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

In a galaxy far, far away...

Oh my it has been a while since I last posted anything.  Not much to say other than been busy with stuff outside of wargaming.

Some friends and I got into Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Reminded me of my old World of Warcraft days only back then I didn't play with any of my friends, but had a nice guild that kept me in until teacher school got too time consuming.  Never got back into the whole MMORPG since then.  Being a teacher takes up a lot of time outside of school surprisingly.

When Old Republic was released, things changed.  Being a fan of the Star Wars universe made it easy for me to decide to try it.  Thankfully my friends played and we now have regular gaming nights which is nice.  So that, I suppose, is where most of my free gaming time has gone.

For those curious I play on the Master Gnost-Dural server on both sides.  My friends and I started a guild on the Imperial side under the name Imperial Medical Service.  All the characters so far are doctors (mine is bounty hunter named Dr'akagi, cookie for those who know who I named her after, lol).  I have to wonder if anyone notices the connection.  Republic side we aren't nearly as organized my main is a Jedi Sentinel named Paro'cena.  I've got alts of all the classes as well but they are really just crafting bots for the most part.

On the tabletop gaming side of things, I haven't really done much.  I sold off some of my Deathwing (the black reach squads and the land raider) as I wanted to finance a new fantasy army a few months.  Unfortunately I haven't seen anything that I would like to play in Fantasy.  I have a bunch of miscellaneous fantasy models and I was thinking of building a Dogs of War army but they seem kind of underpowered.  That is until I saw the fan based 8th edition Dogs of War book (Regiments of Reknown here).  What surprised me about this book was that Adepticon adopted it for their tournament so it must be fairly well balanced.  I'm going to look at it over the next couple of weeks and see if I can make a competitive army with it without breaking the bank.

Oh yeah, one last thing before I sign out.  Orctoberfest 2012 will be Fantasy this year.  Hopefully I can get enough people to break even or make a profit (profit meaning more prizes for everyone!)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Stomach flu sucks & Mantic Games armies

D&D adventure this weekend was cancelled due to me (the DM) catching my daughter Penny's stomach flu (which I probably gave her because I work at a school and who knows what crazy things the students have).

Oh well. Got around to making a new figure for our Goliath ranger, Sergeant Enforcer, and did some shopping around on the Reaper Miniatures website for some random hero figures for a future dwarf army I am planning. I need an army for next year's Orctoberfest as I sold off my old Bretonnians (I kept the newer models) and thus don't have a 2500 point army anymore.

What sucks is that I can't get to 2500 points with my Bretonnian army without shelling out an obscene amount of money. Even if I go all cavalry I need to buy some 2 or 3 boxes of knights which will run over $100 but then I have no archer or men-at-arms support and everything else is taken up by characters. To get the proper support I'd need to shell out another $100 just for some 200 points of archers and/or men-at-arms.

Enter Mantic Games. My god are those models cheap, good looking and so plentiful! One of their dwarf box sets which retails for around $100 is around 1500 points in GWs books. Then add some characters and runes and you've got close to 2000. A few more cheap box sets and it's easily 2500 for less than $150 or so. It also helps that I've got 3 28mm scale catapults that I can use for grudge throwers to help round out the army.

To help finance this new army I did have to sell some other things first though. Out went my AoBR Deathwing, my Deathwing Land Raider and some tactical squads I didn't use anymore (thankfully I made profit on those so I can replace the Deathwing stuff if I wanted to later). Once those make it to their destinations I'll place an order for a new Dwarf army. May not be GW but whatever, I can still play casually and at independant tournaments.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Librarian, Vanguard & Orctoberfest!

Sometime last week I finished my Librarian and Vanguard for the Bolter & Chainsword's Call of the Imperium painting challenge. Though I couldn't have done it without my wife's help as we were both up the night before it was due finishing up the final details and bases.

To recap, I vowed to finish a squad of Deathwing, a Librarian in terminator armour and a Vanguard squad.

Pictures below.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Painting Knights

Started painting some of the Bretonnian Knights I've had sitting on my shelf for a while now. Boy do I ever hate painting these things. The models are great, but painting each knight differently slows the entire process down considerably.

I did my best to assembly line the whole process so it's going a little faster than how I used to paint Bretonnians (one knight at a time), but it is still way more time consuming than painting my Dark Angels or space ships.

Pics below of what's been accomplished so far.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

All cavalry Bretonnians dead? It'll come back and bite you in the ankles!

Alrighty, got myself a copy of the Warhammer Fantasy 8th rulebook and I've had some time to think about how my Bretonnians are going to be run for 8th.

For the longest time I ran almost pure cavalry armies starting in 5th (when the Bretonnians were re-introduced). It was two units of archers and the rest of my points was put into knights of various types. Kind of a one-trick pony which was fun at first but got boring quickly (both for me and my opponent).

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bretonnians in 8th Game 2

Warhammer break over, met up with my dwarf friend this past weekend and played another game of 8th with my Bretonnians. I kept the same list but I swapped out the 24 bowmen for a third trebuchet (would have taken more but only 3 max) and upgraded my foot Damsel for a prophetess.

I took pictures this time which will help me remember what happened in each turn!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bretonnians in 8th after 1 game

So had the opportunity to play a game of 8th edition on Sunday. Boy was that long, I think it took us almost 3 hours to play 6 turns at 2250. Mind you we didn't know the new rules completely so there was a lot of checking and stuff.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bretonnians and 8th edition: First impressions pre-FAQ

Yay 8th edition Warhammer Fantasy is upon us! Maybe it's time to brush off the old Bretonnian army I have sitting around. Only had a brief look at the rules plus what everyone else on the internet has had to say about the new rules and I haven't played a game yet so my analysis of the Bretonnians is definately not in depth at all.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Northern BC Tournament Circuit

Just remembered that some guys from the North Peace River area have proposed a Northern BC Wargaming tournament circuit.

Details can be found at the North Peace Wargamers forum.

Sounds like fun and should be a great way to meet new players from around the north.


So in addition to preparing for 'Ard Boyz, I've also got a few projects I'm still working on.

My Salamanders army is coming along ok, I just need to finish painting the two tactical squads, devastator squad and Vulkan.  The vanguard squads I made I think I will keep for my DIY chapter, the War Dragons.  With the new Blood Angels book out, I can finally make an all jump-pack space marine army!  That should look pretty darned cool on the table-top.

I've also started making some scratch-built Ork killa kanz out of Kinder Surprise eggs and spare sprues and bits.

A friend gave me a bunch of old Bretonnian Knights too so I've got a full 2000 point Bretonnian army again. But they are in bad shape so I'm going to have to strip them first.

Lots of things to do and maybe some of them will be done before spring break is over.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Project Updates

Summer is here and with school over and done with I have a lot of time to dedicate to finishing all of my projects.

The space marine army is coming along nicely and I've put together all 40 marines. The squad breakdown is:
Tactical Squad 1 - 10 space marines, Flamer, Multi-melta, and sergeant with power weapon
Tactical Squad 2 - 10 space marines, Flamer, Multi-melta and sergeant with power fist and combi-melta
Devastator Squad - 10 space marines, 4 missile launchers
Vanguard Squad - 10 space marines, 2 Thunder hammers, 2 power weapons, Sergeant with Relic Blade and custom turbine-style jump packs (looks like the old Rogue Trader jump packs from way back)
I also converted a model that is armed in the same way as Vulkan He'stan so I will most likely paint this up as a Salamanders army.

Haven't done much with the Bretonnian army but it is so far going to look like this:
2 units of 5 Knights of the Realm
2 units of 5 Questing Knights
1 unit of 3 Pegasus Knights

And lastly my one of a kind Dark Elf Executioner Cavalry is now primed and one model has been test painted. Sorry no pics of this unit yet.

I hope to have more updates (with pictures!) by the end of the week.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Upcoming Projects

Not much new is going to be happening until next month, but just to make sure no one thinks I'm not doing anything here are a list of upcoming projects that I hope to finish and put up for sale by the end of June.

Warhammer Fantasy
  • Bretonnian Pegasus Knights
  • Bretonnian Knights of the Realm
  • Bretonnian Questing Knights
Warhammer 40k
  • Codex Space Marines army consisting of two tactical squads, a devestator squad, a sternguard squad and a rhino (which will have options to be a whirlwind or vindicator). Not sure what chapter to paint them as because all the Codex chapters have nice special characters (thinking either Ultramarines, Salamanders or Crimson Fists as I can easily convert the special characters for those chapters and they fit the foot slogging style of warfare that those four squads suggests)
Stay tuned for more updates as June progresses.