Showing posts with label firestorm armada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label firestorm armada. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

BSG & Trek Firestorm Ships Updated

Just remembered (after someone emailed me asking for the BSG ship stats) that I updated the ships I created for Firestorm Armada. My gaming group has adopted them and so far everything appears to be balanced internally (i.e. these three are balanced with each other, but may not be with the actual Firestorm Armada ships).

One of the group is taking his hand at designing ships for the Stargate universe but he's finding out that balancing the game stats with what is seen in the show is a lot harder than it looks.

Battlestar Galactica Colonial Fleet

Klingon Imperial Fleet


Again, some of the stuff is non-canon (most of the BSG stuff is) so it was really left up to my group and I to decide what each ship did.
For the models, I took everything in the Armoury's stock for BSG and Trek, though some things aren't in the store yet (like the Trek battleships)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Firestorm Armada & Ship Design

I spent some time last week mulling over the various starship models available at my friends store and making up their stats using the rules found in Firestorm Armada.
The store has a lot of starship models available (see store here) and I took on the challenge of writing up the rules for his Battlestar Galactica ships.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Firestorm Armada - opinion after a few of games

Got a few games in of Firestorm Armada this weekend. We didn't use the actual fleets that are in the Firestorm universe as we didn't have any of the models. So instead we used the ship design rules found in the main rulebook to create the Starfleet and Klingon ships that my friend gave me.

I tweaked the rules from the ones I posted earlier and they can be found here. All our games were cruisers vs. cruisers/frigates games so no battle ships.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Firestorm: Star Trek

A follow-up to my post from yesterday. As I said I am painting some starships for a friend of mine as he wants me to demo Firestorm: Armada for his store.

I've been given a small fleet of Starfleet vessels and Klingon vessels from his store and here's my work in progress on the Starfleet vessels.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My 5th Deathwing Squad & Starships!

I took a break from 8th Edition Fantasy for a bit as I need to think about how the Bretonnians will work in this edition of stubborn infantry blocks (or just sell them and get high elves, if I get two boxes of Isle of Blood High Elves I can have a full 2000+ army depending on characters and magic items!).

In the meanwhile I am catching up on some painting that I need to do for the Bolter & Chainsword's annual (well it seems like an annual thing) Call of The Imperium painting challenge. As part of my vow I need to complete a Deathwing squad, librarian and vanguard squad by the end of July. My Deathwing squad was completed today.

I have also started working on painting some starship models as one of my friends (who also runs one of the gaming shops I frequent) asked me to help demo the relatively new starship wargame, Firestorm Armada. I've written the rules for his starships using Firestorm Armada's create a ship rules and I'll post them up later on (along with pics of the ships I am painting).