Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars. Show all posts

Friday, 31 December 2021

My 2021

It's been another weird year.

I can confirm that looking after a two year old, is much more difficult than looking after a one year old. This rate of mathematical progression does not fill me with confidence in light of my impending duty to look after a three year old.

As far as I am aware I did not not get Covid, but instead I did get two vaccine doses and booster, which was pretty incredible given where we were this time last year.  

Outside In Wants To Believe was published containing my article, You Say Goodbye, And I Say Hello.

Spatial Anomaly published Big Damn Heroics episode guides about the Firefly episodes: Serenity: The Pilot, The Train Job, Bushwhacked, Shindig, Safe, Our Mrs Reynolds, Jaynestown, Out of Gas, Ariel, War Stories, Trash, The Message, Heart of Gold and Objects in Space, as well as The R. Tam Sessions 416 Second excerpt, 1 and 22.

While there were articles that were exclusive to patrons about the deleted scenes from Serenity: The Pilot, Our Mrs Reynolds and Objects in Space. episode orders, opening narrations, character profiles of Badger, Niska, Saffron and the Hands of Blue, A History of the 'verse Part One & Two, Top Ten Firefly Flashbacks, Screentime, Top Ten Death Tolls and an analysis of the opening titles

Spatial Anomaly was neglected in the second half of the year, but I'm planning on continuing it in the new year.

There was also a top secret project that took up any free time that I had. I'll let you know what it was as soon as I can...

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Carruthers Ten Years On: August 2011

August 2011 on the Carruthers blog. Yankee and Concerning Flight are alright.

I'm surprisingly pleased with these posts about references on the blog to Red Dwarf, Star Wars and Blake's 7.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

THX 1138 at Fifty

THX 1138 was George Lucas' student film, which he expanded upon to make his first feature. THX 1138 is fifty years old today.

I wrote this for Hero Collector about THX 1138's half century.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Twitter Twatter #89

The first half of September 2020 on Twitter:

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Twitter Twatter #78

The end of November and all of December 2019 on Twitter:

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Twitter Twatter #76

November 2019 on Twitter

Friday, 20 December 2019

Wild, Wild West

Sooner or later, most science fiction television series will dress up as cowboys and have a go at a western episode. The characters will swap space helmets, ray guns and uniform insignia for Stetsons, shooters and sheriff's badges. They mostly reach for and rely on the same set of Western tropes: main street shootouts, prison breakouts, drunk dentistry and the like.

I wrote this for Hero Collector about TV science fiction western episodes. What could be more Christmassy than that?

Monday, 16 December 2019

Twitter Twatter #70

Twitter May 2019:

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Twitter Twatter #69

Twitter April 2018: