2018 California

Sunday 30 August 2015

Singapore Botanic Gardens

We've done the Children's Gardens and the Orchid Gardens (both within) but never the expansive Botanic Gardens themselves.  It feels very much like Central Park in the middle of New York City. The gardens were also just recently named the first UNESCO World Heritage Gardens in the world.  We visited this over the weekend celebrating Singapore's 50th birthday (August 9) between the "Cinderella" performance, the school Open House, and the start back to school.

Missoula Children's Theatre

They were back again!  This time with a production of "Cinderella."  Allison played one of the stepsisters, Madison was a beggar, Parker was a lord, and McKenna was a pumpkin.  Allison and I made it back from Iowa just the day before the first day of auditions/rehearsals.  The annual school Open House (where you find out who your teacher is, meet the teacher, find out your schedule, and visit the rooms was also during this week, squeezed in between rehearsals).

Saturday 15 August 2015

Iowa 4-H Navy STEM Camp trip

12 youth and 2 staff from Navy Region Center Singapore traveled off to enjoy a one-week 4-H STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathmatics) Camp in Iowa at the state 4-H Campsite and at Iowa State University in reward of the great job they did when they competed in a previous video competition.  Our youth enjoyed time on campus learning the DaVinCi computer system which allows groups to design and test gliders in a simulated situation before a real build.  Once a idea was finalized, a 3-D printer created all of the glider parts, which were then constructed and flown by our youth.  Our youth also enjoyed outdoor activities including canoeing, hikes to interesting bridges, archery, rock climbing, group games, fireside s'more's, new friends and some local American food!

Allison went as one of the youth, and I went as one of the staff.  Twenty-seven hours of travel time was well worth it for the experiences!

Noodle Man

Jeremy and I have eaten at The Noodle Man in Singapore's Chinatown a few times now, but the kids have not yet.  It is a rare place in Singapore, that you must visit when you come, whether living or visiting.  The kids have been asking for some time.  It is located on Smith Street, a historic food street.  We had Ice Kachang (like shaved ice with syrup flavors soaked in, topped with red beans and creamed corn) afterwards. Here are there visit pictures:

Allison's Summer Job

During the summer, I was a paid intern for six weeks at the Gym on the U.S. Navy base. For the majority of those six weeks, I was cleaning and maintaining the gym for patron use. This would include mopping a basketball court, wiping down all equipment in both the hot room and cold room twice a day, sweeping a tennis court, wiping windows and door, and much more. I also had the chance to stay at the desk and welcome patrons, check ID's, fill out daily usage reports, call people who had overdue items that they borrowed, make golf reservations, and organize binders. And because I was a teen intern, every morning I could attend a fitness class each day of the week. Some of the classes ranged from yoga to kickboxing to circuit training. At the very end of these six weeks, I had to present about my experience and my project to the Captain of the Navy Base.