Showing posts with label Tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tree. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2017

Oh What a SmartCar

This is another painting which I did from a photo which my friend from college took. Funny, I'm not all that into cars but I just love her car photos and they call me to paint them! I'm so lucky that she is amenable to that!

Oh What a SmartCar
(original and prints available)

Painted with permission, from a photo taken by Vivienne Scholl.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Virtual Paintout Blunder

Well shoot! I was just about to send in my submission for Bill Guffey's Virtual Paintout when I noticed that I had somehow traveled to Alabama instead of Nashville, TN in my virtual sight seeing. Since the place I painted from is out of this month's designated painting area I can't submit it. While this is rather disappointing, I'm also having a good laugh over it! I must have been quite tired when I was looking for a spot to paint from! Regardless, here it is!

Not Nashville

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Colorful New Orleans

Colorful New Orleans
It's been a while since I participated in the Virtual Paintout. This month's location is New Orleans. I wandered around looking for something which caught my eye and ended up here. I set out to complete this painting in one sitting and was happy to have accomplished that. I started out with a brush but in the end used a palette knife for most of it. The actual image was rather drab but that just didn't seem right to me. Having never been to New Orleans, I tend to envision the area in the bold colors so I used those quite liberally here.

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