Showing posts with label Callaway Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Callaway Gardens. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Casons Chapel at Callaway Gardens

I took a photo of this little chapel a couple of years ago while visiting Callaway Gardens. I've been wanting to paint it for a long time and here it finally is. It has the loveliest stained glass!

Casons Chapel

Monday, February 14, 2011

Callaway Gardens White Flowers

Callaway Gardens White Flowers

This is my first Aceo painting. I had a lot of fun with it and am thinking of doing a series of nine of these and framing them together.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Callaway Gardens Building - Oil Painting

Callaway Gardens Building

Here's a painting of a building at Callaway Gardens. This building has a restaurant upstairs on the opposite side and a shop and something else on the lower floor on the side that's showing. I was bummed because by the time we got here the shop was closed and I missed an opportunity to browse.

The photo I took seems to have spherized the image a bit, I guess the same thing must have happened on the other paintings I've photographed (vs. scanning) but the subject matter in this one seems to have accentuate it. I swear, the roof doesn't bent like that in the original. I'll probably scan this and the others when they get dry enough.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Callaway Gardens Butterfly - Oil Painting


This is an impasto painting which I've never done before, well, on second thought I guess I have, it's just been an incredibly long time. Anyway...I had so much fun slathering the paint on!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Callaway Gardens Patio Overlooking Pond - Oil Painting

Callaway Gardens Patio

Here's another painting I did from the photos I took at Callway Gardens here in GA. I was able to get several great shots while I was there so there will be more to come :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flower in Oil - Final

Here is the final of this painting. I can't quite get the colors in the scan correct, the flower in the painting is actually a bit more orange but this is pretty close. I finished a portrait for James Parker's Windows to the Word blog, as soon as it dries enough I'll scan that in and post it. I also have a few paintings which are in the sketch stage, I'll try to get those scanned and posted in the next couple days as well.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Flower in Oil - Work In Progress 1

I've been working on this painting here and there for the last couple of weeks. It's another flower I photographed when I was at Callaway Gardens last summer. A good friend of mine and I were debating what kind of flower this is and we decided that it looks like an Iris. For some reason I feel it should be something more exotic than that...oh well, I guess I should have written it down. This painting is oil on gessoed poplar plywood and is 14.75"x7.75".

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sunflower in Oils - Working 5

I went back and put more details in the flower, I think I may be done with this one. I've been having a hard time getting good photos of it so when it's dry enough I'll scan it in and re-post it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sunflower in Oils - Working 1

This is the initial sketch for an oil (water miscible) painting of a sunflower. I'm working from another of the many photos I took during my visit to Callaway Gardens.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunflower in Pastels - Final


Here's the first of what I believe will be a series of sunflower paintings. I took quite a few photos of these beautiful flowers while at Callaway Gardens and they're all screaming to be painted. I'm also currently working on a portrait which I hope to have up soon.

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Friday, February 13, 2009

When to say When...(Sunflower in Pastels - Work in Progress 2)

I've worked on this some more and am trying to decide if it's time to stop or if I want to put more details into it. I think I'll set it aside and look at it again in a few days with a fresh eye.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sunflower in Pastels - Work in Progress

This is a pastel I'm working on of a sunflower. I love flowers and took lots of photos of a wide variety this past summer during a trip to Callaway Gardens.