Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gymnastics 101

Well, Katelyn is quickly following in her sister's footsteps with everything, including gymnastics. She just finished her first six week session and just loves it. Aside from doing it with Kelsey way back when, she was still a little shy and unsure of it all. But by the end, she was loving every minute of it.

They run around the room with ribbons to music for warm up and when the music stops they have to freeze.
Chasing after Kelsey. Katelyn has the same teacher Kelsey had when she was doing this class and it's nice because although Kelsey is too old for this class, she still lets Kelsey and another little friend do it with everyone.

Doing a "bear." She growls and everything. This is the only thing she liked about stretching.

The beloved trampoline.

This trampoline is more springy than the traditional one because this is where the older girls learn to do all their flips. A little unsure how to bounce up and down.


Linz said...

Sooo fun! She looks so cute doing the bear!

Jolene said...

SO cute. I can't wait until Ryan is out of school and has a job, so we can put our girls in gymnastics.