Showing posts with label hobbies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobbies. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A leave of absence #2

Now the other reasons for not blogging. While he was camping with his family, if Kimber had decided not to go to California, I was going to stay home as well and paint the two other bedrooms and when Dave came home it would already be done and there'd be nothing he could do about it. Unless he would paint over what I'd done and that would never happen. I've wanted to paint pretty much since we moved in and it's just been a huge argument with us. And I didn't understand because I was not asking him to paint, I would do it all, but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. In his defense I think he was thinking I wanted to paint the whole house, but that was never my intention, because I like the colors downstairs, just the bedrooms needed some color on the walls. We were also supposed to be headed back down to California to help can tomatoes and to see some friends that we haven't seen for 1 1/2 years for Labor Day weekend but when he decided to go coyote and dove hunting instead, I told him of my plans and he didn't really disagree or say too much. He just said, "Don't touch the downstairs." Done.

He caught me so off guard with agreeing to let me paint that it was numerous trips to the paint store for different chip colors and trying to get just the right color scheme in each room. Way too much pressure to get it right the first time and hoping that he liked it enough to let me do it again sometime.
The Before:

The After:

Don't be deceived, the polka-dots were so much work, and that is the only help I asked from Dave was to make it all work together on all the walls. I love the outcome and so does he. Instead of just drab white walls, now everything is crisp green and white and we love it. It took a week for both rooms, and the other room is not quite done yet, just waiting till my dad comes up this weekend to help with the finishing touches!! Stay tuned for that as well.
Katelyn kissed one of the dots when it was still wet and it was all I could do to get her not to cry for the picture before washing it off. The girls were so excited to get their toys back from under the plastic for a week and now everyone is happy.
After I did one polka-dot, Kelsey looked at me and said, "You love it, don't you?"
And Katelyn just kept kissing the wall (once it was dry) and said it looked pretty. They even got to help with painting the closet. They weren't too keen on how long the dots took though.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Before and After

Note: We had every intention of sitting down to a relaxing evening with the opening ceremonies but that so did not happen.

It all started with Katelyn not sleeping well. Again. She has not been the best sleeper since day 1 really, and last week we noticed once she really fell into a deep sleep, she moaned all night long. Not great for us light sleepers. I knew it was problem when Dave even heard her in the middle of the night. He ususally doesn't start hearing them until around 5. So something had to be done. So we moved the toddler bed out and put her in a BIG bed. On Friday after lunch I took the matresses off and started to rearrange the room. I moved even the frame, with a little help from Kelsey even and it was starting to look like a room again. After I got everything put back, I decided I wanted the dresser back in the room so they could have one room for playing and the other for sleeping and dressing. Not having to walk back and forth like before. But with the set up of the room, there was no way to not block even half the window.

So I called Dave at work to prep him for moving the dresser back into the bedroom because he didn't want it in there in the first place. When he got home, we started measuring everything out and had me convinced it wasn't going to work anyway we moved it. And then I got a sneaky idea. I knew he was not going to like me very much so I didn't tell him exactly what I was planning or thinking, but it did not take him very long. His only response was, "Get thee hence, Woman!!"

We had come home from a trip to Lowes for another project on my To-Do list for the weekend and started the forbidden moving of the rooms at 6:30 with dinner nowhere in sight. Surprisingly it only took 3 hours from start to finish, with dinner in there and the girls were in their beds.

The before:

The after:

Notice Kelsey's making of her bed. Pretty good job, for bunk beds. I hate making them!!

So now everything fits and the room finally looks finished. Well, almost. I have a few last touches that will be added in a couple of days.
But now the toy room looks really boring. I'm not allowed to touch that room. Until the next one. So it'll be awhile.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Latest

This is the most recent project I've been working on. My goal was to have it finished before Breaking Dawn so I wouldn't have to divide my time because how would I choose? She wasn't due until the 16th, but was doing all she could to have it early. Well, I finished it Friday night, only a couple of hours before leaving to get my book. Too bad I have to pass it along. But I can make more. Katelyn was so cute, when I was laying it out, she kissed, then touched each individual square and said, "Soft, pretty." Good news, she had the baby last night so it's not spoiling anything for her because she's in the hospital and we'll be seeing her later!!