Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts

Friday, April 03, 2009

Preschool Picture Day Preview

Yesterday was picture day at Kelsey's preschool. They took end of the year photos and cap and gown pictures for Kelsey as well as sibling photos. We'll get the proofs back after Spring Break but what I saw of the shots they took, the girls were just adorable. Unfortunately I was unable to snap any before we walked out the door but look forward to a future post of the final product.
However with an upcoming wedding, I've been trying out different hairstyles on the girls to see which they would look cute in. This is Kelsey's favorite and fortunately the easiest to do, with just a little prep work the night before. So what better time to try it out than for pictures? With Dave at mutual, I figured I'd try Katelyn's up the same way. I think Kelsey's is a winner, but we're still trying with Katelyn's.

They were just too cute not to take a few the night before. Yep those are socks and strips of fabric - the idea came from my grandma.
The reveal. By the time pictures rolled around, Kelsey's hair fell enough to just big soft curls which I love, but Katelyn's was still in such tight little ringlets. Not quite the results I was hoping for, so we'll keep trying. It does look like she'll be needing a haircut before the wedding though.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Anderson Dairy

Last week, Kelsey went to Anderson Dairy for another field trip with her preschool class. This is one of her favorite places to go and she can't wait for her free ice cream at the end of the tour. This trip was no different. Again, Katelyn got to tag along and even sweet-talked Miss Kris into carrying her half way through the tour.
Outside waiting to go in.
Calci the cow.
Listening to all the animals tell the story of Anderson Dairy.

What a great group of kids they were, and so behaved through the whole tour!!