Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The bread of life

Making bread has become a Sunday ritual for the past month or so. And lately the girls have enjoyed participating in the mess too. You'll notice it's not me making the bread either. That's something Dave does much better at. I don't make it, but there's nothing better than hot bread out of the oven!!
Any time Dave's in the kitchen, Katelyn runs over and says "help, help." Her way of helping is just to sit on the counter and watch him do whatever it is he is doing.
Kneeding the dough.
A little flour never hurt anyone.
Look mom. She's so proud.

Gymnastics 101

Well, Katelyn is quickly following in her sister's footsteps with everything, including gymnastics. She just finished her first six week session and just loves it. Aside from doing it with Kelsey way back when, she was still a little shy and unsure of it all. But by the end, she was loving every minute of it.

They run around the room with ribbons to music for warm up and when the music stops they have to freeze.
Chasing after Kelsey. Katelyn has the same teacher Kelsey had when she was doing this class and it's nice because although Kelsey is too old for this class, she still lets Kelsey and another little friend do it with everyone.

Doing a "bear." She growls and everything. This is the only thing she liked about stretching.

The beloved trampoline.

This trampoline is more springy than the traditional one because this is where the older girls learn to do all their flips. A little unsure how to bounce up and down.

Glasses go with everything

Glasses are the accessory of life around our house. Dave and I never go anywhere without them and are quickly instilling that in the girls. Living in Las Vegas, it's just too bright 90% of the time to go anywhere without them. We came home from church and Katelyn found her glasses and just had to put them on. They couldn't match any better.

Isn't she just the cutest?

Clark County Fair

We made our annual trip to the fair a couple of weekends ago and with all the animals, food, exhibits, and rides, who wouldn't have a great time. We saw bunnies, pigs, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, roosters, ducks, and a turkey. We've yet to go on any rides with the girls, because they've been to Disneyland, and well, how can you compete with that? So another year down without having to endure those sickening rides, but I doubt we will be able to avoid that forever.

We started with the bunny cages and the girls saw this one and instantly became attached. It even licked Kelsey's finger, instead of biting it.

Mom, that's a nice bunny, it doesn't bite.

There's a duck in there she couldn't keep her eyes off of.

Katelyn trying to climb in the pen with the baby pigs.

So proud she's that "big"

I love that my girls are not afraid of anything - this sheep was just out of reach, and she was very disappointed.

The fascinated pointing at a cow. She just couldn't get enough of all the animals.

This pig was quite friendly and snorting - they loved him.

Even Katelyn got in the action. She put her hand down and he moved over and sniffed her and then she wasn't so sure.

Laundry day

Apparently Katelyn doesn't help with the laundry enough because after bringing up a freshly clean basket of clothes, she decided it would be fun to dump out the basket and sit in them. She usually sees me do this when I'm ready to fold them, however, I just wasn't quite ready yet. So she helped. I didn't even think she was strong enough to pull if over, but evidently I was mistaken. As if the toy room wasn't messy enough already!!
She won't even look at the camera but the look on her face is priceless. Pure joy!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Twilight trailers

For all those Twilight fans out there you have to check this out. Some may call it a spoiler, so watch it only if you want. I'm so excited and can't wait for it to come out.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Take this test!
Maria Portokalos may not have been the focus of the movie, but that's the only way she would have had it. You, like Maria, are the backbone of your family, but you do it without ever wanting to be the center of attention. You know what we're talking about — your kids always seek out your well-thought-out and sincere advice, and your husband knows who really wears the pants in your house.

You consider motherhood a delicate balancing act — you're strong and tough when necessary, but it's tempered with love and respect. Fiercely loyal, you always act with your family's best interest at heart. And that's just the way you want it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A -Attached or single: Attached

B -Best Friend: Dave

C(a) - Cake or Pie: Cake, if it's an ice cream cake, otherwise pie

C(b) - Coke or Pepsi: Coke

D -Day of Choice: Saturdays! Because Dave doesn't work

E - Essential Item: Computer with high-speed Internet

F - Favorite Color: Red

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears

H - Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA

I - Indulgence(s): Girl Scout cookies, Lawry's

J - January or July: January - my birthday and snowboarding season

K - Kids: 2, Kelsey & Katelyn

L - Life is incomplete without: my family

M - Marriage Date: May 6, 2000

N - Number of Siblings: 3, 2 brothers & 1 sister

O - Oranges or Apples: Neither

P - Phobias or Fears: my kids getting hurt or lost

Q - Quote(s): The best things in life, aren't things

R - Reason To Smile: Hearing my girls playing together and the conversations they have

S - Season: Fall, because it's another 6 months until it starts getting hot again

T - Tag Nine: Jess, Micaela, Jen G., Jenn B., Deb, Rachel, Susan, Camille, & Michelle

U - Unknown Fact About Me: I like asparagus and spinach

V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Oppressor of Animals - note the Lawry's for indulgences

W - Worst Habit: Picking my fingers

X - X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds, but only for determining the sex of the baby

Y - Your Favorite Food: Anything Dave bbq'd, mexican

Z - Zodiac: Aquarius

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Disneyland 2007 - 08

Last year for our family vacation since Katelyn was really too little to go anywhere that we wanted to go, we decided to get annual passes to Disneyland. We have spent way too much money, walked hundreds of miles, and spent a grand total of 2 weeks between the 2 parks, but it was so much fun. Mark and Heather, thanks for joining us on most of those trips and making some great memories, to the point where Kelsey and Chanel both think they have to go to Disneyland to see each other. We love you guys!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Can I get a translator, please?

The following post is not meant to offend anyone so please keep that in mind when reading. We are planning to go to Colorado over the summer with my family to visit Rob and Jess and for a motocross race. We haven't decided on the mode of transportation because we really want to fly but don't really want to pay for a rental car on the other end. It's just something about driving around in our own car. But who wants to spend 12 hours in the car either? Certainly not me because I am the number one entertainer when it comes to Dave and driving.

I was doing some research in getting all the necessary information to properly make a decision and figured I'd make a quick call and talk to someone because there's no place online to note an infant sitting in your lap. Seriously 1 1/2 hours later, I was no where closer to making a decision other than wanting to scream at the phone and the person on the other end. My thoughts of what I hoped would be a quick conversation were quickly dashed when I could hardly understand a word of what they were saying on the phone. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and stick with it. Twenty minutes in, and after being put on hold numberless times, I finally gave up. When she put me on hold for the last time, I hung up. So I waited five minutes and tried again. But alas, to no avail. Failed effort number 2. I realize this is America and while I am all for someone working to support themselves, does it need to be in customer service or where they are expected to speak to hundreds of people everyday, whether to repeat food orders, or passenger information. All I wanted was to speak to someone who could properly repeat my information without having to spell it five times or who didn't have such a heavy accent so they could get the information correct. I mean, isn't spelling and speaking English a prerequisite anymore?

Yet another photo shoot

The thing about having a photographer in the family (or close enough to call her family due to a small complication of they aren't married, my brother's girlfriend) is you always have a camera around. For Mother's Day, Dave's mom wants a picture off all the grandkids together. So while we were in California for the blessing, we all got together. There's 20 total, with 10 girls and 10 boys, most under the age of 10. So it was no small feat. They hired Alyson to do the shoot and we got to use the studio and anyone who wanted family pictures, she took those too. LaNae found the dresses and I went with her to pick them up. She did all the shopping for the boys polos too so a huge thanks goes out to her as well. I think they turned out great.

Katelyn just climbed up on the bench while I was getting Kelsey dressed so her hair's not done but she just looked so precious up there. She's not that angellic, trust me!!

That's better
My two princesses.

A pretty good family picture. We haven't had one since Katelyn's blessing so we figured it was time.

Dad and his two girls who are wrapped around his finger.

Another family picture

Kelsey and Chanel.

LaNae and Brad's family. What a great looking bunch.

Just the girls.

I just love this one of the girls.

Mark and Heather's kids loving on Colt.

The man of honor.

The ones who started it all.
All 20 grandkids piled on grandma and grandpa's laps.

And here's the favorite one. What a great looking bunch of kids.

Again, thanks Alyson, for taking time out of your schedule to capture all these great memories.

I'm finally big enough

We got Katelyn a little bike for Christmas, and she's so excited that she's finally tall enough to reach the ground and push herself around. She and Kelsey were out riding their bikes and had a great time.

Look at me, mom!!

Two partners in crime. They go everywhere together, it's great.

It's gone

I finally did it. I chopped my hair off. It's not as short as I've had it before, but it's the shortest it's been in a while. And I'm actually really surprised that I like all the layers in it. The best thing is that it doesn't take me anymore time to curl it than when it was long.
I normally curl it under, but thought I'd try something new. Kelsey's on the side because she was taking the picture and wanted to be in it.
A new look I'm not quite sure what to think about it. But Kelsey did a great job, don't you think? I think she could have a job in hair styling for sure!!

Happy Easter

We had Dave's sister, LaNae, Brad and their 5 girls come up for Easter weekend to spend part of their Spring Break with us before heading up to Springdale to visit Brad's family. Their girls decided that they wanted to come up to Las Vegas to go shooting and as some of you know, Dave has quite the arsenal to provide such entertainment. And he's also willing to help anyone along in becoming as "redneck" as he is, a trait in which he is ecstatic about!! We spent Friday evening out in Boulder City where the kids went bowling and then had a pizza picnic dinner at the park. We then left all the kids, (except for Katelyn who was feeling a little under the weather from shots earlier in the week and then being out in the sun for a little too long which then brought on vomiting and dehydration) with Chantelle, Natalie and Jacob (the 3 oldest cousins) so the adults could go out to dinner. Then on Saturday all the big kids went shooting after lunch followed by a dip in the pool to cool off. Dave bbq'd tritip for everyone which was then followed by the biggest egg hunt in history, I'm sure. We didn't bother counting the eggs, but there was enough for everyone (7 kids) to take home as many as they wanted, or as were allowed by the parents. And bags and baskets were filled all around. Time management isn't our strong point when we are all together and socializing, so yes, they hunted for eggs in the dark. Katelyn and Danielle, the youngest in the group had the backyard to themselves to start out. And then were joined by the rest of the herd.

Katelyn wasn't too sure at first, but with Chantelle to help her she quickly caught on.

Danielle following Natalie around to gather the eggs.

I love this one because it looks like she is shaking the egg to see if there's anything "good" in it.

Look at loot, dad. Doesn't the smile just say it all?

Off on her own.

The drunken sailor look is always good.

Kelsey then joined the bunch.

An egg in mid drop. No worries, it didn't "break."

Elise in the palm tree.

Check out my eggs, dad.

We dyed the eggs Sunday night after dinner, a tradition Katelyn was able to participate in this year.

All these eggs and colors on the table and all she's concerned about is the box.

Gotta love the hair. Brings a whole new meaning to let your hair down!!