Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The bread of life
Gymnastics 101
Glasses go with everything
Isn't she just the cutest?
Clark County Fair
Laundry day
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Twilight trailers
Sunday, April 20, 2008

You consider motherhood a delicate balancing act — you're strong and tough when necessary, but it's tempered with love and respect. Fiercely loyal, you always act with your family's best interest at heart. And that's just the way you want it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
B -Best Friend: Dave
C(a) - Cake or Pie: Cake, if it's an ice cream cake, otherwise pie
C(b) - Coke or Pepsi: Coke
D -Day of Choice: Saturdays! Because Dave doesn't work
E - Essential Item: Computer with high-speed Internet
F - Favorite Color: Red
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears
H - Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA
I - Indulgence(s): Girl Scout cookies, Lawry's
J - January or July: January - my birthday and snowboarding season
K - Kids: 2, Kelsey & Katelyn
L - Life is incomplete without: my family
M - Marriage Date: May 6, 2000
N - Number of Siblings: 3, 2 brothers & 1 sister
O - Oranges or Apples: Neither
P - Phobias or Fears: my kids getting hurt or lost
Q - Quote(s): The best things in life, aren't things
R - Reason To Smile: Hearing my girls playing together and the conversations they have
S - Season: Fall, because it's another 6 months until it starts getting hot again
T - Tag Nine: Jess, Micaela, Jen G., Jenn B., Deb, Rachel, Susan, Camille, & Michelle
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I like asparagus and spinach
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Oppressor of Animals - note the Lawry's for indulgences
W - Worst Habit: Picking my fingers
X - X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds, but only for determining the sex of the baby
Y - Your Favorite Food: Anything Dave bbq'd, mexican
Z - Zodiac: Aquarius
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Disneyland 2007 - 08
Last year for our family vacation since Katelyn was really too little to go anywhere that we wanted to go, we decided to get annual passes to Disneyland. We have spent way too much money, walked hundreds of miles, and spent a grand total of 2 weeks between the 2 parks, but it was so much fun. Mark and Heather, thanks for joining us on most of those trips and making some great memories, to the point where Kelsey and Chanel both think they have to go to Disneyland to see each other. We love you guys!!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Can I get a translator, please?
I was doing some research in getting all the necessary information to properly make a decision and figured I'd make a quick call and talk to someone because there's no place online to note an infant sitting in your lap. Seriously 1 1/2 hours later, I was no where closer to making a decision other than wanting to scream at the phone and the person on the other end. My thoughts of what I hoped would be a quick conversation were quickly dashed when I could hardly understand a word of what they were saying on the phone. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and stick with it. Twenty minutes in, and after being put on hold numberless times, I finally gave up. When she put me on hold for the last time, I hung up. So I waited five minutes and tried again. But alas, to no avail. Failed effort number 2. I realize this is America and while I am all for someone working to support themselves, does it need to be in customer service or where they are expected to speak to hundreds of people everyday, whether to repeat food orders, or passenger information. All I wanted was to speak to someone who could properly repeat my information without having to spell it five times or who didn't have such a heavy accent so they could get the information correct. I mean, isn't spelling and speaking English a prerequisite anymore?
Yet another photo shoot

And here's the favorite one. What a great looking bunch of kids.
Again, thanks Alyson, for taking time out of your schedule to capture all these great memories.
I'm finally big enough
Look at me, mom!!
Two partners in crime. They go everywhere together, it's great.
It's gone
Happy Easter
Katelyn wasn't too sure at first, but with Chantelle to help her she quickly caught on.
Danielle following Natalie around to gather the eggs.
I love this one because it looks like she is shaking the egg to see if there's anything "good" in it.
Look at loot, dad. Doesn't the smile just say it all?
The drunken sailor look is always good.
Kelsey then joined the bunch.
An egg in mid drop. No worries, it didn't "break."
Elise in the palm tree.
Check out my eggs, dad.
We dyed the eggs Sunday night after dinner, a tradition Katelyn was able to participate in this year.
Gotta love the hair. Brings a whole new meaning to let your hair down!!