Super slimmer Harriet Jenkins was celebrating yesterday after shedding an amazing 15 stone.
Harriet, 25, who was crowned Slimmer of the Year 2010, has gone from 26st 7lb to a svelte 11st 7lb.
And at the ceremony organised by Slimming World magazine, she talked of her pride at becoming a teacher.
She said: My life's completely different now and I've achieved things I thought I never would, like getting my dream job as a teacher.
"But it's not just because I look different and weigh less, it's also because I'm more confident and finally happy with who I am."
Harriet, of Southampton, has dropped from dress size 30 to 10 through healthy eating and exercise - and without a gastric band.
Out went chocolate, crisps and sausage rolls. In came fruit, baked potatoes and fat-free yoghurt - plus running and sessions at the gym.
She said: "I want people to know that even if you've got a huge amount of weight to lose, having gastric surgery isn't the only answer.
"Eighteen months ago I weighed more than 26st. I was unemployed, people yelled abuse at me in the street and my family thought I was heading for an early grave. Now, I've lost more than half my body weight and I believe nothing's impossible."
Harriet, who is 5ft 8in, was overweight from childhood but really started to put on the pounds after her dad John was diagnosed with a fatal liver disease in 2002.
When John died the next year, her comfort eating continued and she ballooned when she studied French at Nottingham University.
Later she settled for a job in a call centre, where boredom led to her eating endless supplies of sweets.
Eventually a pal introduced her to a Slimming World group and the weight started to come off.
Harriet said: "As my confidence grew I started going out with my friends more. But the greatest achievement was standing up in front of a class of children."
Breakfast: Two sausage rolls, doughnuts
Snack: chocolate, crisps
Lunch: bacon and egg sandwich, crisps, biscuits
Snack: sweets and chocolate
Dinner: ready meal
Treat: vodka & coke, peanut
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