Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day two pics!

Tessa and Daddy
Thank you Mr. Walt Disney for making such an incredible place. Disneyland truly is the happiest place on earth.
Happy Tess
After riding Pirates of the Carribean (Clint's personal favorite) John was Clint's scooter chauffeur.
Clint with his incredible, strong parents
The Layton family in the classic Disneyland castle pose
For those of you who really know Clint, he is notorious for posing like this in practically every picture. I begged him to do it just for us!
The Layton Fam rides their first ride in D-land together. Pinocchio's Adventure (Callie's choice).
The Crane fam
Clint arrives in the park and we are ready to party!
Another surprise for the Laytons. Cookies and milk from Mickey Mouse for a nighttime snack.
I don't know what Callie was more excited for. To stay up extra late or to get her own giant cookie.
Matt and Danielle arrive
Rub a dub dub, three cute girlies in a tub!
Daddy escorting the princess to her castle at the Disneyland Hotel
Best friends forever
The princess requested that we dine together at Tortilla Joe's for dinner

Snow White was kind enough to make a visit to our hotel room and pose for a picture.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day one pics!

Let the adventure begin! Here is our clan waiting at the SLC airport.

Upon arrival in Orange County, we were greeted by a man with a sign for Clint Layton and family. We followed him and outside waiting for us was a limo.

Our "ride" to the Disneyland Resort

I never noticed it much before, but don't Clint and his father look sooo much alike?

Poor little Tessa has a horrible cold and her sweet Nana is comforting her.

This picture makes us all laugh. Three sweet girls all in car seats in a limo. What a sight for sore eyes!

The reason why we are here this honor of Clint.

Clint and Kelly in the limo. During this experience, we have all watched as their relationship has grown incredibly strong. Their love for each other has always been evident to all those around them but going through this together, the love, support, and faith they have shown is truly touching and inspiring.
Our limo was stocked full of cold drinks for us all...including the unnecessary brandy.

When we arrived at the Disneyland resort, the staff gave Clint a scooter that he will be able to use for his duration of the trip. I think he is enjoying it a little too much! And this picture is SUPPOSED to look the way it does. I'm learning some new techniques and this one is called panning.

Yes, we are actually staying here!

One of the most awesome women I have met-Bridgett. She was sooo cute with Callie and by this picture it is evident they became instant friends.
As soon as Clint started riding on his scooter, Tessa immediately wanted to join him.

Some of the Disney hoopla that was in the Layton's room as a welcoming gift.

Tessa eager to open the biggest welcoming gift in the room.

Callie ALSO eyeing the biggest gift in the room. of the sweetest, most tender moments I have caught on camera so far. Enough said.

One of the sweetest gifts the Disney staff arranged for Callie. A personalized princess dress and invitation to a princess event one of the days of our trip together.

Mickey Mouse wrote Callie and Tessa a welcoming note!

Princess Callie's invitation to the Princess Fantasy Faire.

This pic is such a typical Clint pic. We were all totally laughing!

Callie's Snow White dress

Blogger never does a good job at showing great details of pictures. This is all the Layton girls Mickey hats: Tessa, Callie, and Kelly.
Callie with Disney gear a go-go

Callie trying on her dress
Callie and Gabbie looking at the awesome view outside of the Layton's room.

Tessa also taking a turn looking out the window

Our itinerary. Freaking amazing!

Kelly and the girls opening up many of the gifts from Mickey Mouse