Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Julie and Julia...my inspiration for New Year's Resolutions!

Have any of you seen this show? This has to be one of my most favorite movies. I always know when I love a movie when I see it more than once. I've heard from quite a few people how great this show was and so I finally gave it and rented it on Netflix and all I can say is that I was really missing out. I loved it! I loved the story line but most of all I loved the message that it portrayed. You are never too old to start doing what you love and with hard work and dedication you can do what you dream of doing. This movie was incredibly inspirational to me (is that weird?) and has pumped me up for my big list of New Year's resolutions.
New Year resolutions...so many goals made and so many goals broken. Actually, I am pretty good at reaching my goals but I always set too many of them for myself and then get super frustrated when I don't achieve everything. I have finally realized that I keep setting super unrealistic expectations for myself and don't really set goals for myself that I either A) enjoy doing or B) want to do. I think that is why this movie rang true to my heart because both women in the movie achieved huge life goals that they had a passion for and they wanted to accomplish them versus doing something because they "had" to do it. In the movie, a New York government worker, Julie Powell is bored with her mediocre life and decides to challenge herself by cooking each of Julia Child's 524 recipes in her world renown cookbook , "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in one year and at the same time, she blogs about her experiences. While the movie shares her story, you also get a look into the life of Julia Child and it's interesting because some of the same things Julie Powell goes through in her life, Julia Child also had encountered in hers. Super, super cute and super, super inspirational...at least for me! :)
Aside from the typical New Year's Resoultions like losing another 10 pounds and becoming more organized, I am making a vow to myself to try a few new things each year for the rest of my life. My "wish list" of things I want to do someday include some of the following: learn French, learn how to surf, travel around Europe, run a marathon, buy a Disney timeshare for fun family vacations and learn how to ballroom dance. I have so many things I want to do and I am not going to get to do them if I just sit around wishing I had more time or money.
I had this idea when I first entered college that at the age of 18, I had to know right then and there what I was going to do for the rest of my life and then I ended up getting a degree in something I didn't like and didn't want to do. For now on, I am going to learn things I want to learn about and then do them. Many of you know I have developed a keen interest in photography so this year I plan on becoming well versed and not just a amatuer but hopefully a serious hobbyist. Someday I would love to open my own studio but until then, I have a lot of practicing to do and a lot of techinique to learn.
I also love to cook! I don't want to rip off Miss Julie Powell (who is a real person btw) and cook all 524 recipes from Julia Child's book but I want to learn how to become a "good" cook. I think I have some things down when it comes to cooking but I want to learn how to do things properly so the recipes turn out the way they are supposed to. Along the subject of food, this year I am going to get a full year's worth of food storage AND I am going to learn how to cook with it. Lately thanks to http://www.dealstomeals.com/ I have been super obsessed with food storage and I am pumped and motivated to collect enough food to last me and my family for a year.
Lastly, I plan on training for a half marathon. I have started training and it's pretty tough. You have to run so many miles per week and it's kicking my butt! No wonder runners are so fit!
Stay tuned...I am very motivated on achieving this goals but hopefully I'll stay this way!