Monday, January 17, 2011

I heart faces...winter wonderland

As I have noted in some of my posts before, I love a photography website called " I heart faces". Every week they have a photo contest and this week the challenge is "winter wonderland".  The snow in the area I live in is kind of non-existent right now so I thought at least I'd submit a picture of my daughter in her winter wear. She kept begging me to go outside so I finally gave in and let her. It didn't take long for her to decide it was waaaayyyy too cold to color on our front porch. 

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Little Miss Gabbie Ray

It's been some time since I've written about the light and joy of my life, Little Miss Gabbie Ray.  She is a very active 21 month old who constantly keeps me on my feet but is an absolute joy to be a mother to. She speaks very well for her age and has started putting together small sentences and phrases that actually make sense. She knows a variety of animal sounds and when we are reading together if I ask her where something is on the page, she understands and points to it.  She is head over heels for Mickey Mouse and Disney princesses, loves playing, her friend Grant, her cousins Callie and Tessa, taste tests anything that is NOT food (crayons, markers, toilet paper, our couch...), does not nap very well, enjoys seeing her grandparents, and is a little too attached to mommy and daddy sometimes.  Here are some recent pictures of Gabbie's recent adventures!
 This year Gabbie was very interested in Christmas and especially Santa Claus.  Considering she is a very curious little girl, my tree was always missing ornaments and one time I was cooking dinner and looked down to see Gabbie munching on one of my favorite ornaments.  Oh jeez!
 I would seriously like to know when she will stop eating everything that she gets a hold of. It drives Todd and I nuts! With her constant taste tasting of chalk, crayons and other non-edible items, it always makes for interesting surprises in her diaper.
 Gabbie also really enjoyed Halloween this year.  She loved pointing to pumpkins and laughing like a witch.  She got to ride in a wheel borrow, tried to help by carrying pumpkins and of course, sampled the dirt at the pumpkin patch.

 Although you sometimes wouldn't know it, Gabbie adores her buddy Grant.  She constantly asks for him and gets so excited to see him at church. 
 Gabbie loves her grandparents on both sides of the family.  I am kind of weird letting anyone but our parents babysit her but Gabbie loves when she gets to visit with them. 
 Gabbie loves to run around and it is unusual for her to sit still long enough to take a picture. We went to the coolest corn maze in Syracuse this year and Gabbie was in heaven. Plenty of room to run around, things to play on and home made donuts.  Was it weird that I had just as much fun as she did? 
 I think Todd and I may have a little "arteest" on our hands. Gabbie loves to paint and color. The other night we got out her paints and we sat at our table for over an hour while she painted. It was a hoot!
 I could not resist getting her this costume for Halloween this year. To me, it was seriously, one of the cutest things I had ever seen.  She looked adorable as a piggy and she got quite a few giggles from people. 

 One time in November I was getting ready for the day and looked behind me to see Gabbie looking through the Toys-r-us Christmas toy catalog.  The sweet thing was that she was slowly studying each page very intently. She would point to toys and ask me, "What's that?".
 During the last few nice days we had before it got waaaaaayyy too cold, Gabbie begged me to take her outside to color with chalk on the side walk.  I'm surprised that she didn't start eating it like she normally does. 
 After an incident at play group with a kid pushing Gabbie off his bike and hurt feelings, we bought Gabbie her own bike with bells and whistles and even a basket on the back.  If some kids can't share, we'll just get Gabbie her own bike that is waaaaayyy cooler then theirs. Bratty? Yes or no? 
 Christmas eve!  Gabbie kept asking for Santa and when we were opening our Christmas jammies (Christmas Eve tradition) she kept taking presents from under the tree and was handing them out to everyone.
 We told Gabbie Santa was flying in the air outside so she kept looking out the window.
 After going to three stores, Santa finally found Gabbie a Dancing Mickey for Christmas. She is in love with it. 
 All bundled up with Daddy at temple square

 Gabbie loves her cousin Tessa!
 Gabbie does not travel well in the car for long distances so Grandma and Grandpa Bob got her a DVD player.  Now she asks us to take it out so she can watch "beast" (Beauty and the Beast).
I love my little girl so much and I am blessed to be her mama!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I spy with my little eye...something Christmas-y

I really wanted to do a special Christmas photography project for myself after I got done taking clients pictures for the holidays.  This is a tad late but I had fun putting together a collage of sights and sounds of things I noticed this Christmas.  I have a Christmas post coming of Gabbie but I was excited to get this out of the way.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Editing Frenzy

I've been working on family pictures like mad and I've been wanting to post some of what I've been doing.  I have two more shoots and then I am d-o-n-e done for the season!  I hope to have my photography website up and running by the beginning of next year.