Showing posts with label Kitted projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitted projects. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2012

Stash, TUSAL, Progress

OOOOOH how I love new stash!!!!
Today I got a package from 123 Stitch
(love ordering from them)
(just ordered it a couple of days ago)
Any way here is what I got
4 pieces of fabric and pretty floss
and these are to fill 5 kits

The first kit is Pointetta House by LHN

Violet's by Country Cottage

2 Threadwork Primitives

And last is City Stitcher & Country Stitcher by LHN

And so now when ever I get notion to start something new I have some already kitted up and ready to go. Oh my goodness I have so many started now that need tending too.

 TUSAL for August
Lots of light colors because I am working
baby stuff

And lastly a picture of my husband holding my great niece, Amaya. They are watching TV while I was making supper last night. Amaya's Mom was working and her grandma ususally watches her but Grandma Darla had to make a trip to Iowa to welcome her new granddaughter into the world.

My niece Chrissy & her husband had a beautiful baby girl yesterday morning. Her name is
Abigail Darlene.
I got a picture of her in a text message but not sure how to get here on my blog. Oh well just know she is a cutie and I can't wait to meet her in person.

Hopefully I will have stitching picture the next time I post.

Happy Stitching

Good Morning Everyone! I just got back from having coffee with my daughter. This is something I don't normally get to do because she ...