Showing posts with label From The Word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From The Word. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Our Hope is in Christ

 As we see votes going toward the party of murder (abortion), marxism (BLM)/communism and immorality (LGBT)...we, as followers of Christ, can feel a sense of dread, depression, hopelessness. Heavy hearts weigh down our souls. But friends, be encouraged! This is not a time to despair! Our hope doesn't lie in a conservative political party (most of which are out doing much of the same garbage the liberals are....politics is just a game. A horrible circle of power). Our hope lies in Jesus Christ, alone! 

We may face persecution in upcoming days, months or years (John 15:20). The Lord said we would, as believers living a Godly life (2 Timothy 3:12). I think many of us have lived lives with a sense of comfort ~ not truly understanding Christian persecution. Of course, living peacefully is wonderful and desirable...but I believe God separates the wheat from the chaff during times of persecution. Are you willing to give up all you have? Are you willing to be tortured, ridiculed, and demeaned as Christ was? Are you willing to die...or watch your loved ones die while you cling to Christ? In Matthew 5:10-12 ~ the Lord tells us that those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake are blessed! 

It is time (if you aren't already), dear friends, to be in prayer and daily, reading God's Word in context. Memorize scripture. Put on the full armor of God. Memorization can be try to do so in the form of songs. Those have always helped my family. Be ready to share the hope that is within you. It is a lost and depraved world. Your faith must be strong. Pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44). The world hates us and will continue to. This should not come as a surprise (1 John 3:13). But let us remember the promises of Romans 8:35 ~ that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Take heart! For Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33)! He is our true King! 

If you haven't been your life for Christ (1 Peter 4:19). Honor Him as Lord. Praise Him! He knows us through and through....our failures and sins...and yet, He loves us anyway. We don't deserve it. We are righteous only because He made us righteous. He took our sin and shame...and imputed us with His righteousness so we can stand before a holy God and be blameless. Not one of us deserves that. Oh how great is our Lord. Always faithful, always true! How worthy of our praise (Revelation 6:9-11)! 

I pray you find encouragement and strength for your soul here today (Acts 14:22). Please feel free to share your heart in the comments below or by email. I will reply if you desire to converse! Every time your soul feels troubled in this political climate or any troublesome time you are experiencing, direct your focus back to Christ. He is our hope and we can *always* find joy in Him (Psalm 23). 

If you are looking for a great fiction book to read...I highly recommend Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. It details some of how Christian persecution is in China. It will challenge you...truly! The link above is for Amazon but you may find it cheaper on ebay! :o)  



Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Committed to the Pursuit of Holiness

Holiness, Day by Day by Jerry Bridges is an absolutely fantastic book to read devotionally. I read it alongside of my daily Bible reading. I wanted to share something with you that I read the other day. I pray it convicts your heart as it did mine!

"...When we commit ourselves to the pursuit of holiness, we need to ensure that our commitment is actually to God, not simply to a holy lifestyle or a set of moral values. The people of my parent's generation were generally honest, chaste, sober, and thrifty. They were committed to those values, but they were not necessarily committed to God. Many of them were outstanding moralists and even church people, but they were not committed to God. They were committed to their values, not to God. 

As believers we need to be careful that we don't make a similar mistake. We can be committed to a set of Christian values or to a lifestyle of discipleship without being committed to God Himself. But Paul said to offer yourselves to God, and in doing that commit yourselves to the pursuit of holiness in order to please Him."

~Jerry Bridges p.115 Holiness, Day by Day
(emphasis mine!)

How easy is it to try to live "right" but not being doing it truly for the Lord and His glory? We can be wonderfully moral people but if we aren't pursuing holiness to please Christ....then that "moral living" has done nothing for us. Let's make sure we are living a life pleasing to God...all for Him and not just to be *good*. Because without Him, even all our good deeds are as filthy rags.

Thanks for stopping by friends. I know my readership has gone down a lot because of my lack of posting...but unlike a lot of people...I don't use my blog as a money maker. I don't have ads on my blog and don't earn money when people visit me here. So, it's just a simple online journal that sometimes I just lack the time to address. I always intend to do better....but just don't post as much as I would like. :) I pray you found encouragement here if the Lord brought you by today! I'd love to hear from you if you want to leave a comment! 

I gotta get going! Xavier has a physical in less than an hour (so he can get his driver's permit....but we also have to reapply for a social security card for him...argh...we have all of our family's except his for some reason. It has gotten itself lost. So...trying to get things done so he can take the test asap. He's so excited! He turns 16 next week!). 

Have a lovely rest of your week! 

Linked up at: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

...when loneliness settles over

 ...when pain and grief and anxiety conspire to push you over the edge of despair, remember God's mighty deeds in your life. Remember His kindness, His special, tailor-made graces that fell out of the sky like a gentle spring rain."

~Joni Eareckson Tada

Times of difficulty come to each of us in different forms over the years. We all struggle with things we suffer with....whether that be death of a treasured person (as many of us are mourning over the sudden death of Jewels), hurts and wrongs between loved ones, trials, tribulations, uncertainties, depression, physical ailments and more. Tears and feelings of loneliness and heart ache can seem too much...but we have a Lord who understands our hurts.

For surely it is not angels that He helps, but He helps the offspring of Abraham.  Therefore He had to be made like His brothers in every respect, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.  For because He himself has suffered when tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.

Hebrews 2:16-18 

 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:14-16

You are not alone...ever. Children of God never need feel lonely...for He is there. And when sadness, grief, fear, and feelings of despair threaten to consume you ~ He is there. Cry out to Him. When the path before you seems uncertain and the future seems scary ~ you have nothing to fear for you have a great High Priest who goes before you! He is our ever present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1)!

Spend much time in prayer. Fancy words aren't needed....He knows the cries of your heart better than you do! Spend time in God's Word! Let Him talk to you! The psalms are full of help for the weary soul!

Isn't it a pure delight to know that the sovereign, most high, Lord of the universe, Creator of *all* loves His children? He adopted us as His very own! May we hold that truth tight and seek to know Him more! May we strive to live in obedience to His Word ~ for Jesus said that if we love Him, we will obey His commandments...

"Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him."
John 14:15

Jesus replied, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him."
John 14:23

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome...
1 John 5:3

And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the very commandment you have heard from the beginning, that you must walk in love.
2 John 1:6

Sunshine-filled days and flowers can always improve my mood...even if just a little (not that I am in a "bad" mood right now...just a little solemn as I continually pray for Jewels' family as well as deal with some things in my own life right now). I'm sharing some photos from around our house recently. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and everything (although just a bit of simple landscaping) was lovely and made me smile.

I think it may rain tonight...which will be such a blessing. We planted in the big garden down on family land (green beans, corn and pumpkins) and it definitely needs the rain! I have planted my raised beds and been keeping them watered daily (as well as all my flowers). I don't mind watering everything...but the big garden is not near a water source so if it doesn't rain soon we may have to tote some water jugs out to give it a good drink! The forecast is calling for rain I am hopeful!

Some of my hosta is getting quite large. I plan on separating some of it when the season winds down and transplanting it to other areas! It's such a great filler! Hardy and pretty!

Our garage is quite old (built in the 40's) and isn't really a lovely building to behold...but we are thankful for it and try our best to keep it looking nice and tidy outside of it!

The sun filled days have made line drying the most economical choice for us lately! Such a gift to help save money in the summer! Plus, I am just so thankful for this porch my husband and our brother-in-love built. It is such a blessing! It is so enjoyable to sit out on it and spend time! The children spend a lot of time sitting out here playing games, drawing or writing!

I need to get supper started (we always eat later in the summer since there are many things to get done in an evening and Chris prefers to eat a little later and then rest after a work-filled day)...but just want to leave you with a couple more photos...

Here is Madelyn with a couple friends before they went to their homeschool co-op formal...Her friend Josiah asked if he could escort her to the dance. He asked permission from her father first. It was sweet! Although she isn't permitted to date or "go out" with anyone yet...we thought this would be just fine. He was a gentleman and opened the car door for her and everything. His parents have taught him to be a thoughtful young man...

Josiah's sister, Hannah, is one of Madelyn's best friends! She rode with them to the formal as well! They look forward to next year's formal when their *other* bestest buddy Renee can join them too and they can be their crazy trio!

I hope you found encouragement here today....and a bit of sweetness with the flowers around the house and innocence of young fun for the children! Thank you for visiting me here today and I pray your days ahead are joy-filled even through times of difficulty!


Thursday, April 27, 2017

"Every day is important for us...

 ...because it is a day ordained by God. If we are bored with life there is something wrong with our concept of God and His involvement in our daily lives. Even the most dull and tedious days of our lives are ordained by God and ought to be used by us to glorify Him."

~Jerry Bridges, Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts

Hello friends. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Unfortunately, I have nothing too overly exciting to share...other than I got sick *again*! A little over two weeks after the first time I had what seemed like the stomach flu (although no one else got sick), I got it again. Tuesday I was super sick all day...yesterday I had a down day of just recuperating and trying to re-hydrate. I didn't teach spin or anything....did some laundry and knitting and mostly just took it easy. I have no idea what is going on with me! I am really hoping it doesn't happen least not for a long time! It was quite miserable!

In other news...Madelyn has her first formal tomorrow evening. It is for our homeschool co-op. She is finally of age and gets to go! She is very excited (as am I ~ for her!)! I will be sure to share photos! It's a bit classier than a prom...a smaller number of kids go, Christian adults chaperone...and I think they eat there and that there is no slow dancing! :) It is held at a country club not far from my home!

OH! And Madelyn is trying out contacts! Chris and I decided it was time for her to be able to have some...she had an eye appointment and is now using trial contact lenses to see how it goes! She will even have them for the formal which is exciting too! Of course, I think she looks lovely with or without glasses...but for her, this is just great! :o)

I just have a few photos to share then I need to finish my grocery list!

Last Sunday after church, we had a "clean up around the pavilion" day (to get it ready for use during the spring and summer). They had to move the hay bale mover thing (I am quite unsure of its official name) so Madelyn got to drive the Ford tractor for the very first time! That's her daddy beside her...and in the hay bale mover lays her uncle (and Chris's best friend)! I wanted to remember the moment of Madelyn's first time driving the tractor....but also get the pic of my brother-in-law laying in the hay bale mover! Haha! It was funny!

Madelyn and Mama selfie (so many people say how much we look alike...but Madelyn and I agree...we don't look anything alike!)...

I almost didn't get this photo...but I am so glad I did! Chris and our BIL (They are truly best buds....each was the best man in the other's wedding)...riding on a dirt bike together. Haha! Such fun memories!

 Last week, I let the boys try painting with acrylic paints on canvas. They had a lot of fun!

Xavier did the top one and Jaxson the two bottom ones (they were trying to do Bob Ross inspired paintings)...

We are expecting thunderstorms this afternoon so after I pick up Madelyn from work (she does child care for a couple hours at our local YMCA) we'll run to the grocery store and try to beat the rain. I hope you enjoy your day!


 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.  Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.  Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

~ 1 Thessalonians 5: 14-21

Friday, March 24, 2017

"The principle of submission in marriage is... acceptance of God's created order of male headship. Rebellion against this order is rejection of the biblical legacy of womanhood."

~ The Legacy of Biblical Womanood by Susan Hunt & Barbara Thompson 
(All quotes in this post will be from this book!)

We were created to be helpers. That is our design. It's not a bad design since it comes from the perfect Creator! Feminism has taken this beautiful design and beat it, smashed it and thrown it away. Now the role as helper is seen as something to be ashamed of...when a woman is a stay at home wife ~ fulfilling her role as helpmeet to her husband and managing her home ~ it is often looked down upon.

"...God's world was not complete without man and woman. The woman was not a clone of the man. God made one who was equal but different from the man. The God of glory created woman as a helper. Our redemption frees us and compels us to glorify God by fulfilling this helper design in all seasons and circumstances of life. This is our calling as redeemed women."

Girls are automatically expected to go to college after high school (with a career oriented mind-set!). Most of these girls want to get married and have a family but they find themselves in debt and in a "must work outside the home" situation after college. I am definitely not against higher education. I am against debt ~ which the Bible warns against as well (Proverbs 22:11, Romans 13:8).

"The helper proclivity of women is crushed in a culture of individualism and independence. Women are encouraged to pursue self-fulfillment and self-actualization."

I remember watching Reading Rainbow when I was younger (which I am not against that program...I had always really enjoyed it) ~ but the theme song told me I could "be anything". Thoughts swirled in my head of being an astronaut, a marine biologist, a school teacher and more. None of these are bad! However, when thinking of what "wonderful" thing I could "be" ~ "just" a mom and wife never seemed as exciting as all those other careers. My mindset was on **myself**. How I could fulfill *me* I could be "great". I was not set on thinking of how I was created as a helper. I wasn't having the Christ-like attitude of a servant. Thankfully, the Lord did a great work in me...opening my eyes to His truth and although I still fight that "self" heart is set in the right direction. I have a desire to glorify Him through my role as helper.

"When the Lord God breathes new life into our dead souls and makes us disciples of Jesus, our helper heart will overflow in life-giving covenantal ministries. We will be gifts to our churches. Community life will be richer. Compassion will flourish. The kingdom will be extended.....We disobeyed, and Jesus was cursed. He obeyed, and we are blessed. Such grace compels us to obey from a heart of gratitude and love."

Thankfully, as I was finishing high school, the Lord put it in my heart: all I truly wanted to be was a homemaker, wife and mother (I still didn't totally comprehend my helper role...but over the years ~ the Lord has opened my eyes to so much!). I went to college for a year since that was "what you do" after high school...but I just picked a random major because I had no particular desire to go to school for anything since my heart was *at home*.  From there, the Lord continued working in my life to put everything in order for me to fill my helper role. Chris and I got to know each other more and soon, fell in love. We were married in fall of 2000 and 10 months later, we had our daughter! :)

So, back to the reason for this post. Submission. It is a scary word to a lot of people....but it is what the Bible requires of us all (wives to husbands and husbands to Christ. All of us are to be submissive to governing authorities etc.). We find the Scriptures telling us to be submissive to our husbands in Ephesians 5:22 and 1 Peter 3:1. Submission is *not* a threat to redeemed women.

"The redeemed helper is not threatened by male headship. She values male and female distinctiveness because she knows that they are God's design and order. She knows that submission has nothing to do with status. Submission has to do with function and is a reflection of the ontological equality and yet the functional difference in the Trinity. Submission is built into the way God has ordered life in the kingdom, and it is good because He is good. Headship and submission are God's ordained order for achieving oneness in marriage and unity in the church....The redeemed helper knows that submission does not restrict her; it actually frees her to fulfill her life-giving mission." (emphasis mine)

Are you really being submissive? It is a question I have to ask myself often. Sometimes I *think* I am being submissive...but if I really am honest with myself...I realize I'm not. I have a bad habit (or should I just say "sin") of trying to convince my husband that my way is right. Submission does *not* come easily or naturally to me. I have to work at it. I always think I'm right (ok..not always...but often) . I have improved a lot through the years but still have a ways to go! I often have to humbly tuck my tail between my legs, apologize and admit that I was wrong. In some circumstances, I *am* right...however, the way I go about expressing it and fighting for my way is wrong. I often have to remind myself to be "submissive in all things". I am reminded of the garden...who was deceived and then convinced her husband to follow suit. We know how that turned out!

Do you have a teachable, meek, quiet spirit? Humble and loving? These are things I am constantly asking myself and praying for. I strive to glorify the Lord in the way I am submissive to my husband, a helper to others and in training up my children. I fail....which makes His grace even more beautiful to me. As I continue to be sanctified by Him...I can look back in my life and see how He has been working. Sometimes I cringe at things I have done and then I praise God for His grace and lovingkindness towards me despite myself.

Submission, God's created order, a servant's heart and a helper's spirit are things that are very important to me and I am passionate about. In a culture where people are calling right wrong and evil good....I think it is important for God's people to keep things in order. God made males and females. He did not make one better than the other...He just made a system of order. He is a good God who does all things well. Women don't have to fight to be like men or to be as strong as men. We need to be women...the helpers God made us to be. :o)

A couple good reads (from trusted sources) that you might enjoy and glean much from:

23 Things I've Learned in 23 Years of Marriage ~ a post by Michelle Lesley

What does it mean for a wife to submit to her husband? ~ a post from CARM

This has been a bit of a longer post....and indeed...I need to get moving. My morning is flying by and I have much to get done! Thank you for taking the time to read and hear my thoughts on this. I'm sorry if they are a bit scattered. Sometimes organizing my thoughts is difficult (especially when I am helping with school work, answering phone calls, and more all while trying to write a post). :) I would love to hear your thoughts as well! Please share your comments and emails with me! I would most certainly love to hear them (even if you don't agree). If you don't agree...I do just ask that you talk in love and respect to me as I will to you! :)

I have just intertwined some pictures from home in this post! I hope you have enjoyed them!

A letter from the child we sponsor through Compassion. I treasure these letters! They are just too sweet...

Although super cold outside...we are enjoying some sunshine...

Thanks so much for visiting! I encourage you to be a helper to those around you. If you are married...after your relationship with the Lord...remember your husband comes first. Be submissive (even when it isn't easy) and you will honor the Lord in your behavior!

I really gotta run! This is why my posting has lessened over the just takes so much time and thought to post! ;o) I hope you will bear with me! Have a great weekend friends!


Thursday, January 5, 2017

“The grandest fact under heaven is this...

—that Christ by His precious blood does actually put away sin, and that God, for Christ’s sake, dealing with men on terms of divine mercy, forgives the guilty and justifies them, not according to anything that He sees in them, or foresees will be in them, but according to the riches of His mercy that lie in His own heart.”

~ Charles Spurgeon, All of Grace

If you sit and truly fathom the truth of this quote by will realize how truly miraculous and unfathomable it really is. *The* God of the universe....*The* Creator of all things chooses to cancel our debt, putting His Son in *our* place ~ not because of our goodness...but because of His! His goodness and love is truly incomprehensible. 

Many people do not realize that they are sinners. They don't see their need for a Savior. They consider themselves "good". People assume if they haven't murdered anyone or cheated on their spouse that they aren't "bad". The truth is that one little lie makes you a liar. An ounce of hate in your heart makes you a murderer and one lust-filled thought makes you an adulterer. People use the Lord's name as a cuss word....not even realizing they are blaspheming the God of the universe (or maybe they do realize it and just don't care?). 

I really enjoy watching Ray Comfort evangelizing. He inspires and encourages me! Have you watched his videos from Living Waters? You can see some of them HERE. He is loving, gentle, truthful and always pointing people to Christ! 

Once people realize that they are sinners and separated from God *then* you can share the truth of what Christ did! Christ's perfect life (He was absolutely sinless ~ the God-Man), suffering, death and resurrection in *our* place secured our relationship with Him. We must repent (turn from our sins) and believe! Christ is the *only* answer to our problem...but when people don't realize they have a problem...they don't realize they need an answer. This is why we bring up sin as Christians. I don't say homosexuality is wrong because I am "homophobic" (I am certainly not afraid of homosexuals nor do I hate them!). I say it is wrong because it is biblical. Their behavior is sin against God. I *want* them to be saved and so I want them to see their sin against God....see the answer is Christ...repent (turn away from their sin and live no longer in it) and believe!! :o) 

The same goes when I stand against abortion, false teachers, divorce, abuse and more! I do not stand as a perfect person in judgment. I stand humbled that God would love me and save me despite of my sin. I stand in love desiring others to know the God I serve and desire for them to be saved. Do I still sin? Yes...but I strive not to because I love Him. I no longer make a practice of sinning. I make mistakes and will never be perfect this side of heaven...but He justified me and declares me *not guilty* in front of Him (through Christ). 

I am sad that the sin of this world is being accepted as right and to stand against it because you want people to live righteous, God-glorifying, Christ-exalting lives is labeled "intolerance". People can live as they want...but because I love them I want them to know that there *is* punishment coming one day. God is not just loving. He is full of justice and wrath against those who sin against Him. This is even ingrained in *us*...we have a need for justice. An unjust God wouldn't be a God at all. Isn't it amazing that He would choose *any* of us to be saved from eternal misery? We, undeserving wretches, don't deserve his mercy...and yet, He grants it to us through faith! 

If you don't know Christ as your Savior...please, either watch the videos I linked above or email me. Let's talk. It doesn't matter how sinful you have wretched you are. You can be loved, forgiven and born again through Jesus Christ our Lord! That's what it means to be "born again". All are dead in their sin...but when the Lord saves us He gives us new life in Him! Life doesn't become easy...but getting rid of that burden of sin we carry around daily and communing with the God of the universe is one of the greatest joys in life! Do you have me and ask! I don't have all the answers but I will be in the Word and prayer and will seek out help from trusted theologians. Do you need prayer? Email me! I can and *will* pray for you! My heart's desire is to see as many people come to the Lord as possible! 

If you *do* know Christ and are is your walk with Him? Are you in prayer daily? Are you in the Word daily? Is your daily walk glorifying Him? These are not things to weigh you down. They are your lifeline. They are what keep you close to Him...growing in the faith. He must be your *ALL*. 

Sending grace and peace to each of you! May you find love, encouragement and admonition here!

Linked up at: Strangers & Pilgrims

Friday, December 16, 2016

~ A Spurgeon Gem ~

"There is the finite and the Infinite, there is the mortal and the Immortal, corruption and Incorruption, the manhood and the Godhead, time married to eternity! There is God linked with a creature, the Infinity of the august Maker come to tabernacle on this speck of earth—the vast unbounded One whom earth could not hold and the heavens cannot contain—lying in His mother’s arms! He who fastened the pillars of the universe and riveted the nails of creation, hanging on a mortal breast, depending on a creature for nourishment! Oh, marvelous birth! Oh, miraculous conception! We stand and gaze and admire. Verily, angels may wish to look into a subject too dark for us to speak of! There we leave it, a virgin has conceived and borne a Son." 

~Charles Spurgeon The Birth of Christ

Although I don't *do* Christmas and don't celebrate that Christ was born on December 25th (and find no scriptural reference to celebrate it as such since it is a man-made tradition)....I still marvel and worship at the thought that Christ was born of a virgin. He humbled Himself to take on the flesh of man and live a life of perfect obedience (Philippians 2:8) in our place. He gave Himself for it is written:

...the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction:  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. 
(Romans 3:22b-25)

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christby grace you have been saved— 
(Ephesians 2:4-5)

He suffered, gave Himself over to death and rose again three days later. What a God we serve! I recommend this article by John is beautiful, beautiful truth friends: He Loved Me and Gave Himself for Me.

 I encourage you to remember the miracle and beauty of His birth all year well as the perfect life He lived and His death in *our* place. These are beautiful truths that we should meditate upon As spectacular as His birth was, without the perfect life of obedience, death in our place, and wouldn't do anything to secure our salvation. 

So enjoy celebrating Christ every day....for ALL that He is and has done for us! 


Linked up at: Strangers and Pilgrims

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Whom Do You Serve?

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 
~2 Timothy 4:3-4

How sad it is to admit that that time is here....and has been for a long time. A time where "Christian" bloggers are saying that homosexual marriage and behavior is okay and even blessed by God! A time where "Christians" support abortion and a woman's *choice* to murder her child in the womb (or support the politicians that endorse it). These fruits come from a much deeper source. A place in the soul where root sins have reared their ugly heads. It's pride, selfishness and unbelief that leads to these wicked fruits. From those root sins, we find the fruit sins apparent in our lives (wisdom gleaned from the Behold Your God study). We must take this into serious account...and truly realize who it is we serve. Is it the God of the Bible or a god of our own making?

If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.
~1 Timothy 6:3-5

Jesus didn't just speak love, sprinkles and unicorns. He spoke Truth. His Truth. He spoke of how marriage began and is meant to be. He spoke about the importance of children and His love for them.

The Bible isn't all about our *rights*'s not about what God owes us or what we want. It's about HIM. It's all about Him. It's all for His glory.

Does aborting a child bring glory to Him? It is murder of a human being He created in His image. It is absolute blasphemy to think God is okay with that!

Marriage was made to show the relationship of Christ with His bride (the church). The woman is *suppose* to be the weaker vessel. We don't have to "man-up" and be equal with men. (Yes, in worth we are most certainly equal...but our roles are most certainly meant to be different!) God did not make men to lie with men or women with women. Our bodies were made to compliment each other. Men are to be the leaders and women the helpers. This is just as Christ is our Head and we are his people. Anyone who says different is *not* lining up with sound doctrine and should be avoided!

However....these two fruit sins I show above come from the root sins of pride and selfishness. People want their own way and they will twist scripture to get it. The Jen Hatmakers of the world will tell people what they want to hear so she stays popular with the world (if you are a follower of Christ who listens to Hatmaker, Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine, Beth Moore, Rachel Held Evans and the need to run (not walk) away from them. They are *not* leading you in Truth and are deceiving you. I have no "personal" beef with any of these women....however, when they are misleading people and claiming that they are teaching the Word of God correctly.....all while reaping in loads of deceived people's money...I take complete offense to that. They are inaccurately teaching things about the God I love. I get so frustrated knowing so many people will blindly follow women such as these and be misled. Plus, you should be so rooted in God's Truth that you can *see* the errors they teach. It's about discernment. If you think I am off...please dig into the Scriptures and seek the Lord in prayer. The Lord will direct you if you are seeking with a pure heart!)

These are just two sins of multitudes...I am addressing these two specific sins as they are being touted as holy and okay with God at this time. People are trying to make evil good and good evil.We could also list the sins of hate, greed, covetousness, arrogance, fornication (sex outside of biblical marriage ~ not only adultery but so many today live together as if they are married....but aren't actually married!) and more!

So, I ask you...Who is it that you serve? The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Or is it a god of only love and no justice? All love and tolerance?

“Beware of manufacturing a God of your own: a God who is all mercy, but not just; a God who is all love, but not holy; a God who as a heaven for every body, but a hell for none; a God who can allow good and bad to be side by side in time, but will make no distinction between good and broad in eternity. Such a God is an idol of your own, as truly an idol as any snake or crocodile in an Egyptian temple. The hands of your own fancy and sentimentality have made him. He is not the God of the Bible, and beside the God of the Bible there is no God at all.”  

~ JC Ryle

True Christians love people. We love sinners. We understand that we, too, are great sinners and in need of a Great Savior. He has made us saints because of His perfection, His sacrifice, His death and resurrection. Not because of our own holiness or perfect living. Because He saved is *then* we realize the gross sins we have committed against a most Holy God and we turn from them...and live a life that pleases Him. Because we love people...we want the best for them. The best is not living *in* the muck and mire of their wickedness but being made anew ~ leaving the chains of a sinful life behind!

I know many people struggle with same-sex attraction. It would be so difficult to fight that...but if you are His and He is yours....He will give you the strength to do it (not take the temptation away necessarily....but the strength to fight it). It is no different than my battle with gluttony. I want to eat too much (of good and bad foods). It is a struggle every. single. day. It is no different than the person who struggles with alcoholism. It's a battle. It's a fight to do the right thing. But if you truly love the Lord and desire to please keep fighting! You do the right thing because He is worth it. It's not about's not about me. It's about Him. You know what is right and what is wrong. God has placed it inside of you.

“Be very sure of this,-people never reject the Bible because they cannot understand it. They understand it only too well; they understand that it condemns their own behavior; they understand that it witnesses against their own sins, and summons them to judgment.” 

~ JC Ryle

The same thing with abortion....I don't even want to *hear* about the woman's right to choose. It's a woman's right to choose to kill a baby inside of her? How is it even possible for us to contemplate that possibility? Flat is *never* okay to kill a baby in the womb. NEVER. You never have the right to murder.
*BUT* ~ here is the beauty of our great God. There *is* forgiveness. If you or someone you know has aborted their are not without hope! God is merciful and full of love. His mercies are new every day! There is forgiveness for each of us....when we turn to the living God, turn away from our sinful lifestyles and behaviors and trust in Christ alone!

Friends, we need to pray. We need to pray for people. We need to pray for revival. We need to pray for our own hearts. Pray that the root sins of selfishness, unbelief and pride are taken from us and that our fruit will show pure and holy lives led to the glory of God! We must have a right view of God to fully comprehend who we terrible our sin is and our *great* need for salvation. Be in the scriptures daily....asking God to reveal Himself to you. Meditate on His attributes (all of them)! May our faith strengthen daily and may He be shown to be great through His people who love Him!

Some home happenings lately...

Early morning devotions and time in the Word with Winnie Cat...

A closer look at my notes...

Winnie left and Stella joined me for a while. You can see the daylight is starting to come up and lighten things up!

A new-to-me wreath from Goodwill...

A science experiment...


Winnie-Cat taking a snooze...

I had to share what has been on my heart lately. I hope I have shared in a way that is pleasing to God and that He is magnified. It may not make the world happy to read it....but ~

...the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.
~ John 3:19-20

 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.  And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
~1 John 2:15-17

 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 
~John 15:18-19

 So I do not fear the world. I abide in Christ and that is most important. I hope you have found encouragement, admonition, and conviction here. Ponder today Who it is you serve.


Linked up at: Strangers & Pilgrims