Showing posts with label Creativity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creativity. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Home Improvement Projects

Hello friends! I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a long time (not that you are waiting on the edge of your seats or anything! Ha!). The truth is that I have been so busy! Between graduation parties for some of our homeschooling friends, home improvement projects I have been working on, gardening/weeding, mowing our entire lawn (which is time consuming since I choose to push-mow it all) and just life in general ~ it doesn't leave much time for organizing a blog post in my mind! I have much to still get to this I must be quick in sharing this post! 

I wanted to just show some photos of some of the projects I have been working on. First are pictures of my bathroom that I painted. My shower curtain still needs ironed...and the parts that are blue are still in need of being painted...I just haven't picked the color I want to use there yet...

You can still see the blue that needs painted in the pic below as well. You can also see some of my Norwex cloths hanging...

I still need to decorate this wall. I'm just not sure what I want to put here yet (don't mind my shower *will* get ironed! haha!)...

Mowing has been a bit difficult as I am working around this big ol' thing and the supports for the porch...

Chris has made such great progress on the back porch. He is getting ready to work on the roof next...

I used leftover paint from the bathroom (a color called *woven jute*) to give the upstairs hall a fresh coat (or two) of paint...

This is an older house and the walls aren't pretty....notice the tape the builders had put on the walls? It's okay though....I think adding some color to the walls makes it look nice and I like to hang decor to make it pretty. In the photo above...the picture on the left (the lady's face) was done by my husband when he was in high school. Below is a painting I did while a senior in high school...

So there you have it....some of the things that have been keeping me busy, busy. I have also had the normal day-to-day managing of my home taking up my time (which I am definitely *not* complaining about!). Once I actually finish my bathroom ~ painting over the blue and decorating ~ I will make and updated post!

But now..I gotta run!!! Lots more to accomplish before I get to lay this weary body down in bed! I hope you all are well and enjoying the beginning of summer! Thank you for visiting today!


Thursday, April 27, 2017

"Every day is important for us...

 ...because it is a day ordained by God. If we are bored with life there is something wrong with our concept of God and His involvement in our daily lives. Even the most dull and tedious days of our lives are ordained by God and ought to be used by us to glorify Him."

~Jerry Bridges, Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts

Hello friends. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Unfortunately, I have nothing too overly exciting to share...other than I got sick *again*! A little over two weeks after the first time I had what seemed like the stomach flu (although no one else got sick), I got it again. Tuesday I was super sick all day...yesterday I had a down day of just recuperating and trying to re-hydrate. I didn't teach spin or anything....did some laundry and knitting and mostly just took it easy. I have no idea what is going on with me! I am really hoping it doesn't happen least not for a long time! It was quite miserable!

In other news...Madelyn has her first formal tomorrow evening. It is for our homeschool co-op. She is finally of age and gets to go! She is very excited (as am I ~ for her!)! I will be sure to share photos! It's a bit classier than a prom...a smaller number of kids go, Christian adults chaperone...and I think they eat there and that there is no slow dancing! :) It is held at a country club not far from my home!

OH! And Madelyn is trying out contacts! Chris and I decided it was time for her to be able to have some...she had an eye appointment and is now using trial contact lenses to see how it goes! She will even have them for the formal which is exciting too! Of course, I think she looks lovely with or without glasses...but for her, this is just great! :o)

I just have a few photos to share then I need to finish my grocery list!

Last Sunday after church, we had a "clean up around the pavilion" day (to get it ready for use during the spring and summer). They had to move the hay bale mover thing (I am quite unsure of its official name) so Madelyn got to drive the Ford tractor for the very first time! That's her daddy beside her...and in the hay bale mover lays her uncle (and Chris's best friend)! I wanted to remember the moment of Madelyn's first time driving the tractor....but also get the pic of my brother-in-law laying in the hay bale mover! Haha! It was funny!

Madelyn and Mama selfie (so many people say how much we look alike...but Madelyn and I agree...we don't look anything alike!)...

I almost didn't get this photo...but I am so glad I did! Chris and our BIL (They are truly best buds....each was the best man in the other's wedding)...riding on a dirt bike together. Haha! Such fun memories!

 Last week, I let the boys try painting with acrylic paints on canvas. They had a lot of fun!

Xavier did the top one and Jaxson the two bottom ones (they were trying to do Bob Ross inspired paintings)...

We are expecting thunderstorms this afternoon so after I pick up Madelyn from work (she does child care for a couple hours at our local YMCA) we'll run to the grocery store and try to beat the rain. I hope you enjoy your day!


 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.  Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit.  Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

~ 1 Thessalonians 5: 14-21

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Personal Planner / Bullet Journal Plan with Me Video

Hello friends! :)

For those who are interested ~ I made another plan with me...this time in my personal sized planner. This one is sped up and I did a voice over for it. It is under 10 minutes long! :) If you enjoy it, I hope you will consider subscribing to my youtube channel. I hope to post more! Planning can be fun and I know I enjoy watching other people I thought maybe others would enjoy my videos as well..? We'll see...I am trying to get better each time I video! :o) I'm still such a goof and sound silly but oh well! Here's the video if you are interesed:

If you want to see how I plan in *pictures* you can see my previous post HERE! I have been keeping really busy with housework, homeschooling, exercise, my etsy shop and life in general! I hope you all are doing really well! It's getting late and I need to head to bed I hope you guys have a lovely rest of your week! Thanks *so* much for stopping by! 


Linked up at Strangers & Pilgrims

Friday, October 30, 2015

It's Almost Reformation Day!

After being down and out for almost a week with a bit of a stomach bug, I am finally starting to feel back to my "normal" self (whatever *that* is!ha!). So here is a bit of a post...maybe not too interesting but visually enjoyable none-the-less! :D 

To celebrate Reformation Day (Oct. 31), which commemorates the day in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church in Wittenburg, we had a "Reformation Day Study" today. We are watching movies on it and doing a work packet of printables that I put together for the children.

Since fall is winding down over the next month and the trees are becoming bare, I thought I had better take a few more photos of God's beautiful creation before winter kicks in (a season that has a beauty all its own!).

The foundation is coming along when time and weather allow...

The chickens are enjoying the time they get out to free-range a bit each day...

Leaves cover the the yard...

The wood shed is getting filled...

Inside, candles burn warm and fill the air with sweet scents...

A little reading (this is what Jaxson is reading right now)...

Jaxson's creations are always somewhere in the house...if the boy finds a box he will find a way to turn it into *something*...

So thankful to be *in*doors when it's blustery cold outside...

The boys enjoyed a little time "playing" yesterday...

 These sweet girls came to town to visit today as well! My sister made all their costumes. She's so talented!

Two pretty mermaids!

The cutest gumball machine around...

Uncle Chris with Audra...

And this picture would have been super cute had it not been blurry...

I have so many great ideas of deep, theological things to post...but when I sit down to actually write a post I go blank. And honestly, I don't always have a ton of time to sit down and actually type out all that I am thinking. I *do* hope to one I truly do have so much on my heart I would love to share!

Well, I need to run ~ I have things to do (when you haven't been well for a few days it can leave you with a number of things to catch up on!

Hope you have a great weekend ahead!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Frog Fun ~ A Recent Finish

Although I am more of a's fun to crochet things too. Things whip up a lot quicker when you crochet them rather than knit! I made this hat for our friends' newest arrival. I am hoping it will fit the little guy this winter. The pattern said 3-6 months...but it seems a bit we'll see. The pattern was just for the green hat and eyes. I made up the nostrils, smile and tongue on my own.

I am working on crocheting a mouse hat now. I may put it in my shop at some point...or gift it to someone. We'll see! :) I always have intentions of selling items I make...and then usually end up deciding to gift it instead!

What have projects have you been working on lately? I am linking up with Keep Calm Craft On from Frontier Dreams! :) Have a great Tuesday friends!


Monday, May 18, 2015

The Great Yarn Purge & WIPs

The time had come...

I had *way* too much yarn (I have a habit of accumulating and then hoarding yarn. I think it's a sickness). Some of which I really didn't think I would find use for (although I'm sure once I donate it, I will find a need for some of the stuff I gave away...isn't that always what happens? *smile*). After going through baskets and bags I am keeping only the yarn in this tote...

These *spilling over* bags are full of yarn I am donating....

Random needles I found while going through yarn baskets (crazy how they accumulate places)...

Here they are...tucked neatly into my needle holder (*sigh*...having everything in it's place just makes me happy)...

Crochet hooks are all put into their case (and the extra hooks into a holder in the next photo down)...

Bamboo knitting needles....I like how they *look* but not so much their quality. I have had some break on me...

Just a *few* of my WIPs (works in progress)...

This is all my cotton yarn that I kept (in addition to the yarn in the tote). It's all ready to be used to make dish cloths and other fun projects...

This was my first bib that I knit but I am not happy with how the top finished up. I still need to make i-cord ties for the sides. Because I was unhappy with the top (the pattern was a bit unclear) I kind of tucked this aside because I was disappointed in how it turned out...

Although not pictured, I am also working on knitting a Yoda hat for Jaxson. I'll be sure to share it when it is finished! :) Remember, if you are interested ~ take a look at my etsy shop (there is a link in my right sidebar)! It's such a blessing to create things to help earn a little extra money for my family!

It's been a long day (last day of our homeschool co-op for this school was a wonderful time with a program and picnic with tons of fellowship and fun, but oh how exhausted I am ~ especially since I have been up since 4:45am!). I am off to relax a bit and spend some time knitting on Jax's hat before I head to bed.

Thanks for stopping by!

Linked up to: Keep Calm, Craft On

Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth

Friday, May 8, 2015

Hand-Knit Pillow Covers!

My sister was married almost 6 years ago. I had been knitting blocks to stitch together into one big afghan as a gift for her and her new husband. Some of the patterns ended up being bigger than others and weren't able to stitch together correctly. I became quite disappointed about it and it became one of those projects that I set aside....for another day. Days, weeks, months, years went by. I had guilt for not working on it...but I knew it wouldn't work as an afghan so I basically gave up on the whole thing. You can see HERE where I was working on a couple of the panels.

My mom, during a conversation, asked about the afghan. I explained to her my dilemma...the panels weren't going to be able to stitch together evenly....which would have me end up with an absolutely messy looking afghan. She suggested making the panels into pillows instead. You know that little light bulb above the head that you'll see in cartoons? I had that...and it *pinged* on! :)

So....I went to Joann's and found pillow forms for half off (although they were *still* over-priced in my opinion). When I got home, I got right to work. I worked and worked at stitching panels together, around pillows. You can see them in the top picture. Below is a picture of the other side of all the pillows. Every side is a different pattern.

These two are my favorite patterns...

My sister came to town today (and I was too busy snuggling little Audra that I didn't take *one* photo!) and I was so, so excited to be able to *finally* give her their wedding gift (only 6 years late)!!! I am also thrilled to be able to share them with you! Many of you have been reading my blog for years, so you may remember when I started these years ago! Here is the finished product! :)

Thank-you for visiting!

Linked up to: Keep Calm, Craft On and One Project at a Time