Hello friends! I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a long time (not that you are waiting on the edge of your seats or anything! Ha!). The truth is that I have been so busy! Between graduation parties for some of our homeschooling friends, home improvement projects I have been working on, gardening/weeding, mowing our entire lawn (which is time consuming since I choose to push-mow it all) and just life in general ~ it doesn't leave much time for organizing a blog post in my mind! I have much to still get to this evening...so I must be quick in sharing this post!
I wanted to just show some photos of some of the projects I have been working on. First are pictures of my bathroom that I painted. My shower curtain still needs ironed...and the parts that are blue are still in need of being painted...I just haven't picked the color I want to use there yet...
You can still see the blue that needs painted in the pic below as well. You can also see some of my Norwex cloths hanging...
I still need to decorate this wall. I'm just not sure what I want to put here yet (don't mind my shower curtain....it *will* get ironed! haha!)...
Mowing has been a bit difficult as I am working around this big ol' thing and the supports for the porch...
Chris has made such great progress on the back porch. He is getting ready to work on the roof next...
I used leftover paint from the bathroom (a color called *woven jute*) to give the upstairs hall a fresh coat (or two) of paint...
This is an older house and the walls aren't pretty....notice the tape the builders had put on the walls? It's okay though....I think adding some color to the walls makes it look nice and I like to hang decor to make it pretty. In the photo above...the picture on the left (the lady's face) was done by my husband when he was in high school. Below is a painting I did while a senior in high school...
So there you have it....some of the things that have been keeping me busy, busy. I have also had the normal day-to-day managing of my home taking up my time (which I am definitely *not* complaining about!). Once I actually finish my bathroom ~ painting over the blue and decorating ~ I will make and updated post!
But now..I gotta run!!! Lots more to accomplish before I get to lay this weary body down in bed! I hope you all are well and enjoying the beginning of summer! Thank you for visiting today!