Showing posts with label Baking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baking. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Decreasing of Self

 "No grace shines more brightly in a Christian than humility. Wherever self comes in, it mars the beauty of the work we are doing. Seek to do your work quietly. Do not try to draw attention to yourself, to make people know that you did this beautiful thing. Be content to pour your rich life into other wasted, weary lives, and see them blessed and made more beautiful, and then withdraw and let Christ have the honor. Work for God's approval, and even then do not think much about reward. Seek to be a blessing, and never think of self-advancement. Do not worry about credit for your work or about monuments to yourself; be content to do good in Christ's name."

~ J.R. Miller, Discovering the Hidden Essence of...Beautiful Living (emphasis mine)

Oh my...has it been a long and busy time since my last post. So much has happened along with the normal functions of a family and household! On New Year's Eve we attended a gathering at my Aunt and Uncle's house. This was a time with my dad's side of the family (my mom was sick unfortunately and couldn't make it....neither could my sister and her family). A few days later they had a house fire!! My aunt and uncle were both at home. Thankfully, they and their two cats were able to escape the house in time. You can see a little picture/video HERE.

My uncle built that house a long time has many levels. The bedrooms and bathroom were in the basement. The next level had a game room, walk in closet and sitting room. The next level was the living room and then at the top was the kitchen. Apparently their fire started from an outdoor wood burner near the house. I am not 100% sure on the details but it was so sad to get the call. I had been out and about running errands and getting groceries. I could hardly believe it! We had just been there a few days ago and's burned.

Many fire departments responded to the fire. It was bitterly cold and they had a tough time getting the fire out due to the ceiling having a metal roof and being well insulated. It took hours!!! Many supermarkets and such in the area were so kind to donate coffee, hot dogs, and warm chicken for the firefighters! I didn't go out (as I didn't want to be in the way) but my mom and other aunts did to help them save things from the garage (and just be there for love and moral support).

It's just a house....but oh how sad it is to know that pictures and family mementos were burned or water damaged. It's heartbreaking. They have been working at salvaging some stuff though so that is a blessing. I know they have been talking with their insurance company and are already planning to build again. We praise God that they are safe and well. That is truly the most important thing to us all!

The other day a beloved friend (and sister in Christ) of ours (who is only in her late forties I think) had a stroke! It was such a surprise! Her children and husband were able to get her to the hospital. At first everyone thought it was her heart...but turns out it was actually a stroke. So, so scary!! But God is faithful and she is doing well! She's still at a hospital in Pittsburgh but I think she'll be back home soon to recover (which they expect fully)! It is quite a shock, though, to know a young, healthy woman can have something happen so suddenly like that! We praise God that He always knows though. There is such comfort in knowing that *nothing* takes Him by surprise!

Along with the busyness of life (and the goodness or suffering it brings) I have been praying to the Lord to make much of Himself in me and LESS of me. I feel like I must pray for this often as the Self Monster tends to want to take over a lot. I am in His Word daily and my mom was so right....last night we were talking and she said how she doesn't understand how anyone can truly live a faithful, obedient life to the Lord if they are not reading His Word! You can't just listen to your pastor or have to be in His Word for yourself! What a gift He has given us in the Bible!

If you happen to be someone who reads "Jesus Calling"....I ask you (in love) to please stop and realize it is a *dangerous* read. If you want to know what Jesus says to HIS book. To read some reasons why "Jesus Calling" has some serious problems you can go HERE or HERE.

If you would like some biblically correct and lovely books (sort of a short daily read in each...not chapter books) to go along with your Bible reading I recommend the following...

The quote at the top of this post is from the book by J.R. Miller. He is also the author of one of my favorite books called "Homemaking" (also known as "The Family"). I posted the links for the books above if you are interested in them. They are not affiliate links or anything. Just wanted to make it easier for you if you would like to get them. They are inexpensive and totally worth it! The devotions by Susannah Spurgeon (who was the wife of pastor Charles Spurgeon) also has a biography of her life in it! :) 

Neither of these authors speaks "for" Christ. They don't claim that they are writing the words of Christ (which is only done in the Bible)....Susannah Spurgeon writes lovely prayers to the Lord in her book. Miller writes little one-page snippets of wisdom....pointing us to Christ! 

In other news...

Madelyn loves to bake (I used to love to bake as well....but the temptation to eat what I bake is too now I keep my baking to a minimum!) and she made cinnamon rolls for our guys! :) And no, I didn't eat even one! I am excited to be able to share that since the new year began I am down four pounds! I have been careful with my food intake and exercising daily (I have exercised almost daily anyway for the past 5.5 years but now I am making sure to really get the exercise in every day...except Sunday. That's my rest day!). 

I don't really eat out much....and definitely not fast food....*however* last evening I got a chance to eat for the *first* time ever at Chick-Fil-A! Everyone raves about it and I had never been near one to ever give it a try! Well...last night my mom, Madelyn, Jaxson and I were near one and stopped for supper! A part of me wanted to get the yummy looking waffle fries (it's like a battle in my mind!)....but I opted instead for grilled chicken bites and a grilled chicken wrap. They were both in my calorie range and were delicious!!! I was full after eating and truly enjoyed my first (and maybe only..haha) chance at eating at Chick-Fil-A! I also got to go to my first ever Home Goods. It was neat and I enjoyed looking around! I didn't get much but I was happy to have gotten to actually go to one (as I have heard others who have found some fun things there!).

Today I have kept busy with housework, filling orders for my etsy shop, getting groceries and soon I'll be heading in to the YMCA to exercise. When I get home it will be time for supper and the children and I will go over some of their schoolwork!

I am so thankful the temperatures are in the 20's and 30's now...oh my, the bitter below-zero temps we had for the past weeks were just terrible! Even though it is still technically *cold* and there's lots of snow on the feels *warm* compared to the other weeks! How is your weather?

Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm sorry for the long, rambling post! I hope your new year is going well. I pray the Lord is glorified in all you do and that you are enjoying your matter your circumstances! I hope you will visit again soon!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Sweet Tradition!

Every deer season I make caramels. The men-folk spend weeks processing the deer (at my in-loves' meat market) while a few of us women (and my children) work at wrapping the orders! It's a super busy season for our family! One year, I decided to make the men a treat. I made caramels. Ever since has become a tradition! If I try *not* to make them (because I always end up eating some which is torturous) the guys are always asking where the caramels are! :)

They are not difficult to make...but you must make sure you have a candy thermometer. You definitely don't want to over cook your caramels! I made two batches this year. The first turned out perfect. This batch I have pictured turned out too hard because my thermometer wasn't giving me the right temperature and I ended up cooking them too long!

If this is a tradition you'd like to try with your family and friends (or just want to make it *once*) can find the recipe HERE! :)

The days have been quite busy around here lately. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is here. We're still schooling and will just take next week off for a break. I know the children are really looking forward to that! :)

We hope to have a joy-filled Christmas...enjoying time with family. We have many plans that span more than just this coming weekend! Although we don't really *do* Christmas (as I have shared in the past) we still purchase gifts and do all the Christmas traditions with family. (I am not a *total* scrooge....haha!)

It is time to officially get the day started! Breakfast is cooking (by the lovely Madelyn)...we will have prayer/catechism together and I will read aloud to the boys for a bit. Then they will start their school work! I don't know when I will post may not be until after the weekend so I wish you all a beautiful season with your loved ones and most of all may Christ be exalted (not as the baby in a manger only...but as our perfect Redeemer and Savior who lived a sinless life, suffered and died in our place and rose again! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!)

Until next time, Lord willing ~
Katy :o)

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

"August is like...

 ...the Sunday of Summer."


August has flown in and taken me quite by surprise. The summer has gone by in the blink of an eye and we will be starting our schooling again quite soon! I plan on actually doing some homeschool planning today (if there is time).

I have been harvesting green beans from our raised beds and big garden. We have lots and lots of them! Such a blessing! I canned last week, all day yesterday and have some to do today as well. My mom got me some peaches as well so I am sure I will be doing those soon too!

These pictures just show my first couple batches from the canner. There are more to follow! ;)

I made a new sticker kit and it is now up for sale in my shop! Aren't the fall colors so beautiful!? I am so looking forward to the Autumn air and beauty but I must admit ~ I am not truly ready to say good-bye to summer!

Mickey loves to be outside. We must take him around on a leash though...or he will run off...little stinker! He loves to be with us but also loves to explore! As I type he is laying at my feet after a busy morning...

The sunshine has been absolutely perfect for drying our clothes! It is *such* a great money saver and truly...the smell of line-dried clothes can't be beat!

My raised beds have been taken over by my pumpkins! Next year, I am totally planting the pumpkins in the big garden! This is just ridiculous! I know it looks like a weedy mess but it's not weeds! Just a pumpkin vine take-over!

They have even crossed over to try and get at my second raised bed. It's like it has a mind of its own!

It has been a bit too hot for me to go for any runs outside lately. I have still been teaching spin twice a week though and mowing a lot. That helps me get lots of exercise! :)


It really isn't fair of me to post photos of Mickey and not have any of Cash! We still love our Cashers! We just *so* wish they could tolerate one another. We have been working with them...hopefully over time things will be better. This keeping them separate and us splitting time between the two to make sure they both feel loved is crazy!

To do lists....(right now, though, all the tasks are done on Tuesday's list and I am working on Wednesday's list.)...

More canning yesterday...

I harvested some peas from our garden. It was a perfect amount for I think he's the only one in our family who likes them. I cooked them up for supper along with meatloaf, cous cous, and green beans from the garden...

Mickey is just so super cute. The pictures don't do him justice. I had to use the flash because he moves so much (ever pic without the flash was blurry because of all his movement!). I am not a huge fan of pictures with the flash though...they just make it all too shiny/bright. Oh least you can actually see his face here! :)

I did three batches of beans in the canner yesterday and think I will get one more batch today! :) They will be so enjoyed this winter!

That morning sun is bright! :)  These jars just need washed, labeled, and the rings taken off and then they will go down on the shelves in the basement!

Madelyn made some cinnamon rolls from scratch. It was a recipe that had her put them in cupcake tins so they were all small and cute!

She made some icing as well. I didn't have one but everyone else said they were really good!

Summer is busy, busy, busy! I have more to do today and if I do get some down time I plan on spending it reading. :)

I hope your week is enjoyable so far...find joy in the little things! Smile more and pray often! Busyness isn't always bad. There are seasons of busy that just need to be done. Gardens need tending and homes need to run smoothly (as well as be tidy and organized!). What we must do is focus on doing things to the glory of the Lord ~ and finding the joy in the work He has given us. It makes the *doing* so much more enjoyable when you know that it serves a greater purpose ~ glorifying God! :) 

Happy August friends!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like"...

"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine..."

~Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

 Spring is here and I've hardly had the chance to enjoy it as I was terribly sick from last Wednesday through this past Sunday. I felt as if I was never going to be back-to-good again. It started, as I said, Wednesday later morning, early afternoon. I had an eye appointment early in the morning and was fine and chipper. When I got home I noticed I felt a bit odd and went up for a nap instead of eating lunch. When I woke I tried to eat a bit of something...swallowed one bite and then realized I just couldn't eat anything at all. I went back up to bed.....tossing and turning and gradually feeling sicker and sicker in my stomach. I would lay down.....then feel so I would sit up and then lay back down again. There was just no comfort.

Sparing you all the yucky details...I definitely had the stomach bug of some sort (although graciously, the Lord has kept the rest of my family from getting it!). It took me *days* to eat. I drank some but was pretty dehydrated as well. I just felt so ill and my skin hurt....body aches and just all around *blah*. As you can see in my planner pages that I posted above and below...they are pretty bare. (I even had to miss our homeschoo co-op's performance night where X and Madelyn were square dancing with others! My mom video'd it for me but I still haven't gotten to watch it yet. I was so disappointed to miss it!)

Sunday afternoon/evening I started really feeling better thankfully! And as you can see below, my days are back to normal with eating and chores! (Although Monday's Bible reading didn't get I was playing catch up with everything all day then hit the hay that night....I did read my Bible Tuesday...but just hadn't marked it in my daily habits yet. I try to consistently be in the Word...)

Supper last evening...

And here are just a few photos that I had previously forgotten to post (from the past two or three weeks!) and definitely want to share!

These beauties came to visit one day a few weeks ago! :o) We always love when they come to visit at Aunt TiTi's! Audra smiling for me...

Madelyn was on a cookie-making kick a couple weeks ago. She made these snickerdoodles and also chocolate chip cookies (that I see I didn't get a photo of)...

Jaxson enjoys baking as my mom gave him an "easy apple dumplings" recipe and he made them one day. Everyone seemed to enjoy them (which made Jax proud)! :)

So there we have it. A "where I have been" post as well as some "catch-me-up" photos. I am just so thankful to be feeling better and getting back to the routine. The weather has been quite lovely (with some rain at times....but that's all part of spring!). I was even able to get outside and mow some yesterday! It felt really good! :o)

I hope your week has been going well. I hope you are looking forward to Resurrection Day coming up on Sunday! What a joyful celebration it will be! :o) My favorite time of the year! Thank you for visiting me here and for your patience...since I know it's been quite a while since I last posted!


Monday, January 16, 2017

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song...

...above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." 
~ J. R. R. Tolkien

Today hasn't been my day. I ate terribly (and feel the affects of it) and have just felt sad and *blah*'s quite terrible. I even went to the post office to mail something (totally forgetting it is Martin Luther King Jr. Day...thus the PO isn't open). I just feel so discombobulated. Instead of making a sad-sounding post, I thought I would just share a few pictures from the past week...

I made some veggie beef soup in the crock pot and some easy homemade bread last week.

 The boys and I worked at checking their school work one evening...

A look in my planner...

I made myself some new planner dividers. :)


and Stella...

So, that's all I've got! :) I've tried to do another Plan with Me (in an Erin Condren Hourly Planner ~ you can watch it HERE if you would like!)...but it's a lot of, I feel like I sound silly and just don't do well at it. So I am not sure that I will continue making them. I feel like I am making myself too busy and then I am not focusing on what is *most* important. I need to take a step back, slow down and breathe a bit.

Thanks for visiting me here. I'm sorry this is a less-than-joy-filled post!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A Cheerful *Hello* & Healthy Banana Bread Recipe

Hello friends! It's been a bit since I last posted. Despite my scroogie-ness of Christmas...we are still super busy this time of year. We still get together with family, exchange gifts and fellowship. There is just *no* way around it...and I don't want to be a *complete* scrooge (it sure is difficult to stand by your convictions when traditions are so rooted in everyone). Anyway...I just didn't have the time to post. We have taken this week off from our schoolwork though so while I filled a couple sticker orders, I thought I would sit down and post quickly!

Chris and the children (as well as a couple of our nephews who are spending the night) are in the living room watching Tim Hawkins (Christian comedian). It makes me smile to hear the laughter and giggles coming from the other room! :)

Although I *did* eat too many sweets this holiday season I also continued exercising (although I haven't stepped on the scale ~ EEK!) and even made a healthy banana bread to share with family. It is moist and super tasty!

Below is the recipe I found on (Sorry...I forgot to take a picture after it was done!):

Quick and Easy Healthy Banana Bread

* 1/4 c. butter
* 1/2 c. greek yogurt (I used 0%)
* 1 c. honey
* 2 eggs, beaten
* 3 very ripe bananas
* 1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
* 1 t. baking soda
* 1/4 t. baking powder
* 1/2 t. salt
* 1 t. vanilla
* 1/2 c. walnuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350*.

Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the butter, greek yogurt, honey, bananas, eggs and vanilla. Set aside walnuts. Beat the wet ingredients thoroughly. Pour wet ingredients into flour mixture. Beat again. Fold in walnuts.

Pour batter into greased loaf pan.

Bake for 60 minutes at 350*.

It's that time of year again....lots of candles are lit throughout the house daily. The warmth, smell and cozy feel of the candles are just so enjoyable in contrast to the cold outside. Our snow and ice have melted (for the most part) though and temperatures have been in the 30's. I think it is suppose to snow again later this week though. Although I am not a huge fan of the cold and snow, I *am* thankful it gives the ground a time for rest. Plus, it seems my push-mower has broken (I tried to use it one nice day in the fall for a *last mowing of the year* day...and it wouldn't work.). Since it can't be used...I'm glad the grass isn't growing! Ha! :) Hopefully Chris will be able to fix it by next spring so I can continue to use it!

Since we had church and some other family get-togethers this past Sunday, we did our little gift exchange with the children Saturday evening. Chris's brother came over and had supper with us (beef roast, mashed potatoes and corn ~ frozen from the garden) and stayed to watch the children open a few gifts. We don't do a ton...but we do some and what totally warms my heart is my children's gratitude for what they receive (as they know their daddy worked hard to earn the money to pay for the items and I took the time to find them things they would enjoy or need). They were also so generous with their giving to each other and loved watching each other open gifts! :) Here are just a few photos I took...

I know what you are thinking...Christmas lovers are like: "YAY! A Tree!" and Christmas Scrooges such as myself are like: "What? A tree!?" Hahaha....It's just a decorative tree (up year-round). The children put a few ornaments on it that they had...for fun. I don't consider it a Christmas tree at all...the kiddos actually put the ornaments on in October or November...and I just didn't mind them or bother to do anything about them. I just love having the white lights on the tree in the evenings throughout the year. It's pretty!

For supper tonight I made up some rolls, chipped steak, sauteed onions and some homemade oven fries.What did you have for supper? Anything tasty? 

I hope you are all doing well! Thank you for stopping by. Can you believe it's almost 2017!? The wheel of time just keeps spinning and I can't slow it down! It's crazy and bittersweet! Watching my children grow and mature in the Lord is *such* a blessing...but it just seems like it is happening too fast! Goodness ~ Madelyn will be able to start driving this coming year! How can that even be *possible*...I mean, I just turned 16 last year...right? *snicker*

Hey, if you give that banana bread recipe a try, let me know how you like it! It's a hit in our household! Have a great week friends and may you have a beautiful start to the New Year (I'm not sure if I will be posting a final post for 2016 or not! We'll see!). Thank you for sharing in my journey with me!


Linked up at: Strangers & Pilgrims