Saturday, March 10, 2012

As the sun shines...

...I am *in*side. Yesterday, Madelyn and I went to my sister's house to help her with a few things. I began having a dull at lunch, I took some ibuprofen. The headache continued, despite the meds, and got worse through the day. By the time we got home, I was really hurting. I went to bed early and had a fitful sleep...waking this morning with a residual headache. I took some more ibuprofen this morning and hope the residuals will be completely gone soon....for it is an absolutely gorgeous day outside! I have laundry washing and look forward to getting it hung out on the line! I have been doing some housework and such....but moving slowly and gently. 

My mom took the children last night for a sleepover, to keep the house super-quiet for me. The children were excited to go and she was thrilled to have them. I worried about Jaxson's drops and ointment getting done correctly and on time (not that my mom can't handle's not difficult at's just that *control* part of me that had a hard time letting go). I was in bed by 7:30pm and although waking numerous times in the wee hours, I forced myself to stay in bed. I felt the headache still there and wanted to try and sleep it off as best I could. I am so thankful for a sun-shiny day! It does wonders for a soul, doesn't it? 

Madelyn holding Eloise, yesterday...

Madelyn helping with supper one evening...

Proof that even the most seasoned-bread-bakers has a flop now and then (this is some honey-oat bread I made the other flopped while baking in the oven! Oops! Thankfully, it still tastes good!)...

As an early birthday gift (super early, in fact, as my birthday is 6 months away!) aunt gave me a fantastic lamp!

Isn't it great? The iron is heavy and painted beautifully!

I just love it and plan on getting a thank-you note in the mail **today**! :)

Thank you for coming by....I'm so sorry that the first part of this post seemed (or maybe it didn't just seem but rather, actually was) like a lot of complaining. Some days are not as cheery as others, I suppose. We take the good with the bad. :o)
The washer just finished. I heard it click off. I need to get the clothes out on the line, whilst drinking in some of that wonderful sunshine. You have a *great* day!

Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied,


  1. I also get headaches like that. Sleeping them off is the best treatment. I hope you are feeling better today. Enjoy the sunshine I miss having a clothes line.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. After reading this I am thinking of hanging the clothes out when they are done. I was looking forward to doing it this week with the temp in the 60s, just didn't think about it today. Have a great day. Hope your headache stays away. I recently started getting those like crazy that turn into migraines. Happy to report with the change in diet so far instead of one daily I had one this whole past week.

  4. I love your lamp that was given to you. It is very nice. I was wondering if you have ever used peppermint oil for you head aches. I have them too. Sometimes it helps mine if I put alittle peppermint oil behind my ears and on my head. I hope you feel better soon. I love reading your blog. It is an encouragement to me.

    1. Thank you Chelle, for your kind words! :)

      Yes, I do use peppermint essential oils on my temples and neck! :) Thank you for suggesting it though...many are not aware of it's uses! :o)

  5. Beautiful girls !!!!!! I love your life

    bisous de France xxxx

  6. Hope you are feeling better today, sweet friend! I love the pictures!

  7. I certainly hope you are feeling better. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  8. I do hope that you are feeling better. Oh, how those headaches drag me down! Would you mind sharing where you get your essential oil? I take more pain reliever then I would like.

    Hope your week is great!

  9. Friends are there weather your cheery or not. Always good to hear about your days. So great your mom is close & can help out with the littles. Hope your feeling better. Blessings!


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May you enter as a stranger and leave as a friend!
Warmly, Katy