After my last post, I realized I spoke too soon whenever Jaxson followed in Madelyn's footsteps. He only got sick twice...which was a blessing! I am pretty sure we are out of the woods now and doing much better! After talking to our pastor's wife, I heard that others we were near at church, this past Sunday, had gotten the stomach flu as well. Oh, such a *sharing* group of folks we are! ;)
In the top photo are a couple books I am reading. I really enjoy Answers in Genesis and Ken I look forward to learning more in these books of his! Do you ever visit the AiG website? It is absolutely chock full of great information...wonderful for homeschooling families and all people alike! There is something there for everyone and so much learning to be done!
Speaking of *reading* I sit here and type, Madelyn sits in the chair identical to mine...just beside me...and is reading Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. She must like it a lot, for she is sailing through it quickly. I love books like that...the ones you just can't seem to put down (or *do* set them down out of necessity but it's terribly painful to do so).
The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. "Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?" he asked.
"Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop."
(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 12)
Where are the boys, you ask? They have decided to brave the cloudy, damp, dismal weather outside and ride their bikes for a bit. I am so glad spring has children have a love for the outdoors that cannot be quenched!
Tomorrow begins the month of April...I can hardly believe where the past three months have gone to! I have our calendar all changed and set up for April...
The chore chart is ready for a new month, too...
It's amazing to think that our school year is winding down...we have under 40 school days left to go! The children have been learning and growing in wisdom and knowledge. It's always the things I don't *expect* them to get that they seem to understand the most! I love when something *clicks* inside their head when they understand something new...those are fantastic moments that I feel blessed to experience.
Ruthie kept Jaxson company when he wasn't feeling well....
I am working on knitting a super-cute top for my niece, Eloise. I will be sure to share it with you when I am finished!
The children doing some artwork...
Around the has been going on (the normal amount *plus* extra laundry, scrubbing, and disinfecting to get all the sicky-ness out of the house).
Some photos around the little red kitchen...
Rolls for supper...
A soft place to lay my head at night after busy days...