Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Woody Allen: More Proof Americans Are Over Race

I’ve said several times of late that the era of identity politics is over. From its start around the 1970s with group rights like affirmative action entering the law to its heyday in the 1990s when a form of cultural Apartheid was enforced by an army of politically correct McCarthyites, identity politics has been a scourge, hiding behind the noble idea of equality to push a poisonous form of racial and gender spoils. But the American people are finished with that, and an incident with Woody Allen gives us more proof of that.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Who's More American -- Bugs or Mickey?

Trying to define a “real” American is a fool’s errand. America is too large and too diverse for there to be such a thing. That said, we do have a common culture and from that culture we can pull certain things that tell us how most Americans like to see themselves. That got me wondering if either Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse could be considered more quintessential American. The answer is probably neither as they both represent different aspects of being American. In the process of reaching that decision, however, I came upon a common thread to both which very much defines how America sees itself.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Favorite Films: Science Fiction

Science fiction is an interesting genre because it has no specific boundaries. Thus, anything strange gets tossed into the genre. There is also a split between the more hardcore “science” science fiction and the more fun “fantasy” science fiction and horror science fiction. I don’t care about any of that though. I like it all. Here is my attempt to list only my top ten favorites... though I could list 100 easily, but where’s the challenge in that?

Friday, April 25, 2014

Film Friday: The Lone Ranger (2013)

I’m a fan of Johnny Depp. I’m a fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, which was helmed by Gore Verbinski, who also directs assembles The Lone Ranger. I like westerns. So far so good, right? Then why did I loath The Lone Ranger? Read on.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Guest Review: Mulholland Drive (2001)

A Film Review by Tennessee Jed

There are a handful of filmmakers who evoke true passion when discussed among film buffs, but perhaps none more so than David Lynch. Supporters have elevated him to the level of genius, while detractors claim his work is overly complex, inaccessible, and symbolic to a fault. Few are without opinion, and it is usually strong.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Superman A Liberal? Yeah, Probably

I got to thinking and the more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that Superman is a liberal. Strange, but true. Batman, however, is anything but a liberal. Let’s examine the case for Superman being a liberal:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Man versus Flu (Round 3)

There won't be a post tonight. As frustrating as it is, I'm on my third bout with this killer flu, which just keeps coming back as different members of my family catch it and hand it back to everyone else. I've never dealt with anything this hard to kill off. So sadly, I just don't have the energy to write anything. Sorry folks.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Favorite Films: Comedies (non-1980's)

Last week, we were shocked to find how the 1980’s dominate comedy. This week we remind ourselves that others eras did comedy too. Here are my favorite non-1980’s comedies. Filling this list with comedies I enjoy was actually a lot harder.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Down With Film!

No film tonight. The feds... er, the day job caught up to me and I had to leave my hideout office for a few days.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Guest Review: JFK (1991)

by ScottDS

[sigh] I won’t lie – I love this movie. As an accurate record of the facts, it doesn’t pass muster. But as an engrossing conspiracy thriller-slash-whodunit, it is superb. Brilliantly crafted, beautifully-shot, well-acted, miraculously-edited… Oliver Stone’s 205-minute magnum opus never lags, never bores, and continues to polarize – 51 years after the tragedy that precipitated the whole thing.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


It’s funny to me how liberals like to think that they understand nuance. In my experience, you can hit a liberal over the head with a whale or a hammer and they couldn’t tell the difference. Conservatives (most at least) actually tend to be the ones who grasp nuance. And one area where this is clear is in older cartoon.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

My Favorite Films: Comedy Films From The 1980’s

I was going to do comedies but as I thought through my list, I realized that the 1980’s dominate this list, so I’m breaking out the 1980’s. What an amazing period for comedy! This list could be triple its current length.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Film Friday: Boiler Room (2000)

You’ve probably never heard of this film. Few people have, but it’s an excellent film. It’s got a strong (soon-to-be famous) cast, a topical story, a strong, sharp, colorful script and a driving pace. Also, we lament formula, but this one is anything but formula. Oh, and it has Vin Diesel before he was famous.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Screw The Cat, Save The Film

Have you noticed that most films are starting to feel eerily similar? There’s a reason for that. Some years back, a man named Blake Snyder wrote a book about screenwriting called “Save the Cat”, and many people blame that book. This has resulted in a specific problem that drives me nuts. Let’s discuss.