Showing posts with label ears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ears. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

OMD, guess what today is!!

Today is my 100th post!!! WooHoo, how exciting!!!

I started dis blog on July 3, 2009 just fur fun. Mom thought I deserved my own blog, since I kept making appearances on hers. I had no idea how many new friends I would make, or how much fun it would be, and the love that abounds in the pet blog community! Thank you everyone fur making me feel so welcome, and so loved...!

In honor of my 100th post, I will leave you with a few pictures of cuteness from the last year. Some of you may not have seen these before. But even if you have, cute pictures are always good to revisit...

Black and white cuteness. (Ears!!!)

So, so true... mom can't resist it. ;-)


I really do! :-)

Cloud, who is looking forward to his next 100 posts!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I got a Thundershirt!!!

Since we moved to dis house on top of the highest hill around, I've developed a terrible fear of thunder. I know, I know... You say, "Cloud, you're a Wonder Dog. How can YOU be skeered of thunder???"

Well now, Superman has kryptonite, Cloud has thunder. The end.

Some of you may remember my very first poem that I wrote waaaaaay back when I started my blog. I'll give you a hint. It was about thunder.

Seriously, the thunder is twice as loud at this house as our old one in town. It rattles the windows. It splits the sky. It chills me to my bones. My real bones, not my toy ones.

So mom read about dis thing called a Thundershirt, and how it helps dogs be less scared of thunder by putting gentle pressure on their torso, like a constant hug.

Hmmm...I like hugs!

We went outside fur to take some good photos of it.
Here I am looking very suave:

I LOVE my Thundershirt!!! Look at me, I look INVINCIBLE!!!

I'm multi-tasking - looking cute and focusing on something at the same time!!

I see you!!!

"How YOU doin'..??"

Cloud Suave is on the loose. Easy now, grrrrls... ;-)

We haven't had a thunderstorm yet, but I'll give a report on my thundershirt when we do.

Cloud the Brave, no matter what he's wearing. Except in a thunderstorm. Until now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I is Pup Scout!

Yes, that's right! I have a badge and everything! I'm proud to be part of the Pup Scouts of America. Check out Martine's blog fur details.

In dis picture of squee, I am doing my best to look serious, but also helpful like a good Pup Scout should. See my expression? It clearly says, "Is there anyfing I can do fur you? Is there anyfing you need???" I'm a very helpful pup scout as you can see:

Cloud the Loud and Proud.
Pup Scouts of America, baby!!!!

PS. I just had an idea fur a new weekly post - an extra-cute picture post called 'The Weekly Squee.' BOL! What do you think???

Friday, September 11, 2009

Gratuitous Ear Photos for contest...

So I keep hearing through my bloggy furiends about dis Ear-resistable Ear Contest from Chihuahuas Bentley and Lexus, see? Mom says I should enter, since I'm all about the ears. Sometimes people say, "Hey look, it's Cloud. And his ears." Like we are two separate entities or something... BOL! So mom took some photos and now she can't decide which one to enter in dis contest:

Munchkin Memoirs

My ears are always moving about, sometimes in different directions. See, I'm listening to mom wiff one ear, and listening fur signs of the enemy squirrel army wiff the other. One ear forward, the other one back...

First the right...

Then the left.


Sorry about that. My ears still look cute though, right?

It's true:

And at that moment I wanted a cookie...


So mom's still not sure which photo we should enter. Probably the first one. But maybe the fourth one. Or six. Or eight. Who do we appreciate? EARS! EARS! EARS!!!

Oh yeah...