Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Perfect Day

My parents are here to visit and we started out the day whale watching at Beluga Bay where we saw tons of Beluga whales spouting. Then we went to the Wildlife Conservation Center and saw moose, elk, bear, bison, caribou, and a bald eagle. Then we went to Alyeska Ski Resort and rode the tram to the very top and had a bowl of salmon chowder and hot cocoa. The ocean was on one side and the tip of a glacier on the other. It was so peaceful and just breath-taking. Aliyah was afraid of the stuffed bear.... but other than that she was a perfect angel. We have had a fun visit so far and we still have another week of bliss left!


Stacey said...

It looks a little cold there :) Those pictures are aweosome - you guys are getting to see some amazing things. I love that picture of Aliyah in front of the bear - it's sad ... but kinda funny.

Em said...

How fun! I'm so glad your parents are able to visit you as often as they are, it must be lovely!

E n D said...

That sounds like such a perfect day! Complete with a bowl of chowder! We need to come visit you!

Ashley H. said...

That moose is huge! Sounds like a fun day. I agree with Aliyah in that the bear does look scary.

amyorr said...

Thats so nice that your parents are visiting. Alaska looks beautiful! I love the picture of Aliyah screaming in front of the bear.

The Perry family said...

looks beautiful! One day we'll have to make a trip up there.

Unknown said...

I am so glad your parents are there! That is so fun- it is hard to live away from my mom- I hate it. Have a great visit:)

Anonymous said...

Brian loves those pics of all the animals... and wishes he was there! How fun!!!!

Britney said...

Yeah! So glad your parents are there! They are SO great...I'm sure you're in heaven :) Tell them hi.

I can't believe you live among the animals...crazy!

Your fam is to die for! Cute kids!

Kori said...

It really does sound perfect! I love Aliyah with the bear...yah, maybe it's a little mean but, I totally would have let my kid suffer for a minute to get a pic like that! So funny!

sterlingandbrandi said...

I have pictures at the Wildlife Conservation Center that look just like yours! It is so gorgeous out by Beluga Bay. Have you been to Whittier yet? I loved it. Lily is terrified of stuffed animals too. (real kind, not toys) I love your cute parents too, looks like you are showing them a good time!

Alexis Blackner said...

Look at your cute fam. I have not seen your parents in FOREVER!!!

Chell said...

Oh I am glad you had such a nice visit with youe family and I agree that picture with the Bear is hysterical... Poor baby

Kendal and Alissa said...

So much fun! Alaska looks like such a beautiful place to live. I haven't seen your parents forever and they look just as young as they did when I was in high school. Tell them hi for me.

Hillary Garner said...

I still can't believe that you live in Alaska! It is so beautiful there!...definately on my list of places I must visit before I die. How fun to have your parents there visiting...they look great, I haven't seen them in years!

Krystal said...

It's a good thing it's so beautiful up there, cuz man does it look cold a lot! Trey loved all the pictures of the animals. I bet Cole just loves to see them all. As for little Ali, give her time, I'm sure she'll join in on the fun soon or later. How fun that you get to see your parents. My mom comes out this weekend. It is always fun to have family in town.

K-Krew said...

Alaska looks beautiful, cold but beautiful. My parents went on their honeymoon there and I've always wanted to go. Hopefully we'll make it up there someday :)

heidi said...

My favorite thing about Aliah with the bear is how big chuck is smiling... Sad...
Looks and sounds like so much fun!

Michelle C said...

That's so great your parents get to go out to visit. Looks like a cool place to go. Maybe we can make it up there some day! Oh, and Chuck.... what's up with scarin' the baby with the bear. Bri does that too you mean daddies!

Katie and the boys said...

It looks beautiful and COLD! it's only September, what does January bring? It looks like you are having some awesome experiences.

Ashley said...

Linds, I just ran into your cute mom while I was on a walk. I am so sorry to hear about your father in-law. My prayers are with you and chucks family. She also told me you will be staying with her for 2 weeks. Sounds so fun. You have a darling family!!

Val said...

Umm how fun! I want to come to Alaska! Linds your kids are getting so big and are so stinkin cute! We miss you guys around here! Take care and keep in touch.

Steve said...

Not Fair! Those pictures are beautiful. That must have truly been the perfect day.