This is a great idea!
1. As you comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, repost these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave a memory about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you do not have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. Have fun!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Posted by The Skinners at 1:39 AM
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Linz..I HAVE SO MANY with you. So I will give a few off the top of my head..
Making 8th grade cheerleader with you!! I was so excited when I found out it was going to be us two with the other older girls! I remember thinking.. wow, if I could only tumble like her.
A very fond memory is when you and I would laugh at EVERYTHING.. when we were out in the "blue" and that janitor vaccummed up my scrunchie..ha ha.
Remember when we got kicked out of math class in high school? We could not pull it together... wait and we even got kicked out of that sophmore orientation not for cheerleading but what was that other class? Oh man.. it's been too long.
Also.. when we would work out together at the new Xcel and constantly talk about how we needed to diet!! What were we thinking??
Eating scoop after scoop of Nestle chocolate?? oh man, that was so funny..
Talk about memory lane.. I am laughing the whole time I am typing this..
I am so glad we have been friends for so many years and now we are still friends!! I am so grateful for you and your friendship:)
I remember a bunch of stuff, but I loved the night at your house where a bunch of us girls got together and shared wedding pictures/videos and recipes. That was a hilarious night!
One of my favorite memories with you is right after I had Brinley. I remember you brought me dinner a few days after we had been home from the hospital and I was venting to you about how tired I was and how Brinley was not sleeping well at all!! It was nice to hear you tell me about your experiences with your kids and how you told me that it will get better and I would get use to the lack of sleep. Then Chuck called to tell you to get home because Cole had just thrown up! I remember when you left you were like "see I won't be getting much sleep tonight either." You really helped me to see that everything would work out!
Yes I definetly remember all of us peeing our pants, having so much fun at the Bountiful high morp before competition, tumbling with Travis after school in the halls, tripping up and down the stairs during conditioning and cussing @ Toni...
I have SO many too!
Remember when we made the our movie?!
Remember when you ran over the medium...I think you did that a lot?!
Remember when we were spying on someone's boyfriend (can't remember who) and you ran into like a wall or something and we had to get out and push the car?? ha ha!
Remember when we both ran for something in 6th grade and you won?!
Remember Mrs. Roton???? YEAH!
Oh and drama class with Tawn?
Remember when we used to have Brooke and Jake call each other and we'd be on the other end telling them what to say..."talk about school"..."talk about friends".
Love ya lots!
How can I possibly pick on memory to share.. There are so many from the short 4 years we knew each other from our time serving in YW, going to Girls Camp, trying to get pictures of Cole, getting to host your baby shower for Cole, and just chatting while you did my hair. I miss you so much and am so happy you are all doing so well in Alaska...
Catan is definitely at the top of the list but, I just remember how you and Chuck have been our most favorite couple to hang out with and we have missed you so much!
um... are serious? 25 years is a long time of memories. Well almost every memory has you in it.
From playing school, office ladies, rabbit hole, barbies, making beds in trees(with you always on top dropping bark in my hair),all sorts of dolls,making dad video us etc... then growing older where I would give any excuse to be in your room, spying on chuck, talking about boys and life, making up my state cheer routine in the family room. Then it moved on to working together at the salon, everyone thinking we were anorexic at that dinner party, making up a musical "stitches"
(what was that about?), then visiting you in Penn., feeling Cole kick for the first time, sleeping in just me and Ali, sneaking shopping bags in through the bag door and much more the list could go on forever. I love you so much you been the best big sister to me and I miss you more than you'll ever know!
I knew something was slowing me down with gum underneath my foot. And hey that man was listening to the beatles in the other car. Sneaking out of school and going to Rocky Mountain Retreat. Spying on Chuck and toilet papering many times. Remember all those guys I lined you up with and you didnt like any of them? ha ha. Remember the many diets we tried? Rollerblading and you crashing on your butt in the road. Too many more to list.
I have a lot of memories over the last four years. It's funny though just the other day I was thinking about how we all went to NY. Chuck, you, Cody, and I. I thought about how fun that was. How we went the day after Thanksgiving. On the biggest shopping day of the year. It's too bad we didn't have any money to spend! THat was a fun trip. Thanks for the good times. We had a lot of fun with you guys out in PHilly. From the hard times of the 1st year, to scrapbooking, dinners as a family, and having are kids it was a lot of fun!We miss you guys, and hope life is good.
Well I have a few good memories of us. But I think that a couple of the classics are the time I was in nineth grade and recieved a phone call from you being a junior asking me why I had invited you little sister to a "--party" and I had no idea what it was. Then after stewing about it for a few minutes I had the nerve to call you back and tell you that I didn't know what it was but I liked parties and you should invite me sometime. Just being a brat!
Also then time when CAMI came to hang out with brooke and I and some weird woodscross or davis boys or something and the three of us just talked and laughed and made the boys I sure feel uncomfortable and I think they thought we were soooo weird! But we had a blast.
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