Monday, September 1, 2008

Miss America

I had a murder mystery dinner at my house. It was a Miss America theme. So basically all my friends and I dressed up, goofed around and got some good food in the process. It turned out to be so much fun and it was great to have a party at my house and actually be able to fit people comfortably. In Philly we always tried to cram everyone in our tiny apartment and it was still fun back then, but a little easier now! I really enjoy all the girls I have met here so far. They are an awesome group of friends who have really made me feel a part of things.


Kori said...

That looks like so much fun! How nice it would be to have space like that. I absolutely love to entertain but, our place is a little cramped. Oh well, I'm happy with what I have. Glad you've met lots of good people.

Michelle C said...

OH my heck, I'm so sorry I didn't email you back on the murder mystery thing. I computer broke and so I rarely got on and then I just totally forgot. I'm so sorry. That one looks like it was way fun though. So fun to dress up. I should do that one. DId you like it? Looks like you've been busy and having fun. Good idea on the date thing. We do that with Liz too and it's amazing how much differently she behaves! Fun to see some new pics up.

Stephanie said...

sounds like a fun night. I love mysteries...movies, books and now parties.

Crystal said...

Looks like you are getting settled in and making some new friends! I didn't know you got a house!? Sure is nice to have a place of your own!

Britney said...

How fun is this? I love this idea!

I'm SO glad you have made such a good friends so fast!

AND...yes, I LOVE that you are having a party at your HOUSE!!!!

Chell said...

Oh my that looks like a complete blast. So glad you are makign friends up there and enjoying the house. Miss you like crazy...

heidi said...

Sounds like it was fun; I never actually participate in a murder mystery but love the idea.
Glad that you guys are doing good!

E n D said...

How fun! I'm so glad you've made a lot of friends! I didn't know there were that many females in Alaska! j/k!

carlee said...

wowzers! you have so many friends. Jealousmental right here! ha ha
where is that Angie in the pic? I know she gets around too! miss you guys

Tawnya said...

Oh how fun!! Dang...if only you lived here so we could do fun stuff! Oh well...I'm so glad you have fun friends to hang out with...sniff sniff