Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So Cole came into the room crying saying "Mommy nose Mommy nose!" I had no idea what he was talking about until Chuck said that he was holding something and must have put it in his nose. So we pinned him down and tried forever to get the mystery item out.... finally we had him blow his nose over and over and out came a Tic Tac. That must have been so far up there because we could only see the hint of something white.... so thats our little drama of the day!


Chell said...

Well at least it was his own nose he shoved soemthing up and not his sister's nose. Hey how come I don't rate a spot on your blog list. I am going to sulk now. just kidding...

heidi said...

At least he gave you a hint at what was wrong, poor little guy. A tic tac also might burn a little...I wonder why kids have the fascination sticking things up their nose's.

T.J., Lindsay, Drew, and Cameron Stevens said...

oooh, fortunately for me, I have yet to experience something stuck in one of my kids' noses! That is too funny! I love the pic's of Ali by the way, and you're right (obviously), she looks happy in every picture you put on your blog!

somestratt said...

Oh my! All I can wonder is if it was a minty one? That could really have been an "interesting" feeling. I think I would have run to you saying "mommy, nose" too! You kids are adorable!

Unknown said...

Next time put your mouth over his and blow- seriously the dr. told us to do that. Believe me, Cooper has done this a million times.

Tawnya said...

Oh wow! Yeah the same thing happened to my brother Mike's little girl while she was in the backseat of their car...except I think she had them in both nostrils! haha..kids are amazing sometimes!