Monday, April 14, 2008

The Crib Tent

The other day Cole was supposed to be in his crib and the door was shut... the next thing I know he come strutting out of his room like hes cool... he climbed out of his crib! Thanks to Jake and Kori we went out and bought a crib tent. So now he cant climb in and out anymore. He sure keeps us on our toes. Ali is now scooting around the house.... so really they both keep me busy because everything she sees, she puts straight into her mouth. But its so fun to watch her grow and shes just a cute baby.


heidi said...

I've never heard of a crib tent... you'll have to post a picture.

Britney said...

Thank goodness you got the tent! They actually have one's for pack n play's too...we had to get one for Max at my moms!

Where does Ali sleep?

Funny post!

You should do a post about what is going on with graduation and stuff. Isn't Chuck graduating this May?

just me (Angie) said...

That is to funny. I can't say I've ever heard of a crib tent, then again my kids have never crawled out of there cribs.

Kori said...

Welcome to my life! The crib tent has been a savior. Recently we moved Grant into a "big boy bed" and haven't had problems with him getting out at night but, he won't stay down for a nap--just letting you know of the joys to come! Ha ha! Oh how I wish these 2 could play together...they sound like 2 peas in a pod!