Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Family Pictures

Our good friend Michelle took some AWESOME pictures for our family and so we wanted to share a few! Thanks Michelle!!!


The Perry family said...

These pictures are so cute!! I love the one of Cole giving you a kiss and the one of him by himself! Michelle did a good job!! You guys are a cute family!

amyorr said...

These pics turned out good! It helps that you guys are so cute.

Britney said...

OH MY GOSH! What can I possibly say that would describe how cute these pictures are...maybe...delicious?!

You look SO beautiful (and skinny!) and your kids are to die for!

Your friend is very talented!

Chell said...

Glad you liked them.. Going to miss having such adorable subjects to take pictures of.

Kori said...

Wow, how darling! With little ones it seems you need to do that almost every 6 months, huh?! Your kids are getting so big. You and Chuck look great.

just me (Angie) said...

These pictures look great, your pictures always turn out so well.even the trees match your outfits.

Grammy said...

What a gorgeous family! You and Chuck are what I call "beautiful people." And your kids certainly can hold their own. That Cole is a miniature of Chuck. What a handsome boy. And baby Ali is so darling. She is just squishy and squeezable. Enjoy every minute, cause they get big way too fast!

T.J., Lindsay, Drew, and Cameron Stevens said...

What gorgeous pictures! My fav is the one with ali sitting in the flowers...SO cute! Michelle did a GREAT job!

Nikki said...

what a smoking hot family!

Bayles Clan said...

what a gorgeous family! you look great lindsay-and you all look so happy. where are you moving?

E n D said...

Awesome pics! Michelle did such a good job! What a cute family :)

Mandy said...

WOW.. what a beautiful family.. seriously. I miss you. When are you moving? Email me!