Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Family Pictures

Our good friend Michelle took some AWESOME pictures for our family and so we wanted to share a few! Thanks Michelle!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to Cole!!!

Cole turned 2 years old!!! I cant believe how fast time goes by. We had a fun birthday going out for ice-cream with friends and he got a new bike! Thanks to Emily we had the cutest birthday cake Ive ever seen... shes so talented. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLE!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Today was so pretty so we decided to go to the park with our friends Oliver and Emily. Aliyah slept the whole time so that's why shes not in any pictures....

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Crib Tent

The other day Cole was supposed to be in his crib and the door was shut... the next thing I know he come strutting out of his room like hes cool... he climbed out of his crib! Thanks to Jake and Kori we went out and bought a crib tent. So now he cant climb in and out anymore. He sure keeps us on our toes. Ali is now scooting around the house.... so really they both keep me busy because everything she sees, she puts straight into her mouth. But its so fun to watch her grow and shes just a cute baby.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So Cole came into the room crying saying "Mommy nose Mommy nose!" I had no idea what he was talking about until Chuck said that he was holding something and must have put it in his nose. So we pinned him down and tried forever to get the mystery item out.... finally we had him blow his nose over and over and out came a Tic Tac. That must have been so far up there because we could only see the hint of something white.... so thats our little drama of the day!