Showing posts with label corporate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporate. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2011




San Francisco Police Shoot Innocent Victim 5 Times After Chasing Him Down For Not Paying Bus Fare! (VIDEO)



From 1988 to 1993, Michele Bachmann Attacked US Citizens As An IRS Attorney While Her Husband Marcus "Exorcised" Gays


The IRS says, Michele Bachmann is on our side, and makes no apologies.

From 1988 to 1993, Bachmann was a U.S. Treasury Department attorney, representing the IRS.

For 5 years she attacked the citizens as an IRS Attorney.

Marcus Bachmann Clinic Used "Pray Away The Gay' Therapy


Jewish US Marine Corps veteran and Former Director of Studies at the Army War College says Israel did 911 .(VIDEO)


Building 7 Controlled Demolition (VIDEO)

9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings! (VIDEO)

Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9 -11 (VIDEO)

9/11 Van full of explosives near George Washington Bridge on 9/11. (VIDEO)


Murdoch whistle-blower Sean Hoare has just been found dead in his apartment


Click to enlarge

The Guardian reports that former News of the World showbiz reporter, the first named journalist to allege that Andy Coulson was aware of phone hacking at the newspaper, has been found dead at his home.

Police say they are not treating his death as suspicious...

... because otherwise Murdoch will publish those naughty pictures from the last Policeman's Ball! :)


US elite partying weeks ahead of default (VIDEO)



15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq To Protect Oilfields - US Soldiers To Be Renamed “Trainers, Advisers and Diplomats”


At least 15,000 US troops will stay in Iraq beyond the December 31 deadline which the Obama administration promised would bring a complete withdrawal of American forces.

The majority of the troops will receive a “cover designation” and be labeled “diplomats,” but their job will be to protect oilfields and serve four giant military bases that will ensure the occupation remains permanent.

This now explains why the US built the largest US Embassy in the world, based in Iraq, which is to Double Staff (with military "diplomats and advisors") to 16,000 workers plus 5,500 private US security guards


His biographer says Hacking scandals to be the end of Rupert Murdoch


Michael Wolff, author of the Rupert Murdoch biography “The Man Who Owns the News,” is all but pronouncing the media mogul’s reign to be through.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Wolff said that the phone hacking scandals that have shaken News Corp. in recent weeks will ultimately lead to the resignation of Rupert Murdoch and his son James, who oversees the company’s British newspapers.


I Pledge Allegiance To America's Debt, And To The Chinese Government That Lends Us Money (Video)


"I pledge allegiance to Americaʼs debt, and to the Chinese government that lends us money. And to the interest, for which we pay, compoundable, with higher taxes and lower pay until the day we die."


Trained for Pain: Get your Torture Degree from School of Americas (VIDEO)




If 9/11 victims' phones were hacked by Murdoch's people, Fox News is finished' (VIDEO)



TSA Threatens Congressman For Disclosing 25,000 Security Breaches


"How dare you reveal the truth to ruin the TSA's wonderful public image!"

The Department of Homeland Security has complained to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) about what it says was an inappropriate disclosure of sensitive security information to the press by the House transportation panel that he chairs.

In a letter dated Wednesday, a clearly miffed Department of Homeland Security Deputy Counsel Joseph B. Maher told Chaffetzthat “sensitive security information” provided to his subcommittee by the Transportation Security Administration was illegally disclosed to the press.


Medical atrocities routinely committed against chimpanzees in the name of science


The question of whether chimpanzees and other primates should be used for biomedical research is an issue that has recently been reinvigorated thanks to 186 chimps at the Alamogordo Primate Facility in New Mexico who are waiting for their verdict of either life in a grassy sanctuary or a life of torture in the name of medical research.

For years, these chimps were used for biomedical research, primarily for hepatitis and HIV. Lennie, once a space chimp, has been documented as suffering atrocities, including being infected with HIV and hepatitis as well as enduring four spinal taps, a bone-marrow biopsy and repeated blood draws, to name a few. All of these very stressful experiments, no doubt, contributed to his death, apparently from heart disease, in 2002.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Vatican Advised Irish Bishops Not To Report Boy-Raping Priest To The Police


THE Irish government has summoned the Vatican's ambassador for a rare face-to-face confrontation, as anger over Rome's advice to bishops not to report child-raping priests to police reignited the country's child abuse scandal.

The Catholic "seal of the confessional" is also under threat in Ireland, with priests who refuse to disclose details of sex-abuse crimes revealed in the confessional or elsewhere, facing prison sentences of up to five years. It is the first time this has happened anywhere.

Gay Catholic priest reveals Church corruption, criminality and abuse of power - A Church out of control! More here


CNN is full of shit. We did not spend that money. The government spent it, without our permission. (VIDEO)


We did not spend that money. The government spent it, without our permission.

CNN is full of shit trying to make us feel responsible for the government's mistakes.

We did not buy a TV set. The government bailed out Wall Street, funded Israel, and launched endless wars to distract the people from their financial misdeeds. Private banks screwed up, and the government wants to stick us with the bill!

If you will recall, when the Congress voted through the first of the TARP bailouts, the American people opposed that decision by 90%, so it is dishonest to say that the people are obligated to repay that money.

Indeed since that repayment is being demanded as higher taxes, CNN is proposing taxation without representation (if not outright fascism). In the little school I went to in Loudon, New Hampshire I was taught that taxation without representation is a valid reason to fire the government!



Is Contagion (2011) Movie government mass brainwashing for the next bioengineered virus release? (VIDEO)


Hollywood (and the government) begin mass brainwashing campaign to get people ready for the next bioengineered virus release (CLICK HERE FOR MORE)

European E-coli outbreak likely caused by Genetic Engineering run amok…






Okay, here is the straight story. You, the American people, have been surrendering your money to the Federal Government on their promise to take care of you when you were too old to work. Look at your payroll stub. There are separate boxes for these withheld funds; they are not part of general tax revenues. Except that the US Government started spending those withheld funds on other things back during the Clinton years, and left nothing but IOUs in the Social Security Trust Fund. Only now the US Government cannot redeem those IOUs because the trillions in tax money collected from you has been diverted away from health and education services, repaying the "loans: from Social Security, roads, schools, hospitals, etc. and was spent on tithes to Israel, endless wars of conquest on countries Israel does not like, and the Wall Street bailouts/buybacks to keep the CEOs from having to go to prison over the mortgage-backed securities fraud.

An honorable government would offer an apology for embezzling your retirement, resign, then carry out an act of atonement!

But what we are seeing is an attitude from the US Government that it was always their money anyway to spend as they saw fit, and that anyone demanding the government keep their promises under which said money changed hands is just being a troublemaker. The theory is that after a lifetime of paying into Social Security, asking for that money back only helps the terrorists, and really patriotic Americans should consider killing themselves as a way to help the government balance the budget.

I am not kidding!

We are already seeing articles and Op-Eds such as the one from the New York Times shown below, suggesting that killing yourself is the best solution to the government's fiscal dilemma.

Do you get it yet?

The money-junkies want you dead! That is the message. When they can no longer get any more money out of you, they want you dead before they have to put any of that money back in.

The money-junkies are treating you like cattle, keeping you alive only as long as you turn grass into milk and cheese and new cows, then off to the slaughter house the moment you are of no further use.

That is the view the US Government has of you. You are mere cattle to them.

Time to stampede!

Thank you, WRH

"They’re Going to Cut Back the Bone and They’re Going to Keep the Fat, Basically. They’re Going to Try to Panic the Population into Acquiescing in a Democratic Party Sellout by Cutting Back Payments to the People...While Making Sure that They Pay the Pentagon, They Pay the Foreign Aid, They Pay Wall Street"



Woman arrested for squeezing TSA officer’s breast (VIDEO)


A 61-year-old Colorado woman allegedly squeezed and twisted the breast of a Transportation Security Administration officer on Thursday at a security checkpoint in Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix.

Yukari Mihamae now faces a felony count of sexual abuse and has admitted to the crime.


"We at TSA are licensed to squeeze breasts and vaginas and butts and penises! That's our job, not your job!"


Worst Person In The World! - Eric Bolling (VIDEO)



Movie Review: Sarah Palin Looks Defeatable in The Undefeated


"I'm undefeated! I did not loose the election in 2008. I did not quit as governor of Alaska. I did not quit halfway on my mystery tour. I did not quit any of the five colleges I attended. I have a perfect record! Ask my neighbor President Putin over in Russia or my ally in North Korea or the greatest prisoner of war ever, John McCain."

The movie does omit some stuff. We get, for example, Palin’s five stones but not her five colleges. Her husband’s separatist affiliations go unmentioned, along with his role behind the scenes in her administration.

Triumphal clips of her vice-presidential nomination speech do not include her most famous line (and lie), that she said no to the Bridge to Nowhere.

There’s no reference to seeing Russia from her house or her inability to name a single Supreme Court decision other than Roe v. Wade.

Don’t expect to hear about her firing of the Alaska Public Safety director who refused to dump Palin’s ex-brother-in-law, who was involved in a child-custody dispute with Palin’s sister … or the bi-partisan commission that found she’d flouted state ethics rules … or her final days as governor, when a huge majority of ordinary, hardworking people disapproved of the job she was doing.

Critics savage Palin film as audiences stay away in drovesMore Here

Palin Compares Herself to Reagan More here
