Showing posts with label caylee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label caylee. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Poof it's gone! (VIDEO)



The Essence Of The Banking Industry... (VIDEO)



Good Will Hunting had it right 14 years ago (VIDEO)


"My favourite scene from Good Will Hunting and pertinent to the principles of liberty in its condemnation of killing people abroad who have done no harm to you personally. Taken to it's logical conclusion this belief should lead anybody who holds it to a pure libertarian position; though most won't, of course."


SEAL Unit Supposedly Responsible for Osama Hit Killed in Copter Crash (VIDEOS)


Soon after it was announced – without evidence – that Navy SEALs had killed Osama bin Laden, the corporate media derisively coined a new term for skeptics – “deathers,” a word with about as much originality as “birthers” and “truthers.”

Aviation Geeks Scramble to ID bin Laden Raid’s Mystery Copter (PHOTOS)


Connect to the Internet through a lightbulb (VIDEO)


German physicist Harald Haas wants to reach for the stars in terms of data speeds and Internet connectivity. Or, if not the stars, at least the ceiling.

In a TEDTalk, Haas explained technology that would make it possible to send data through LED light bulbs instead of via radio waves. He calls it D-Light, or “data through illumination.”


300,000 Israelis pour into streets for unprecedented protests (VIDEO)


Israelis poured into streets across the Jewish state in unprecedented numbers, with police counting over a quarter of a million people joining protests calling for sweeping economic reforms.

Israel Street Protests: Suppressed by US Corporate Media

Israelis plan million-strong march as protesters call for social justice



Fatal shooting by police sparks London riots (VIDEO)


Rioters went on the rampage in north London on Saturday, torching police cars, a bus and a shop amid widespread looting following a protest over the fatal shooting of a man by armed officers.

Under a hail of missiles, riot officers and mounted police battled to regain control of the streets as fire crews rushed to tackle the burning building.

Central London has seen student and trade union protests turn ugly in recent months but this outbreak of rioting is the worst seen in years in the suburbs.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

How Many American Seniors And Disabled Died In July 2011 Because Of Obama Threat?


"Gonna get me some seniors!"

By Chimp

In July of 2011, during the debt ceiling/limit debate, Obama stated, "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it."

This unqualified threat by the President of the United States of America scared the hell out of over fifty million recipients of monthly Social Security checks which included seniors and the disabled.

Here you have 50 million people looking at disaster a few weeks away. How do they pay their rent? How do they eat? How do they pay their doctors (on Medicare there are co-pays)?

I would love to have some independent group do a survey to see if there was a spike in deaths of seniors and disabled in the United States in July 2011 from the day Obama made the above statement to August 3rd, when the checks arrived.

I can imagine thousands of critically ill, depressed, hopeless poor seniors and disabled having strokes and heart attacks ahead of schedule once Obama put this fear in them.

Can this be considered a punishable crime?


Catholic Church covered up sex abuse by priests in Irelnd (VIDEO)






45.8 Million Americans on Food Stamps Now - Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in May (VIDEO)




Happy 100th Birthday, Lucille Ball! (VIDEO)


In a year in which the Internet over-debated the issue of "women in comedy" with the release of Bridesmaids, it's important to remind ourselves of the original redhead.

Without Lucy putting on a burlap sack, getting drunk off Vitameatavegamin, stomping around in grapes, or setting her fake nose on fire, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, and their gang would have never been able to shit themselves in the street to such acclaim.


Lucille Désirée Ball (August 6, 1911 – April 26, 1989) was an American comedienne, film, television, stage and radio actress.



9/11 Ground Zero Worker With Throat Cancer Finally Receives Settlement Check For $0.00 (VIDEO)



Fox Nation Notices There Were Black People At Obama’s Birthday Party


Here is your dumb racist Fox Nation headline screengrab accusing Obama of some kind of secret anti-employment Black Panther birthday celebration, because “hip-hop” is the acceptable derogatory term for “black people things” if you are an old white racist who reads Fox Nation.

Why didn’t this barbecue party create jobs?

Why is Obama always inviting black people to his parties?

Why can’t Obama party with some employed people sometimes?

Maybe they would accidentally create some jobs while Obama parties?


Beers of the World pictures by Freaking News (PHOTOS)


Click to enlarge

MORE Beers of the World pictures by Freaking News HERE


Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America


“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” – Thomas Jefferson


Renton, Washington Police Want Man Jailed For Mocking Police Department In Cartoon Parody (VIDEO)


Renton, Washington prosecutor wants to jail cartoonist for mocking police


AAA-rmageddon: S&P downgrade knocks off US credit crown (VIDEO)


BREAKING: S & P Downgrades U.S. Credit For First Time In History, Repeatedly Cites GOP Intransigence On Taxes

Flashback – Geithner: No Risk U.S. Will Ever Lose AAA Credit Rating (VIDEO)


KABOOM - Full Text Of S&P U.S. AAA Downgrade
This is the first credit downgrade in the history of the United States.



Friday, August 5, 2011

TSA Thugs Confiscates Pregnant Woman’s Insulin and Ice Packs


Aaron Nieman is frustrated, after his pregnant wife's insulin and ice packs were confiscated by TSA screeners at Denver International Airport on Thursday afternoon.The couple has traveled around the world with her supplies and have never encountered any troubles before."It made me feel upset and made me feel somewhat helpless," he said.


"Quick! While the American goys are screaming at their 401Ks! Fake another rocket attack against Israel and kill some Palestinians!"


Click to enlarge

Two grad-type rockets fired from the Gaza Strip struck empty fields inside Israel today, doing no damage and causing no casualties, but becoming headline news in a number of Israeli media outlets.

Israel responded, as they always do, with a massive escalation of their ongoing air strikes against the strip, destroying a number of as-yet-unidentified targets in the tiny enclave in what they called a “retaliatory” measure.
