Oh man, so much to catch up on. We move in 5 days and we've spent the last 5 weeks partying it up major-it's what we do best! I'll start with our trip to California. We had such a blast with Ty's family. The first night we were there we went to hang out at the beach. This was Saylor's 3rd time to the beach and the first two times she screamed when we put her feet in the water. The third time was the charm because this time Saylor LOVED it. She couldn't get enough of letting the waves come crashing up onto her legs.

This was Saylor's first time really playing in sand and it was fun to watch her discover it. One of the first things she did was put it in her mouth!

....and then quickly began spitting it out

Just chillin' on the beach

Everyone enjoying a beautiful beach sunset

Somehow we survived sharing a bathroom with eleven people for a week but it was all the more fun staying all together. At night we had Autumn lead everyone in stomach exercises.

Say hanging out by the pool

Tyler and I have been to California so many times but this was our first time going to Hollywood together. We walked down the street with all the stars. We all got pretty excited when we found Walt Disney's star!

Autumn and me

The whole fam in front of the Chinese Theater

Mickey Mouse!

Saylor as the fattest man in the world...

This was also our first time seeing the LA temple, it was gorgeous!

Everybody who came on the trip...I'm sooo lucky to have married into such an awesome family, I love them all so much!!

That night we got to go to the Dodger's game. I'm not really a baseball fan but I had the best time at the game! The best part was singing our lungs out everytime a song came on, Ty was especially good at that (Take me out to the Ball Game was a classic) We got all you can eat food the whole night so me and Autumn decided to celebrate hot dog day early!

Our Little Family

Ty's family got their name up on the big screen since we had such a big group!!

The next day we went to Disneyland/California Adventure. It was so much less stressful this time because there were sooo many adults and Saylor was the only baby that got lots and lots of attention. I didn't have to sit off any rides because there was always someone more than willing to watch her. Since we had already taken Saylor here a couple months ago we didn't wait in lines to meet Mickey or the princesses or go on all the baby rides and she was still just as happy:)

Waiting to go on the new Toy Story ride

Alyssa and Saylor

My favorite ride ever...Tower of Terror!!

And again!

Our classic pic

Say's favorite part of Disneyland is definitely the parades...she was puttin the moves on out there!

I get in the craziest moods when I'm at Disneyland, I think it's because I'm so happy. I was making friends with the workers all day and I got some pretty funny responses.
Grandma bought Saylor this little baby Minnie and it made her so happy!!! She wouldn't stop hugging her. It's her favorite toy now and I love how she calls her, "Mimi"

We only went to Disneyland one day so we were there for like 16 hours!! We were all exhausted, Say loved cuddling with her cousin Alyssa. (Cuddling is a rare occurence for Saylor, she just doesn't really like to sit still for more than 2 seconds)

The next day we spent the whole day at the beach! This was one of my favorite days. We barbequed, swam, layed out, went boogie boarding, played in the sand, played sand volleyball and just relaxed. It was awesome.
Say playing in the sand

Enjoying the ocean

All the girls

Our last day in California we went to Sea World and by then my camera battery was dead so I didn't get any pictures:( This was probably Saylor's favorite day since she loves animals soo much! At every show she would jump up and down, scream and laugh in delight and dance crazy. At the pet show we were in the front row and Saylor got out in front dancing and had the whole stadium watching her. It was hilarious, I'm pretty sure some people thought she was part of the enertainment. Everyone in Ty's family was amazed at how well behaved Saylor was the whole trip.
Me and Autumn ate so many pizza lunchables on this trip!
Watching a movie on the long car ride home
Best Trip Ever!!
1 comment:
What a fun family reunion! I especially love the picture of Saylor in her plaid dress and pigtails. She is so stinkin cute!
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