I thought these beautiful babies were worthy of a blog post. I may be a couple weeks late but I'm quite positive they wont be offended.
How has a year already passed, I honestly can't believe it. Tyler and I tease that it has been the longest fastest year of our lives. I was a little sad that they were turning one, I want my kids to stay little forever. We have learned many things---patience, love, sacrifice, family love, family is amazing (extended family), friends are kind, the gospel is vital and kids are blessings. I dare say this has been the most challenging year of my life. But also the most rewarding. I guess those two have to work hand in hand. But with all the hard times comes the most amazing times. Healthy babies, wonderful big brother and sister, and seeing these two precious babies grow and learn---they amaze me daily. I still wonder how I was so blessed to be their mom.
I hope I don't disappoint.
There are so many people who I want to thank. So many who without them I wouldn't have survived (or still be surviving). Being away from family is hard but Kirksville is amazing and it comes with amazing friends. How will I ever repay them for their kindness and willingness to help me (and still do).
I am a high maintenance friend.
And to our dear family---
your thoughts and prayers have helped in more ways then you'll ever know.
Okay on to the fun stuff!
I really wanted to celebrate. They are only one but hey I think Tyler and I deserved a party :). The theme was "double rainbow". I used a GIANT nursing pillow to feed both of them and we called it the double rainbow. It went everywhere with us---trips, airplane, car rides, out to dinner, zoo. So the party was a tribute to the double rainbow and our double babes.

How has a year already passed, I honestly can't believe it. Tyler and I tease that it has been the longest fastest year of our lives. I was a little sad that they were turning one, I want my kids to stay little forever. We have learned many things---patience, love, sacrifice, family love, family is amazing (extended family), friends are kind, the gospel is vital and kids are blessings. I dare say this has been the most challenging year of my life. But also the most rewarding. I guess those two have to work hand in hand. But with all the hard times comes the most amazing times. Healthy babies, wonderful big brother and sister, and seeing these two precious babies grow and learn---they amaze me daily. I still wonder how I was so blessed to be their mom.
I hope I don't disappoint.
There are so many people who I want to thank. So many who without them I wouldn't have survived (or still be surviving). Being away from family is hard but Kirksville is amazing and it comes with amazing friends. How will I ever repay them for their kindness and willingness to help me (and still do).
I am a high maintenance friend.
And to our dear family---
your thoughts and prayers have helped in more ways then you'll ever know.
Okay on to the fun stuff!
I really wanted to celebrate. They are only one but hey I think Tyler and I deserved a party :). The theme was "double rainbow". I used a GIANT nursing pillow to feed both of them and we called it the double rainbow. It went everywhere with us---trips, airplane, car rides, out to dinner, zoo. So the party was a tribute to the double rainbow and our double babes.

15 pounds
26 inches
6 teeth, waves night night goodbye and hi, says mama (close to saying dada), loves food, gives the best loves and kisses, excellent sleeper, makes you work real hard for a smile, patient, can put a mini clip into her hair, crawls and gets into everything, loves the dishwasher, pulls herself up onto everything and is starting to cruise along furniture, boss of Crosby, loves the dog, loves her siblings, no more nursing--onto milk in a sippy, loves her muslin blanket, loves her binki, makes kissing sounds, rubs her little tummy, carries things around in her mouth like a puppy, loves goldfish crackers.
Crosby's Stats
15.2 pounds
27 1/4 inches
2 teeth (with 4 more on the way), waves night night goodbye and hi, says mama (close to saying dada and night night), loves food, still wakes up in the night, gives the best smiles and giggles, loves his siblings, speed crawler and gets into everything, ring leader of getting into cupboards and drawers, loves the dishwasher, loves the dog, still nurses, loves his muslin blanket, loves his binki, loves balls, pulls himself up onto everything (cruising a little), makes kissing sounds (we call it a smack off--once one starts the other does too), loves chocolate animal crackers.
Crosby and Nora you have forever changed our lives, for the better.
Jackson and Olivia adore you.
They think everything you do is funny. It's a race to get you out of bed when you wake up and they love to make you laugh.
I love that if Tyler or I stop for 2 seconds your both instantly standing at our legs to be picked up.
You have brought a light and spirit into our home.
We love you sweet little babies.

I can't believe that it has been a year. I find it crazy that anyone can survive the first year with twins. Way to go! You're a superhero.
Love it! Awesome job on the cake...looks delish!
Wait, wha?? It's been a year? Happy Birthday Nora & Crosby!! Yes, that cake looks amazing! :)
GO AIMEE! You guys are rockstars, the twins are just perfect, they are super blessed to be in your family!
Oh my gosh...are they really 1?! That is craziness. You guys are truly amazing, what an awesome family you are. I like the stat comparison. :) What sweet little babes. They are precious and what a fun party! DOUBLE RAINBOW!!! Hilarious. :)
Love the post, and I am secretly glad to know I am not the only one who can't find time to post every few days! We've been missing you guys! Scott and Jason keep talking about when they can see Jackson again.
Nora and Crosby are so cute!
How adorable!!!! Sooo cute!!! Crazy how time flies by so fast!!!
you all did deserve a party!!! where has 1 year gone... your kiddos are so dang cute. You are amazing, that cake looks yummo, but I think the babes are even cuter! happy 1 year Crosby and Nora
Wow they are so beautiful. Can't believe they are one. You guys are amazing and have such a cute family.we miss you! I love their cake you made!!
This is one of my favorite posts of yours. I feel a little sad that I don't even know these two charmers. Thanks for that peek into their lives and their party (hilarious theme by the way) and your insight on the last year. What a doozy! Happy 1 year to those lucky twins to be born into such a frakin awesome family!
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