Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas 2010

Well, I'm back it's been quite awhile. I think i'm lucky to update this about once a year. Since my last entry we have had so much fun with Trevor who is almost 1. I can't believe he's been with us for that long he has been such a blessing in our home. He loved Christmas, he played with his first toy the whole time, and actually is scared of his bath toy that I got which I was a little sad about.

This is my fam on christmas day!

Trevor loved Santa!!!! He didn't even cry!!

My mom took this picture!! Trevor's 1st Christmas

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!


Heather said...

I absolutly love the picture of him in front of the tree with the fire truck. sooooo cute!

Shay and Kira said...

The blog looks great!