cheesemonkey wonders

cheesemonkey wonders
Showing posts with label Cognitive Load Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cognitive Load Theory. Show all posts

Sunday, November 12, 2023

TEN TRUE STATEMENTS - Using Cognitive Load Theory to Build Toward Mastery of Proofs - Geometry

 I've been reading and thinking a lot about cognitive load theory in Geometry class, thanks to Michael Pershan, Greg Ashman, Dylan Wiliam, and Ilana Horn. 

I've pared back what I ask students to do using a new structure I've been calling "Ten True Statements." It could be twelve or eight or nine, but ten is a nice number. Here's the basic idea.

Students are given a problem that includes a diagram and a statement, but my instructions to them are extremely non-pathway-specific. I ask them to generate at least ten true statements about the situation. I given them a specific amount of time and then I yell, "GO!"

I circulate, but only provide just-enough of a hint to table groups to help them get themselves unstuck. The purpose here is to learn how to ask for help and not just stay stuck.

Here's one of the problems they did on Thursday:

congruent triangle problem

I consider this activity purely generative. Students need practice in brainstorming.

I want them to lose themselves in flow so they can practice using their reference materials to develop as many ideas (aka "true statements") about the figure as they can, together with justification. 

I don't care about the order of statements. I don't care if statements are relevant to a proof pathway. 

The habits of mind I am trying to cultivate are to learn how to brainstorm more gently with their minds without judgment; to use their tools as a memory aid; and to document their thinking process.

My theory of action is this: the more practice they have in generating true statements and in deriving new true statements from previous true statements they have generated, the easier it will be for them to learn how to put their true statements and justifications into order.

I am trying to focus their working memory just on the generation of true statements. 

All four classes are really loving this activity, so I have to go find more suitable problems for the week.