Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Kevin keeps shitting himself at age 13!


Thank God for the state to tell us parents what we have to do….

Kevin is now 18 and keeps shitting in the corner of the living room!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Antisocial Mediator Convicted of Homophobic Abuse

Oh, you really can’t make this stuff up, can you?


Lovely woman, don’t you think?

I wonder what sort of qualification you need to be employed by an “Antisocial Behaviour Mediator” in Thornton Heath these days?

Maybe she thought she had to be a truly antisocial mediator of behaviour?

Friday, 6 July 2012

Lazy Teachers – Useless Cretins

Well, with the so-called Government now embarking on a horrendous test to see how well our 11 year olds grasp the FUNDAMENTAL points of the English language, looks like the teachers are all now up in arms because their pathetic crappy teaching is now going to be shown to be the sham that it is:


Yes, it’s really an attack on teachers, isn’t it? They are supposed to be teaching our children how to read and write; how to properly construct sentences; how to spell words correctly. Oh no. What a fucking shocker that is.

Teachers are the most underpaid and overworked members of the public service. They spend 18 hours a day marking, setting lesson plans, etc.

Yes, of course they fucking do.

They do absolutely fuck all.

Try telling that to my girlfriend, who today is working 3pm to 3am. That’s work that is. Not talking Marxist shite in the coffee room for 2 hours.

Teachers can’t teach because they themselves haven’t been taught. It’s the cumulative 20 or 30 years of leftie wank that has lead us to where we are today. Where children leave secondary school at the age of 16 and can’t even get a job in a shop without having to undergo remedial training by their employers.

Fucking hell.

If testing children to see if their teachers have done their job is “an attack on teachers” then please give me a baseball bat with nails in it. These useless sacks of meat need to be taught a lesson.

Something that they have not done themselves.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Bloody lodger!

My fellow lodger over here in the sunny borough of CroyDon is such a lazy git. She’s a teacher, so I suppose I can’t expect anything else.

Here’s the beef:

I see she leaves some dirty plates and cutlery in the sink. I wash hers up. I buy the washing up liquid. (And the loo rolls, but let’s not get started on that bit – yet…)

I come home tonight to see my single small plastic carton and lid sitting in the sink from last night’s casserole reheat-fest. The draining board is full of her stuff.


Come on, girl. You’ve seen me wash your stuff. Put your stuff away. And you don’t do mine?

And, of course, there’s the small matter of the big sign saying “Please do your washing up – it’s not nice to see things in the morning” Jesus wept. I might leave a single plate, or something like that, overnight.

And I get this!

So, from now on I am not going to clean your crap up.

Sooner you bog off to Spain the better!

Buy your own bloody washing up liquid AND your own bloody loo roll.

She seems to spend hours in the toilet. And she eats the loo roll. So fuck you.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Teachers on Strike (again)

Oh well, and this from The Telegraph:


And, not wanting to be pedantic, but that really should have an apostrophe in the word “teachers” shouldn’t it, Mr Telegraph?

Teachers, eh? Lazy sponging Common Purpose nob-heads, the lot of them.

And why does this “Chris Keates” look so so angry and full of hate? Or maybe she’s just constipated and desperately needing a poo?

Go on, strike. Nobody will notice anyway. Won’t have any effect on the children’s education at all – you don’t currently teach them anything worth knowing anyway.


Thursday, 30 June 2011

The Deluded are on Strike!

Good, let them keep striking. We don’t need them. They need to learn that they’ve had it too good for too long, funded by a vote-buying, corrupt, debt-wanking Labour government who have pissed so much money up the wall that there simply isn’t any left. And the wall is now all covered in piss stains too.

They raided our private pensions (and are set to do so again) to pay for their cattle’s votes, so now it is high time the public sector felt the pain too.

So go on, stay on strike. I dare you!

A good article above from the Daily Mash people.

And a great money quote:

“If the striker continues to insist that you should pay for his pension and that he should retire five years earlier than you, always say ‘Pardon me?’ rather than ‘Huh?’, ‘Come again?’ or ‘What in the name of shitting fuck are you talking about you delusional, self-serving piss-bucket?’

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Little One at School

Well, it was our little daughter's first day at school and she went in all smiles and with plenty of excitement. Little does she know that the crazed lefties will try and indoctrinate her in the "global warming" claptrap. However, your very own Mr Angry will be there to support her and get her to ask her teachers why they are teaching this as fact whereas it is really a religion.

But anyway, she looked very cute and lovely. She was up at 7am asking whether it was time to go to school etc.

I would post some photos, but as we all know the internet is full of paedos, beardie weirdies and just plain nutters. I fall into the latter category.