Showing posts with label BBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBC. Show all posts

Friday, 12 April 2013

She’s dead. And now what?

Ok, Margaret Thatcher is now dead. What a shocker that was. The mad lefties would expect her to live forever on the spleens of young virgins, I suppose.

But no, they are now trying to uprise against the evilness, if you could call it that, of having your life to yourself, without having to consult your local Union Representative.

So, Saturday:

Poll Tax riots again in London town. WTF is that all about? What the hell will it achieve except to show the “demonstrators” to be a bunch of cunts? Luckily my Clare isn’t working that day.

Of course, the vast vast majority of the unwashed at these places will be born outside of Thatcher’s years of direct influence. But that doesn’t matter, does it? No, let’s have fucking riot with lots of looting. If some mad black drug dealer kicks off a load of riots then what for this? God, I’d have armed the police with shotguns and told them there’s a bonus for each fucker they kill….

So, in summary, a nice riot or 4 or 90 celebrating the death of somebody they never knew. Lovely, isn’t it? Free shoes and TVs. Yay!

Commie wankers.

From whatever happens to the actual burial on Wednesday, I shudder to think. The whole world will be looking at us. What will we be showing them? A dignified (and suppressed if you are of that nature) event, or a bunch of baying leftie bastard scum? I reckon the latter.

But prove me wrong - - please.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Music, eh?

Oh there’s so much to choose from. But I have chosen. Oh yes. Now, only the slightly easy task of persuasion now:

1)  Cascada

2) Tori Amos

3) Dougal & Gammer

4) MIchael Woods

5) BBC Symphonic Orchestra On Crack – Playing “Wowowoutdshglsdhgoiywetoy and shithityhwoureoweyuytu fuck arse!!!!” in e-minor.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Emma West : The Trial

Well, from following the original Croydon Tram video of her spouting off some obnoxious bollocks against people who are completely innocent, she’s been hauled in front of the so-called magistrates to beg for her wossnames. Good luck with that babe.

From me, I was shocked and horrified what she did in front of her little child, never mind what she was saying. Tiger-Tiger anybody?

Never actually having visiting New Addington, I get the idea it isn’t the wondrous multcult society. But also having seen what the daft cow has spouted on about I can’t see how she can say it “never happened”. Er. Yes it fucking has. Have you seen yourself on youtube? Daft bag!


Plus, as an avid tramfan what the fuck is that pic? Colours all wrong. SPECIAL? Mong more like. Gits. And it’s not even East Croydon either! FFS!

(Maybe I should lie down in a dark place…..)

Anyway, back to the topic….

Rant away, you horrid person

Quite frankly I can’t see what the hell is the problem…. On the one hand we have one woman spouting shite. And, er. Well that’s it.

On THURSDAY, I had two white women giving each other some gip on the train coming into East Croydon. “Don’t talk to me like a child”, “Don’t fucking act like one then, bitch!” followed by a few minutes later by “Would Inspector Sands go to platform 3….” Of course, that’s not a CRIME nowadays, as it’s not favouring one of the pet classes.

I’m sure this Emma person has some issues, with the uncontrolled immigration in this country, however as being a Brit, and all that, there are certain ways of going about things. What she did was inexcusable. Especially in front of her child.

However, I do not think dragging her in front of the media like this will solve anything.

The Mail are pumping up support for the BNP, which I do not like at all, but wouldn’t stop their access to the media.

For me, I want to know all the facts, all the truth (not necessarily the same!). BBC? Fuck you, you commies.

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Parents: ever felt like going postal at the Teletubbies?

Awesome stuff from a group of parental protestors visiting White City BBC TV studios, yesterday……..

Saturday, 24 January 2009

BBC Supporting Hamas Terrorists

Here we go again. We are forced to pay a Licence Fee which supposedly is to ensure the integrity and independence of the BBC, providing informative programmes and unbiased news as well as quality entertainment.


What we are doing is supporting a loony leftie organisation that is so biased towards everything anti-west that it is quite unbelievable that they get away with it. The Biased BBC blog will give you all the low down on these deranged parasitic wankers.

Now, after the orgasmic spurtings after their favourite Islamic terrorists Hamas’ victory over Israel (who gave up the fight), these BBC twats now want to raise money to “rebuild” the schools and hospitals that were destroyed by the evil jews.

Of course, nobody mentions that these would be the same schools, hospitals and, indeed, mosques that were used as missile launch sites and weapons storage facilities by the terrorists.

So what the BBC is doing is raising money for the terrorists.

Fucking ace.

How the fuck do I go around withholding my licence fee?

UPDATE: Oops, seemed to get the wrong end of the stick on this one. The BBC is "opposing" demands that it show this evil fundraising event. Apologies over that. However, I think they will give in and show it. Al-Bowen will be wetting himself over the entire affair.