Yes you read the title correct. February 18 1989, Dave and I said "We Do Forever" and guess what? We actually meant it. I mean it is not everyday that a hip, happenin, sexy couple like ourselves can say that we have been married for 20 years....In saying that, I mean to the same person. (someone actually asked us that waaaaaay back during our 5th year of marriage, sheeeeesh and they thought 5 years was a long time to be married???) So here I am Celebrating my biggest and proudest accomplishment ALONE. O sure I could gush about how I am the luckiest woman alive, how Dave refers to me as his "Bride", or about the beautiful pedastal that he so delicately places me upon. Or I could tell you how he is my "hero", how he serves, God, his country and how he loves his family but that's not what you came here for....... You wanna see what I made him!!!!

We were supposed to take a cruise to celebrate our life together, however, Uncle Sam, deems it necessary for him to train his team for a tour in Iraq. Thank God, I did not purchase the tickets!! I started out creating this amazing little Tuxedo Jacket Card when I realized how wonderful it would be to present it with a framed photo of us on our Wedding Day. We really were babies. I was 19 and he was 20. Although this gift has no monetary value, it signifies our Promise to Love one Another For Better For Worse, in Sickness and in Health, For Richer For Poorer, Until Death Do We Part. I also printed out a very small copy of this photo and placed inside the Tuxedo Jacket. I thought he could carry that one in his wallet (not to mention, I was not about to write inside this card.

As you can see, my inspiration came from the March 20008 Paper Trends idea book. You can find a complete step by step tutorial
HERE As you can see, I changed mine up a bit. I choose pink since I had pink velvet rather than black for my lapels. For the bow tie and cumberbund I used PTI's satin, polka dot ribbon in Blush. I also changed up my cumberbund as well. I cut a strip of 120lb white cardstock then I layered strips of the ribbons on top of it starting with the bottom ribbon and glueing them in place.

I have also loaded a photo showing how I packaged and surprised him by slipping the gift into his luggage. He was not suppose to open it until Feb 18, however, he called me TODAY to wish me Happy Anniversary. YOU KNOW YOU'VE BEEN MARRIED
FOREVER WHEN NEITHER ONE OF YOU CAN REMEMBER YOUR EXACT WEDDING DATE. He was so adament that our Anniversary was today that I had to go find our Wedding Certificate to figure out who was right. DUH ME !!! O well I will take a man that remembers the day before vs. missing it.
(Notice: while typing this post yesterday, the internet went down twice so I gave up. I just discovered that blogger automatically saved the draft so without further ado and after the day from hell, I am going to just add the photos and be done)