Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pinterest, Watch, Late Birthday Gifts, and BMI Index all rolled into one!

I got my late birthday gift from Big C this weekend.

I started a pinterest board called "Gifts for Me" and I shared it with Big C.

Sure it takes the imagination out of it but I've posted so many items on the board I still never know what I might get.

I was kind of that ungrateful wife this birthday though. He bought a J Crew necklace that I'd posted but her paid full price for it. 


I asked him if he could return it as J Crew is way too overpriced and I usually wait until it goes on sale or better yet goes to the factory outlet.

Granted there's no guarantees that it will make it there in the color I want, but with those prices I’ll take my chances thanks.

I asked for this awesome watch Polarft40 instead.

At least it's awesome to me, the poor lass that needs to loose 100lbs to no longer be considered obese on that that universal BMI Index that the Dr. uses for every race, creed, color, body type that comes in the Drs office.

Who invented that damn BMI index anyway?

According to that thing it claims Big C is over weight as well. But if that poor man loses 1 more pound he’ll wither away for heaven’s sakes.

I know for many others this watch is dead boring! Those people are the ones that the dr used to make the damn BMI Index!

The watch comes with a chest strap that measure my heart rate, and allows me to input my weight, height etc and more accurately than most figures out how many calories I’ve burned.

I always wondered how those generic treadmills and wii remotes figured out my calories burned when it didn’t connect with any part of my body…so now I don’t have to worry anymore!

But this also means now there’s no reason to NOT exercise and NOT update my food dairy on “myfitnesspal”. Anyone else use myfitnesspal ? (My username is mcoutrier if you want to add me)

So now my quest is to find the most optimal exercise for me that burns the most calories…I’m actually excited to take this sucker swimming and see what it says when I’m done with those 40 laps (Yeah right 40 laps who am I kidding)

I also wonder if it’s true what they say that you burn a lot of calories during sex? lol

Monday, March 1, 2010

Finally joined

I finally joined weight watchers. I had tried by myself to do weight watchers before as I knew roughly how many points I'd get but I never stuck to it. One minute I was on the other minute I created excuses as to why I could cheat for the weekend etc!

There really is something about paying someone else a monthly fee to make you feel accountable, it's working so far, only on my 3rd week but lost 6lbs.

There were two reason I joined, one to finally wear the clothes in my closet and two because I don't want to develop diabetes, oh I just thought of a third reason...I'm tired of the Wii telling me I'm obese when I stand on it!!! Who makes those height weight standards any way? LOL

It's interesting how I put my clothes before my health as to reason as to why I want to loose weight! I guess that's the reality of it in my mind!

Off to read blogs, haven't read any in over two months....I miss reading the interesting lives of others.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Then and Now

So what do you look like now and what would you like to look like? When I look at that profile picture of you in the top right hand is that really you? My face is slightly rounder than my profile picture but I'd say it's a pretty accurate picture and you'd recognize me if you had to pick me up from the airport!!!!

I was talking with Chrissy as she had a bad dream where she was 400lbs...I told her that my weight is no dream but reality!! I mean I'm no where near 400lbs but when I see myself in pictures I can't believe how big I really am. Chrissy thought it personal to ask me if I breastfed as she lost weight that way. I didn't see anything personal about that question. Is that a personal question? I did breastfeed and it was the best diet known to man. If they could bottle that...every gym, diet and home made equipment manufacturer would be out of business.

The weight dropped off quicker than if I'd had gastric bypass...I actually think my body forgot my pre pregnancy weight and how much weight it was supposed to shed as it took off an extra 20lbs more than it was supposed to!!! But even after the extra 20lbs I was still overweight "before" I got pregnant. What I mean to say was, I was still having problems with my clothes before I got pregnant.

And I know you're metabolism is supposed to do something wacky when you hit your thirties and yes I could go out and by more clothes but I was so used to sooooo many things. I was used to being able to eat anything and not gain and ounce (I know those were the good old days and I'm not even asking for those days back), I was used to not shopping in double digits (I'm not even asking to be a size 8 again but I don't want to get too high in the double digits), and I was used to being able to use ALL of the clothes in my closet (now that's not too much to ask for, I've finally put the size 7-8 away and don't pretend to myself that they will fit one day!).

I know that all sounds vain, unrealistic and probably mean, but there you have. I bared all and left nothing out shoot me!!!

So now I've got ALL that off my are some pictures to help you digest the problem!!

I swear I feel so much smaller than the person I see in the picture...but I know in my head I can't be as I still can't fit most of the clothes in my closet!!!

See this is me now:

Of course I am over joyed that there is gap between my legs (at least when I sit with my legs this wide! LOL) and of course I am glad that I can even sit on the floor in these jeans (you know there's always those jeans that you can only stand in but god forbid you drop a 100 dollar bill on the floor, as it might as well stay there, I don't wear those kind of jeans as they just make me feel worse but I used to wear those jeans!).

Then this is how I would love to look again but I know unless I join an anorexia class it will never happen (no offense to anyone who has suffered from anorexia it's a horrible disease and I did my fair share of puking when I was in college so I'm not making a mockery of it). Plus Big C would get jealous and drive me up the wall:

But I would totally settle for this size again though, it was comfortable, romantic and classy! I know those words are strange to describe ones size but that's how I felt...I felt like I would wear anything comfortably without the world staring at me (I mean I love the red dress picture above but that size got way too much undesired attention and I'm not big on attention, I'm one of those people on those tests that would like to slip into a room unnoticed!):

Big C tries to tell me all the time that he loves me no matter what size I am and of course I love him dearly for saying it but I want to love myself too!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Great News for those who care!

I know a few people will be able to relate to this post!

A few months ago I tried on a pair of my favorite black corduroy pants and they were so stinking tight the button couldn’t even say hello to the buttons hole they were that far apart!

I was sad…but I accepted it, got over it and went to work naked!! Yeah right!

Anyway this morning I was in a rush and I just grabbed pants not knowing it was the pair that didn’t fit a few months ago and low and behold the button can now say hello to the button hole!!!

Once I realized which pants they were I was elated!

I mean I haven’t quite kept up with my subliminal deal with Jude and Kansas Queen of braving the cold and making it down to the basement to go on the treadmill daily but I have made it at least twice a week.

For those of you who can relate you know what happy dance I was doing this morning right!

P.S. I still miss my Typepad people...I still can't leave comments on Typepad accounts I don't know when the stupid problem will be over...I miss you muahh (that's me blowing a kiss)

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Finally coming up for air!!!

I feel like this year has gone of to a speeding start...maybe it's because I'm trying to get "stay" organized and and "focused" focused that I'm running around in circles if that's even possible!!

I haven't been able to do any blogging in days...maybe even weeks if I had time to look at dates.

So I finally came up for air...and I'm rapidly treading water here guys. I had a moment in between projects at work so I quickly opened up text pad and I'm acting like I'm taking notes on something really important!! Since when did work get in the way of my blogging...hmm maybe I need to add "priorities" to that never ending new years resolutions list! Hmm

So I made a pact with Kansas Queen, well that's if you can call it a pact, I really did nothing more than screw myself and then shoot myselt in the foot!! My pact was that I have to exercise at least 20 minutes a day. If I don't exercise my penalties are no emailing, and that means no reading or writing of emails.

We started this pact January 1st and needless to say I've only been able to read emails twice since the new year! Yeah we're off to a great start here aren't we!!

So last night I set the alarm clock for 4AM, I usually love getting up at this hour, but not this morning. I set it again to 5AM...yeah right. I finally got up 6:11 AM as it was pretty hard to sleep while Baby C sang at the top of her lungs downstairs. (Big C gets her up and dressed in the morning and she's a cheery little bugger in the mornings!)

I was finally dressed and ready at 6:50AM and I let the cloggs in my brain spin on a plan to exercise before leaving so that I could finally read my emails after days of email depravity. (Yes email is like caffiene to me!).

All of a sudden a dangerous light bulb went on in my head....I grabbed baby C's infant carrier and blopped her in it, donned in her coat and all. Once she was securely fastened, I carefully waddled down to the basement and started the treadmill at a slow 2.3 speed pace!!! Well wouldn't you know it 6 minutes in Baby C was fast asleep on my chest and I was beginning to break a sweat! Normally such a slow speed wouldn't do a thing for me...but hauling 16 lbs on your chest will make you sweat at any speed!!! LOL

So here I am folks...reading emails, blogging, and I've even exercised!!!

I guess I'd better get back to work...all these paragraphs and exclamation points are never going to pass off as work notes are they!