A few weeks ago Baby C went to a "Rocket Launch" science program called "November Sky" held at the Cradle of Aviation.
When I tried to explain to her what the program was she didn't really seem that interested.
I wasn't sure if the program would be above her head or if she'd become a little to used to playing with Barbie and dressing her Build A Bear in tutu's.
The program was thankfully divided into Girl Scout levels and it was perfect for her age. She got to build a rocket from a plastic water bottle and propel it up into the sky by pumping air into the water in the bottle.
Luckily we drink A LOT of seltzer at home and we use the Soda Stream system to make it, so the concept of air being forced into a small bottle and then what happens when it's all compressed inside and then letting go...WAS NOT a foreign concept to her.
In the end I think she LOVED the program and if asked would probably say yes to going back next year.
At next level up the Girl Scouts got to build a rocket using Estes Alpha III rocket kits which ignites and has an engine.
I'm extremely happy that Girl Scouts is steadily trying to push more and more STEM programs into their events realizing quickly that these girls given half a chance and if introduced at a young enough age will excel at ALL of the activities usually designated for the "Boys Only" crowd.
I'm proud of my little one and her water bottle rocket!